McKownville Improvement Association
- McKownville land forming the Gore; ownership records from deeds

Extent of the Gore lots allocated by partition in 1807
map showing the area
        of the gore subdivided in 1807
Some of the land called "the Gore", in between two surveyed lines, of 1712, and 1800, for the southern boundary of the City of Albany, including that in what is now McKownville, falls within the larger 5¼ mile square in which property was granted to the proprietors of the Van Bael patent by a deed of 1789 from Stephen Van Rensselaer 3rd. This land within the Gore was allocated by partition in 1807, apparently to the Van Bael patent owners in proportion to their existing shares of that conveyance.
William McKown obtained a large piece of the first parcel of the Gore, about 135 acres encompassing a substantial proportion of what is now McKownville (see the map below). Other persons received smaller lots in the first parcel of the Gore. The Gore extended farther northwest of parcel 1, and some parts of these other parcels were also acquired by William McKown (see list below).
The map to the left shows both the small Van Bael patent and the larger Van Bael patent grant, and the area of the gore partitioned in 1807 (click on the map to see a larger image). A separate page gives more information on the origin of the Gore.

  A description of allocation of the lots in 1807 can be found in deeds for two of the lots (9 and 10) in the first parcel, for conveyances in 1860, and in 1908, which specifies a decision of three named Commissioners of the (NY) Supreme Court: "All that certain lot of land distinguished as lot number nine being part of [a] large tract of land conveyed by Stephen Van Rensselaer of the County of Albany to the proprietors of Van Balens Patent situate in the Town of Guilderland on both sides of the Great Western Turnpike and in the first parcel of a certain tract of land commonly called the Gore which said Gore was subdivided and set apart by Benjamin Gilbert, John D. P. Dow, Charles R. Webster, Commissioners appointed by the Supreme Court for that purpose in the year 1807 and the lot hereby intended to be conveyed was distinguished by said Commissioners as lot number nine as aforesaid which by reference to the Records of said Supreme Court will fully appear..." and "Also one other lot piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Town of Guilderland, County of Albany on the south side of the Great Western Turnpike Road and which is known and distinguished on a certain map of partition made on the seventeenth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven by Benjamin Gilbert and others as the west half of lot number ten...".  A statement in William McKown's will indicates he obtained land in the Gore by partition, but no details are given.
Deeds for the original 1807 allocations have been sought in the index files, but no trace of them has been found (for grantors: under Commissioners, the names of any of the three Commissioners, Stephen Van Rensselaer, City of Albany, Mayor etc of the City of Albany, and Philip Van Rensselaer [Mayor at the time]; for grantees: William McKown, John, Christian, Omie, Isaac, and other LaGranges; Volkert, Abraham, John M., Jacob, and other Veeders). They appear never to have been registered.
Some of the deeds for lots in gore parcel 1, for transactions in the earlier part of the 19th century, describe markings on stakes defining corners of the lots, which are in the form of initial letter of given name(s), and a last name, and a lot number: C and J LaGrange number 7; J C LaGrange number 8; G Brown number 9; J Gourlay number 10. These are presumed to be the original owner(s) of the lot. Two of them, G(eorge) Brown, and J(ames) Gourlay, are not among the names of the Van Bael patent grantees, and it is unclear how they came to be allocated lots 9, 10, and 11 in the Gore first parcel.
We have constructed a map of the lots of parcel 1 of the Gore, which shows them to scale in their proper locations. William McKown obtained nearly 3/4 of this parcel, the proportion being 14/19ths. Perhaps the allocation was made based on a similar division to that used in the 1789 grant to the Van Bael patent owners. Map on the left shows just the allocation areas and roads and tracks of the time; modern streets and roads are added for reference in the map on the right; click on either map for the enlarged version.
map of parcel 1
          of the Gore map of parcel 1
          of the Gore with modern road locations

Listed below are property transactions for the gore lots, with links to scanned images and transcripts or abstracts of the relevant deeds, mostly for the lots in the first parcel in McKownville, up to the ownership just before extensive subdivision of each one.

deeds by which shares of Van Baels patent came to William McKown

Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
17; 376-81  pdf logo Van Baals patent Stephen Van Rensselaer J Glen; Veeders; LaGranges§ 1789-02-08 1800-03-13
16; 80-2  pdf logo all of share in Van Baals Pat Volkert S & Hannah Veeder William McKown & John Humphrey 1797-04-26 1797-04-29
17; 383-4  pdf logo all of share in Van Baals Pat John & Judith LaGrange William McKown 1798-12-05 1800-03-24
§ The grantees were: John & Catherine Glen, Luykas Veeder, Volkert S. Veeder, Volkert Veeder, Abraham Veeder, John M. Veeder, Jacob Veeder, John LaGrange, Christian LaGrange, John LaGrange the Younger, Omie LaGrange the Younger, Jacobus LaGrange, Omie LaGrange (son of Isaac LaGrange), Isaac LaGrange, Coenradt LaGrange, and Arie LaGrange 

deeds conveying a share of ownership in the Gore to William McKown
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
17; 504-5a pdf logo 5* miles btw Betty & Corp ln James M. LaGrange William McKown 1800-12-02 1800-12-02
18; 232-5   pdf logo 5* miles btw Betty & Corp ln Lucas Veeder William McKown 1800-12-25 1803-07-02
27; 238-9  pdf logo share of Gore parcel 1 Jacob Veeder William McKown 1804-01-05 1824-06-10
19; 327-9  pdf logo share of 2 Gore parcels Omie LaGrange William McKown 1806-08-03 1806-09-06
27; 290-1 pdf logo share of Gore parcel 1 Jacob & Catherine Veeder William McKown 1823-11-28 1824-07-24
* The original conveyance by Stephen Van Rensselaer (1789) defines the larger square of the Van Bael patent as 5¼ miles on a side; the western boundary of the gore partition of 1807 appears to be located on the western boundary of this square, but the 5 mile dimension in these two deeds, and specification in deeds for lot 11 of the first parcel of a stone marker of the southeastern corner of the Gore, and also in a deed (1848) for the adjacent farm of Martin J Blessing, shows that the gore property partitioned in 1807 did not extend the full width of the patent award.

Gore properties in McKownville; first parcel of the Gore
lot 1 - "McKown's Tavern Stand" and lots 2-6 "McKowns 10 acre lot" and "McKowns 12 acre lot"
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
will of W McKown all of the gore property owned
William McKown John McKown 1815-08-25 1843-10-24
166; 179-80b pdf logo Gore pcS; 12ac John & Catherine McKown James F. McKown 1860-04-23 1861-01-07
228; 513-4pdf logo Gore lot 1; 113.32ac John McKown William J. McKown 1864-08-19 1870-01-15
228; 513-4b pdf logo Gore pcN; 10ac John McKown William J. McKown 1864-08-19 1870-01-15
421; 207-8  pdf logo 1ac W side McKown Rd
James Francis McKown, et al
Thomas Helme MD
456; 184-5  pdf logo 2ac N of Turnpike, W of Drumm
Kate, Ella, Anna McKown William J Knowles
482; 524-5  pdf logo 1ac W side McKown Rd Thomas & Charlotta Helme
George A Manville
567; 19-21  pdf logo McKown Hotel Farm 184.35ac*
heirs of William J McKown
William H Witbeck
567; 148-9  pdf logo Release of restrictive covenant
heirs of William J McKown William H & Selenia Witbeck 1907-11-27 1908-04-02
603; 197-200  pdf logo McKown Hotel Farm 184.35ac* William H & Selenia Witbeck A Pitkin & BF Witbeck
603; 206-7  pdf logo ~1.74ac (W side Brookwood)§ William McKown John H Bloomingdale 1912-05-25 1912-05-28
679; 509  pdf logo 0.22ac S side tpike§ William McKown Margaret Rice 1921-03-23 1921-03-23
739; 212  pdf logo 2.4ac E side McKown Rd William McKown Anna & Eva Floy McKown 1921-02-25 1924-11-11
739; 260-1  pdf logo 0.48ac W side Brookwood§ Executors of William McKown John H Bloomingdale 1925-02-11 1925-02-24
774; 360-5  pdf logo ~9.6ac (Westlyn Ct) Executors of William McKown Herbert W Best 1927-04-20 1927-04-20
*includes ~63ac adjoining, southwest outside the gore area; § 603-206 may have been reverted/not completed; 679-509 overlaps, and 739-260 is (part of?) the remainder  

lot 7 - (marker C & J LaGrange) "Peter Hilton (Jr.) lot" 
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
23; 421-2 pdf logopdf logo 6.25 acres gore Christian C LaGrange
Francis Van Valkenburgh 1811-03-26
124; 39-42  pdf logo 6.25 acres gore
Francis Van Valkenburgh Peter Hilton (Jr.) 1818-08-10 1835-07-07
will of Peter Hilton
all real property*
Peter Hilton (Jr.) James French McKown¤
231; 306-7  pdf logo 2ac gore N side tpike
James F & Sarah McKown Andrew Drumm
327; 231-2  pdf logo 1ac N side tpike Andrew & Rispah Drumm Henry Drumm 1875-04-01
334; 431-2  pdf logo 1ac N side tpike Henry & Mary Drumm Harriet P Shear 1881-08-03 1881-08-13
392; 106-8  pdf logo 1.25ac N side tpike
Andrew & Rispah Drumm Henry Drumm
347; 256-7  pdf logo 1ac N side tpike Harriet P Shear James B Clark
449; 277-8  pdf logo 1ac N side tpike James B Clark Adam J Blessing
449; 278-9  pdf logo 1ac N side tpike Adam J Blessing Mary J Clark
1893-04-15 1893-09-23
456; 282-3  pdf logo 1ac N side tpike Henry & Mary Drumm William J Knowles 1894-10-25 1895-04-06
456; 290-1  pdf logo 4ac S side tpike
William & Rachael McKown¤
Henry & Mary Drumm
545; 508  pdf logo 1.48ac S side tpike
Henry & Mary Drumm
William E Stevens
630; 190  pdf logo 1.48ac S side tpike William E Stevens Maryum G Stevens 1914-09-01
651; 271  pdf logo 1.48ac S side tpike Maryum G Stevens Grace H Brett
651; 270  pdf logo 1.48ac S side tpike Grace H Brett William & Maryum Stevens 1917-01-19 1917-01-20
679; 122  pdf logo 1.14ac S side turnpike
Mary Drumm William & Maryum Stevens
679; 414-5  pdf logo 0.92ac S side tpike (E½)
Elda P Rapp°
Floyd & Lena D Hane° 1920-10-02
679; 415-6  pdf logo 0.73ac S side tpike (W½) Lena D Hane° Arthur O & Elda P Rapp° 1920-10-02 1920-10-05
705; 37-8  pdf logo 1.48, & 1.14ac S side tpike William & Maryum Stevens Elizabeth C Wetheral 1921-06-07 1921-06-08
774; 244  pdf logo 0.92ac S side tpike (E½) Lena Hane, Arthur & Elda Rapp° Richard J Rasmuson 1926-10-09 1926-10-13
774; 245-6  pdf logo 0.73ac S side tpike (W½) Arthur O & Elda P Rapp° Richard J Rasmuson 1926-10-08 1926-10-13
774; 246-7  pdf logo 1.48, & 1.14ac S side tpike Elizabeth C Wetheral Richard J Rasmuson 1926-10-08 1926-10-13
774; 333-5  pdf logo 60ft roadway (Brookwood Av) John H Bloomingdale Richard & Catherine Rasmuson 1927-02-14 1927-02-14
*after decease of his wife Rebecca (d.1860); ¤William McKown as the only child inherited the property of his parents James French (d.1880) & Sarah Ann McKown (d.1881)
°Elda Rapp and Lena Hane were the two daughters of Henry & Mary Drumm 

lot 8 (marker JC LaGrange) (north and south of the Great Western Turnpike) - "Eli Warford lot"
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
48; 86-7  pdf logo quitclaim 11 acres gore
John LaGrange five daughters of J LaGrange
1834-10-14 1835-07-07
55; 599-600  pdf logo 11 acres gore John LaGrange Isaac & Isaac J LaGrange
55; 600-1  pdf logo 11 acres gore four daughters of John LaGrange
Isaac & Isaac J LaGrange 1835-11-16 1836-12-13
68; 168-9  pdf logo 11 acres gore Isaac LaGrange Jonathan Taylor
96; 13-14  pdf logo 11 acres gore Jonathan Taylor John Birdsall
mbk 65; 483-5pdf logo $2000# (3 parcels)
John Birdsall Lydia Vischer
1847-05-17 1847-06-12
104; 270-74  pdf logo 11 acres gore John Jacobson (administrator)
Eli Warford
171; 207-8  pdf logo 11 acres gore Eli Warford Ann Birdsall
186; 204-5  pdf logo 11 acres gore Ann Birdsall Jacob Sager
243; 181-2  pdf logo 11 acres gore Jacob Sager William H Bailey
243; 449-50  pdf logo 11 acres gore William H Bailey Annie & John Taylor
253; 343-5  pdf logo 11 acres gore Annie & John Taylor Emma McCann & Helen Salisbury
332; 68-70  pdf logo 11 acres gore Emma McCann & Helen Salisbury Charles Gimlick
567; 365-6  pdf logo 7.51ac S side tpike
Charles Gimlick Jacob W Wilbur
705; 10  pdf logo ~0.57ac; Gimlick lot 5*
Charles A & Mary Gimlick Minnie Briare
# refers to "...buildings on the said premises..." but could be just on the two Bethlehem lots; also, "...John Birdsall of the Town of Bethlehem..."
* Charles A Gimlick sold between 1912 and 1925 the ~2.5 acres on the north side of Western Avenue as 8 separate lots. Lot 5 contains the ~1840 Federal style brick house at 1245 Western Avenue  

lot 9
(marker G Brown) prior to division across the Turnpike
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
 not found grantee index lot 9 gore ~6.23ac
George Brown (?)

 not found grantee index

(?) George Brown Volkert P Douw

55; 53-5  pdf logo lot 9 gore ~6.23ac Volkert & Helen Douw Warner Daniels 1836-08-28 1836-08-31

lot 9 (north side of the Gt Western Turnpike) - "Aaron Jennings lot"
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
166; 58-60  pdf logo lot 9N; 1 acre gore Elizabeth Daniels et al
Thomas Helme
176; 258-9  pdf logo lot 9N; 1 acre gore Thomas & Elizabeth Helme Margaret McMillen# 1862-03-25
208; 81-2  pdf logo lot 9N; 1 acre gore
Margaret# & Robert Moak James French McKown 1867-03-22 1835-07-07
379; 5-6  pdf logo lot 9N; 1 acre gore William & Catherine L McKown (heirs)
Aaron Jennings
#Margaret Van Schaack, wife/widow of Alexander McMillen; mother of Lavina, wife of William McKown; subsequently married Robert Moak

lot 9 (south side of the Gt Western Turnpike) - "Helme W lot"
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
 173; 115-7  pdf logo lots 9S, 10W & E gore ~11.5ac Elizabeth Daniels et al Thomas Helme 1862-03-29 1862-04-01
 258; 251-3  pdf logo lots 9S, 10W & E gore ~11.5ac Henry & Cordelia Daniels Thomas Helme 1873-01-11 1873-02-04
423; 435-8  pdf logo lots 9S, 10W & E gore ~11.5ac Thomas & Lottie Helme et al Elizabeth Helme 1891-02-04 1891-02-24
567; 196-8  pdf logo lots 9S, 10W & E gore ~11.5ac execs of Elizabeth Helme Thomas Helme 1908-07-01 1908-09-03

lot 10 (marker J Gourlay) prior to division
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
 22; 403-5  pdf logo lot 10 ~10.5ac James & Lany Gourlay Solomon Southwick 1813-10-22 1813-11-10
 22; 399-401 pdf logo lot 10 ~10.5ac (half share) Solomon & Jane Southwick Henry C Southwick 1813-10-28 1813-11-13
25; 6-7  pdf logo lot 10 piece N side Turnpike (~1 acre) James & Lany Gourlay John Taylor 1818-08-03
26; 84-88  pdf logo lot 10 ~10.5ac Stephen Lush et al (mtge holders) Volkert P Douw 1822-07-02 1822-09-19

lot 10 (small gore ~0.75 acre north of the GWT) - "Cooper lot"
see deed 25; 6-7 above

lot 10 (south side of the Great Western Turnpike) - "Helme E lot"
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
26; 88-90 pdf logo lot 10W gore ~5.35ac Volkert P Douw Stephen Lush 1822-07-29 1822-09-19
55; 6-7  pdf logo lot 10E gore ~5.35ac Volkert P Douw James Walsh
1822-07-29 1836-08-20
70; 332-4  pdf logo lot 10W gore ~5.35ac Lydia Lush et al
Gertrude Ross 1833-12-[ ]
 55; 42-3  pdf logo lot 10E gore ~5.35ac Daniel & Catherine Barnard
Warner Daniels 1836-08-20 1836-08-20
55; 255-6  pdf logo lot 10W gore ~5.35ac
William & Gertrude Ross
Warner Daniels
173; 115-7  pdf logo lots 9S, 10W & E gore ~11.5ac Elizabeth Daniels et al Thomas Helme 1862-03-29
258; 251-3  pdf logo lots 9S, 10W & E gore ~11.5ac Henry & Cordelia Daniels
Thomas Helme 1873-01-11
423; 435-8  pdf logo lots 9S, 10W & E gore ~11.5ac Thomas & Lottie Helme et al
Elizabeth Helme 1891-02-04
567; 196-8  pdf logo lots 9S, 10W & E gore ~11.5ac
execs of Elizabeth Helme
Thomas Helme

lot 11 - "Amsdell lot"
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
not found grantee index

 LaGrange (?)
James Gourlay

31; 428  pdf logo 19.3 acres gore James & Lena Gourlay
Samuel Bromley
33; 41-2  pdf logo 19.3 acres gore Samuel & Elizabeth Bromley
Stephen Higgins 1827-11-01
mbk 24; 261-2 pdf logo for $300; disch. mbk 28; 292-3
Stephen Higgins Samuel Bromley 1827-11-01 1827-11-01
mbk 28; 293-5* pdf logo for $500; disch. 1835-07-07 (33; 152)
Stephen Higgins Ambrose Spencer 1830-11-20 1830-11-20
50; 200-202  pdf logo 19.3 acres gore
Stephen & Eleanor Higgins William Amsdell 1834-06-20 1835-07-07
104; 103-5  pdf logo 2ac S of pike; tollgate
Great Western Turnpike Co
William Amsdell 1849-07-14
115; 315  pdf logo small triangular piece N of tpike
William Amsdell William Cooper
150; 456-7  pdf logo 19.3 acres; 2ac S of tpike; William Amsdell John A Millard 1858-04-17 1858-04-17
150; 457-8  pdf logo 19.3 acres; 2ac S of tpike; John A Millard
Abbey Amsdell
373; 28-9  pdf logo 19.3 acres; 2ac S of tpike; George & Theodore Amsdell
John Grisel [Geisel]
448; 339-40  pdf logo 2.11ac strip on E side
Frederick Danker John & Mary Geisel
448; 341-2  pdf logo 2.11ac strip on E side John & Mary Geisel Henry & Anna Weyman
1893-07-28 1893-07-31
482; 106-8  pdf logo 19.3 acres; 2ac S, less 2.11ac John Geisel William Knowles 1897-04-05
482; 514-7  pdf logo 19.3 acres; 2ac S, less 2.11ac William & Caroline Knowles
Anton Keller
567; 186-7  pdf logo 19.3 acres; 2ac S, less 2.11ac Anton & Clara Keller Bernard & May Sheehan 1908-07-22
771; 114-6  pdf logo E boundary agreement
Bernard & May Sheehan
Sidney & Lucy Stockholm
* contains the statement: "...and on which said lot or piece of land the said Stephen Higgins now resides...." - the implication being that the house was built by this time

Property adjoining east side of lot 11; not part of the gore
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
25; 4-6 pdf logo 49.2 acres, S of tpike, W from Magazine St
Philip S & Ann Van Rensselaer
John Taylor
43; 195-7 pdf logo 49.2 acres, S of tpike, W from Magazine St John Taylor Ambrose Spencer
43; 116-9 pdf logo 183.7 acres, S of tpike, W from Blessing Rd Ambrose & Catherine Spencer Sidney Hawes 1832-10-25
50; 266-9 pdf logo 183.7 acres, S of tpike, W from Blessing Rd Sidney & Barbara Hawes
Caleb Bennett
98; 416-9  pdf logo 183.7 acres, S of tpike, W from Blessing Rd
Caleb N & Susan Bennett
Martin J Blessing

Gore properties northwest of McKownville;  McKown holdings in the second and third parcels of the Gore
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
109; 258-9  pdf logo 136.1ac gore NW from Willow St (3rd parcel) John & Catherine McKown
C Miller et al
140; 208-9  pdf logo 158.3ac gore Westmere N of tpike (2nd parcel)
John & Catherine McKown J Craven, S Kelly
229; 12-13 pdf logo gore lot; 2ac John T & Charles D Cooper John McKown 1870-01-01 1870-01-17
239; 217-22 pdf logo [lot 2; 1101/3ac] gore 2ac James F. McKown (administrator) William J McKown 1871-01-26 1871-03-23
285; 509-10  pdf logo 2ac ?in gore William J & Lydia McKown John Smith 1875-10-11 1875-10-19

Gore properties northwest of McKownville; some other early owners holdings in the second parcel of the Gore
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
23; 419-20  pdf logo 69.75ac lot 8; 19.13ac lot 7 (2nd parcel gore) (+) John LaGrange Robert Adams 1815-01-13 1815-03-18
33; 198-200  pdf logo 30.33ac; lot 11 2nd parcel gore (J Gourlay) Samuel & Elizabeth Bromley P Cushman, A Adams 1827-11-26 1827-11-28
55; 47-9  pdf logo 29.3ac lot 3; ¼ lot 4 29ac (2nd parcel gore) (+) Matthew & Susannah Bullock Warner Daniels, W Adams 1836-08-24 1836-08-30

return/go to Gore property page
return to history page