McKownville Improvement Association
- Deeds for the Great Lots 1-5 and 13-17 from 1817 to sales to the Albany Country Club 1895-1923

Deeds searched in the Albany County Hall of Records and the Albany County Clerks's Office
All these properties originated with the survey and sale of the first 27 Great Lots, west from Magazine Street;
map surveyed by Evert Van Alen, August 1817 for the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Albany, registered 13 September 1817
and sold by them 13 September 1817 to 23 March 1818 as recorded in Chamberlain's lists of Leases and Releases, page 122.

Deeds or conveyances for the original sales of Great Lots 1-5 and 13-17
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
24; 457-8  pdf logo great lot 1 (46.7ac)
City of Albany (Mayor, etc) Thomas Gould 1818-03-23 1818-09-04
C9; 212  pdf logo great lot 2 (46.7ac) (L&Rl, 122)pdf logo City of Albany (Mayor, etc) James Gibbons
1818-03-23 nr
124; 70-2  pdf logo great lot 3 (46.6ac)
City of Albany (Mayor, etc) Thomas Herring
1818-03-23 1853-09-16
25; 2-4  pdf logo great lot 4 (43.9ac) (w/ other items) City of Albany (Mayor, etc) John Taylor 1818-03-23 1819-01-12
24; 400-1 pdf logo great lots 5 & 6 (74.6ac)
City of Albany (Mayor, etc) Spencer Stafford
C9; 204  pdf logo great lot 13 (47.2ac) City of Albany (Mayor, etc) Charles D Cooper 1818-03-23
25; 2-4  pdf logo great lots 14, 15, (113.9ac) (w/ other items) City of Albany (Mayor, etc)
John Taylor
L & Rl, 122pdf logo   great lots 16 & 17 (each 57.4 acres) City of Albany (Mayor, etc) R Westerlo & John J Evertsen
1818-03-23 nr

Great Lots 1 and 2 did not form part of the land eventually acquired by the Country Club; partial search lists for deeds of property in those lots are located after the listings for the other lots.

Subsequent conveyances for Great Lot 3
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
40; 497-50pdf logo pt lots 1, 2, 3, & (1¼, 1¼, 2.15ac)
T Gould; J Gibbons; T Herring; &
Mohawk & Hudson RR Co
55; 102-4  pdf logo great lot 3 (46.6ac) Executors of Thomas Herring
Thomas H Herring 1835-07-22
59; 452-3  pdf logo pt gt lot 3 (8.75ac)
Thomas H Herring Gustavus Shepard [>|] 1837-02-23
62; 249-51pdf logo pt gt lot 3 (6.5ac) Thomas H Herring Oliver Holden [>|] 1836-09-09
124; 66-70pdf logo pts gt lot 3 (24ac, 1.25ac)
Thomas H & Sabina B Herring Abram R Lawrence
lost (see 372; 390-1)
lots 3, 5 (46.5ac, 39.5ac)
Hiram Hayner [|<] Matilda Jones
210; 43-5 pdf logo E pt lot 3 (24 ac, 1.25ac)
Andrew Lawrence (executor)
Thomas C Higgins
210; 42-3 pdf logo E pt lot 3 (24 ac, 1.25ac)
Thomas C & Julia M Higgins
Enmor K Adams
231; 206-7pdf logo E pt lot 3 (24 ac, 1.25ac)
Enmor K & Elizabeth G Adams
James Munson 1870-04-14
372; 390-1pdf logo quit claim lot 3 (46.6ac), lot 5 (39.5ac) Elias & Joseph Hayner
Matilda Jones 1886-03-18
372; 392-3pdf logo lot 3 (46.6ac), lot 5 (39.5ac)
Matilda Jones
Lucy A Dennick [>|] 1886-03-05
396; 411-5pdf logo E pt lot 3 (24 ac, 1.25ac)
Erastus Munson, J. Brown (execs)
David C Connell [>|] 1888-06-30
630; 435  pdf logo 46.6ac, gt lot 3
Lois E Bainbridge [|<] Albany Country Club 1913-08-25
[>|] indicates that subsequent deed was not found; [|<] indicates that preceeding deed was not found

Subsequent conveyances for Great Lot 4
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
71; 59-65  pdf logo great lot 4 (w/ other items) 43.9ac
Margaret Cooper
John Taylor Cooper
658; 38-40  pdf logo 43.9 acres, gt lot 4
Cooper Land Company
Albany Country Club 1916-07-06

Subsequent conveyances for Great Lot 5
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
31; 81-2  pdf logo great lots 5 & 6 (74.6ac) Spencer & Harriet Stafford Fall River Iron Works Co [>|] 1826-12-30
lost (see 372; 390)
lots 3, 5 (46.6ac, 39.5ac) Hiram Hayner [|<] Matilda Jones 1856-01-25
372; 390-1  pdf logo quit claim lots 3, 5 (46.6ac, 39.5ac) Elias & Joseph Hayner Matilda Jones 1886-03-18 1886-03-27
372; 392-3  pdf logo  lot 3 (46.6ac), lot 5 (39.5ac)* Matilda Jones Lucy A Dennick 1886-03-05 1886-03-27
516; 220-3 pdf logo gt lot 5 (39.5ac) John, Mary E, & William Enos [|<] Henry Enos 1901-12-21
516; 223-6 pdf logo gt lot 5 (39.5ac) Melinda E Reed et al [|<] Henry Enos 1901-12-21 1902-01-04
516; 474-6 pdf logo gt lot 5 (39.5ac)* Lucy A Dennick (plaintiff) vs. Henry Enos (defendant)
657; 221 pdf logo 80 (or 8) acres, gt lot 3 (?)# Henry D Enos John L Hein 1916-04-03 1916-09-15
671; 227-8pdf logo 80 (or 8) acres, gt lot 3 (?)#
Henry D Enos et al
John L Hein
741; 9-10  pdf logo 80 acres (or 8), gt lot 3 (?)# Georgiana Hein
Albany Country Club 1923-12-17
  *Dennick lost the 1903 lawsuit; title to lot 5 awarded (adverse possession) to Henry Enos
   # lot description in these deeds appears defective. It should refer to lot 5 of Van Alen map of 1817; and the area either 8 acres, or 18 acres, certainly not 80.

The recitations in these deeds (Enos to John Hein, and G Hein to the Country Club) state the area to be great lot 3 and consisting of 80 acres, but the whole of great lot 3 had been sold (all 46.6 acres) to the Club in 1913 by Lois Bainbridge. We think that the area sold by Enos was 8 acres (the amount Enos claimed to be farming in the 1880 census agriculture return), or perhaps 18 acres, and the lot in fact just a part of number 5 (whose full area on Van Alen's 1817 map is 39.5 acres). The deeds contain no boundary measurements, and refer to undated maps (Van Allen & Yates; Yates & McIntyre) neither of which shows lot 3, nor lot 5 for that matter. Enos obtained his property through a 1903 court case in which he was sued for trespass by Lucy Dennick; a newspaper report of the proceedings says that he claimed to have been farming it (and his father before him) since about 1840, but he could not produce any deed in court. The report says that Dennick's lawyer did not show up for the hearing, so the judgement was made for Enos, in adverse possession; all very strange, since Dennick did have a recorded deed, as did Matilda Jones (her mother) who conveyed the property to Dennick. The recorded judgement refers to these, nullifying the part covering great lot 5 of 39.5 acres and conveying that to Henry Enos. So Enos conveyance to Hein, and Hein to the Club, ought to be for lot 5, or part of it, not exceeding 39.5 acres, but that is not how either of these read. It becomes clear that it must have been for 8 acres, since a deed for 31.5 acres of lot 5 was conveyed 7 Feb 1916 by John Enos & others to Charles S Motisher (referenced in a later deed in 1946, book 1098 p165-8).
Matilda Jones was from the Hayner family; she claimed to have obtained the property in 1856 from Hiram Hayner but that the deed was lost; she got the recorded replacement deed from Elias & Joseph Hayner (presumably heirs of Hiram) in 1886. Henry Enos' father married a Hayner sister/daughter. This may have been at root a family inheritance dispute, but the inconsistencies in the deeds leading up to the sale of this property to the Country Club must also have been caused by other things, most likely including careless lawyers.

Subsequent conveyances for Great Lot 13
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
71; 183-90pdf logo great lots 1, 13 (93.9 acres) & more
Margaret Cooper 3 Trustees (incl. Alonzo Potter)
1841-02-11 1841-02-19
84; 64-5  pdf logo great lots 1, 13 (93.9 acres)
Alonzo Potter (Trustee)
William Cooper 1844-12-23
153; 385-8pdf logo all property of Susan M Cooper
John T Cooper (trustee)
Charles D Cooper (trustee)
190; 292-6pdf logo great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
George D Krumbhaar
(trustee for Susan M Cooper)
Samuel Gross 1864-10-08
no index/record;
ref in 212; 286-8
great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
Samuel Gross Eli C & Martha E Clark 1867-03-15
212; 286-8pdf logo great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
Eli C & Martha E Clark
Samuel Gross 1867-10-09
217; 15-17pdf logo gt lot 1 (47.4ac), & 46ac of lot 13*
Samuel & Rachel E Gross Charles A & Burton H Denison
1868-03-14 1868-04-22
263; 360-1pdf logo gt lots 13 (46ac), 1 (46.7ac)
xc water wks; undiv½s
Burton H & Jane E Denison Charles A Denison 1873-10-02
267; 65-6  pdf logo 46 acres of gt lot 13
Samuel & Rachel E Gross Charles A Denison 1873-10-06
302; 381-2pdf logo 46ac, 17.2ac, parts of gt lot 13, 1
Burton H Denison Charles A Denison 1877-05-22
382; 294-6pdf logo 17.2 acres (S part of gt lot 1);
46 acres of gt lot 13
Charles A Denison David W & Maria Seeley 1887-04-13
488; 186-7pdf logo 46 acres of lot 13 David W Seeley
Clara E Seeley 1897-06-07
539; 368-9pdf logo 46 acres of lot 13
Clara E Seeley
Charles V Winne
577; 38-9  pdf logo ~2 acres, partly flooded
Charles V Winne
Albany Country Club 1904-06-02
644; 452-3  pdf logo 1.6 acres
Charles V Winne Albany Country Club 1909-11-29
644; 488-9  pdf logo 12.2 ac in gt lot 13
Charles V Winne Albany Country Club 1915-11-11 1915-11-11
   *excluded a thin triangle (about 1.2 acres) from the SW side and corner of lot 13, conveyed attached to lot 14 from this date

Subsequent conveyances for Great Lots 14 &15 and small pieces adjacent
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
25; 6-7  pdf logo gore piece N side Turnpike (~1 ac)
James & Lany Gourlay
John Taylor 1818-08-03
115; 315  pdf logo gore at Western turnpike N side
William Amsdell
William Cooper 1852-01-xx
122; 39-43pdf logo great lots 14, 15, gore (w/ other items)
Margaret Cooper
Charles D Cooper & I Vanderpool
144; 53-7  pdf logo great lots 14, 15, gore (w/ other items) Charles D Cooper & I Vanderpool (trustees)
Susan M Cooper
ref in 153; 385-8
all property of Susan M Cooper Susan M Cooper John T Cooper (trustee) 1858-09-20 nr?
153; 385-8pdf logo all property of Susan M Cooper
John T Cooper (trustee)
Charles D Cooper (trustee)
190; 292-6pdf logo great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
George D Krumbhaar
(trustee for Susan M Cooper)
Samuel Gross 1864-10-08
no index/record;
ref in 212; 286-8
great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
Samuel Gross Eli C & Martha E Clark 1867-03-15
212; 286-8pdf logo great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
Eli C & Martha E Clark
Samuel Gross 1867-10-09
221; 139-4pdf logo great lots 14 & 15; pt 13 (116 ac)
Samuel & Rachel E Gross George Canaday 1869-02-24 1869-02-27
225; 158-9pdf logo 16.85 ac (N parts of lots 14, 15)
George & Catherine Canaday Anna T Hallenbeck
227; 117-2pdf logo ~100ac (remainder lots 13, 14, 15)
George & Catherine Canaday Abigal Hutchinson
230; 438-4pdf logo ~100ac (remainder lots 13, 14, 15) Abigal Hutchinson Margaret A Peters
250; 183-8pdf logo ~100ac (remainder lots 13, 14, 15) Dell P Peters
Howard Campbell 1872-04-04
268; 232-3pdf logo 16.85 ac (N parts of lots 14, 15)
Anna T Hallenbeck William F Benedict
271; 193-5pdf logo 16.85 ac (N parts of lots 14, 15) William F & Sarah A Benedict Edwin H Griffith 1874-03-19 1874-03-25
275; 156-8pdf logo 16.85 ac (N parts of lots 14, 15) Edwin H & Mary L Griffith
Samuel B Campbell [>|] 1874-04-01
289; 422-5pdf logo ~100ac (remainder lots 13, 14, 15) Howard Campbell Elizabeth N Campbell
301; 242-4pdf logo 86 acres (S part lots 14 & 15) Thomas Sayre (referee) Paul Cushman 1877-03-26 1877-04-14
414; 30-5  pdf logo 13.8ac, N part of gt lot 14 Osgood H Shepherd (referee)
David A Thompson 1877-11-14
414; 35-7  pdf logo 13.8ac, N part of gt lot 14 David & Margaret Thompson
Jennie E Burch 1879-11-17 1890-02-10
349; 352-4pdf logo 86 acres (S part lots 14 & 15) Paul Cushman William J Knowles 1883-04-02 1883-04-09
456; 263-5  pdf logo 86 acres
William J & Carrie Knowles
Albany Country Club
544; 266-8pdf logo 16.85 ac (N parts of lots 14, 15)?
Benjamin Secor, Josiah Chapin [|<] Robert J McCauley*
596; 504  pdf logo 13.8ac, part of gt lot 14 Jennie E Burch Albany Hospital 1911-01-31 1911-02-02
603; 414-5  pdf logo 16.85 acres (N parts of lots 14, 15) Isabella McCauley
Albany Country Club 1913-04-02
646; 481-2  pdf logo 13.8ac, part of gt lot 14
Albany Hospital
Albany Country Club 1916-02-03
*no other deed found in the indexes where McCauley might have obtained ownership of this property; but this deed does not specifically list real property, and unknown if/when Secor & Chapin might have obtained it.

Subsequent conveyances for Great Lots 16 &17
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
29; 225-7  pdf logo great lots 16 & 17 each 57.4 acres C Van Antwerp (sheriff, ex R Westerlo &)
Robert Dunbar Jr [>|] 1826-04-19
69; 119-23  pdf logo great lots 16 & 17 (w/ other items) Philip S Van Rensselaer et al [|<] Cornelia Van Rensselaer 1840-05-23
86; 17-20  pdf logo great lots 16 & 17 (w/ other items)
Philip S Van Rensselaer et al
William P Van Rensselaer
118; 149-50  pdf logo great lots 16 & 17 each 57.4 acres
William P & Sarah Van Rensselaer Jeanette LaGrange
183; 206-7  pdf logo 73 acres, N parts gt lots 16, 17
Christian P LaGrange
John Artcher
216; 43-4 pdf logo 73 acres, N parts gt lots 16, 17 John & Susan Artcher Austin Artcher 1868-04-17
224; 380-1  pdf logo 73 acres, N parts gt lots 16, 17 Austin & Matilda Artcher Archibald Van Meter 1869-01-01 1869-06-07
224; 381-2  pdf logo 73 acres, N parts gt lots 16, 17 Archibald Van Meter
Matilda H Artcher
226; 151-3  pdf logo 30 acres, N part gt lot 16
Matilda H & Austin Artcher Benjamin G Hendrickson
226; 184-6  pdf logo 39.6 acres N part gt lot 17, pt lot 16
Matilda H & Austin Artcher Hezekiah Dodge
254; 176-8  pdf logo 15 acres W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Benjamin G Hendrickson Margaret O'Brien
263; 398-9  pdf logo 39.6 acres N part gt lot 17, pt lot 16 Hezekiah & Helen M Dodge
Amos Dodge
275; 106-7  pdf logo 15 acres W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Margaret O'Brien Phoebe A Jones
292; 262-4 pdf logo 15 acres W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Phoebe A Jones Lucy A Dennick [pt>|] 1876-04-19
456; 518-20 pdf logo 39.6 acres N part gt lot 17, pt lot 16 Frederick G VanVliet (trustee A Dodge)
Albert V V Dodge
456; 516-8 pdf logo 1 acre NW corner gt lot 17
Albert V V Dodge et al
Trustees Bethel Jacob JC
482; 431-2 pdf logo 5 ac in W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Lucy A Dennick Alexander P Jones 1897-12-29
482; 432-4 pdf logo 5 ac in W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Alexander P & Catherine H Jones
Elizabeth Greenwood 1898-07-19
545; 8-9  pdf logo 15 acres (ex Aaron Hendrickson)
Edwards McCreary (sheriff)
Howard Van Rensselaer 1903-12-15
567; 161-2  pdf logo 15 acres E½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Howard Van Rensselaer
Albany Country Club 1904-04-27
567; 435-
2 ac in W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Margaret Dunn [|<] Alexander Greenwald

612; 277-
4 ac in W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Helen Smead [|<]
Mary Hillis
642; 520-
4 ac in W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Mary Hillis Michael Reagan
1915-09-20 1915-09-27
630; 443-
5 ac in W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Elizabeth Greenwald John N Grasser 1915-09-20

630; 445- 2 ac in W½ of Hendrickson (in lot 16) Alexander Greenwald John N Grasser 1915-09-20

Michael Reagan John N Grasser

642; 453-6  pdf logo 38.6ac N parts of gt lots 16, 17
Albert V V Dodge et al
Albany Country Club 1915-09-22
651; 113  pdf logo 3 parcels, sold for taxes owing*
Albany County Treasurer
Albany Country Club 1916-06-20
657; 14-6  pdf logo 7 acres, part of gt lot 16
John N Grasser Albany Country Club 1916-06-27 1916-06-28
657; 16-7  pdf logo 4 acres, part of gt lot 16
John N Grasser
Albany Country Club 1916-06-27 1916-06-28
*One of these parcels was the 10 acres (of 15ac formerly Hendrickson) Dennick retained after the sale to A Jones in 1897; this was lost for the unpaid taxes but no sheriff's or referee's deed has been located.
Another parcel was also Dennick's; part or all of Gt lot 3; again
no sheriff's or referee's deed has been located. The other parcel was the 15 acre E part of Hendrickson's, which was sold by the sheriff in 1903. 
---------------------------------------end of listings for property which was acquired by the Country Club---------------------------------

Subsequent conveyances for Great Lot 1
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
40; 497-50pdf logo pt lots 1, 2, 3, & (1¼, 1¼, 2.15ac)
T Gould; J Gibbons; T Herring; &
Mohawk & Hudson RR Co [>|] 1831-06-09
71; 183-90pdf logo great lots 1, 13 (93.9 acres) & more
Margaret Cooper 3 Trustees (incl. Alonzo Potter)
1841-02-11 1841-02-19
84; 64-5  pdf logo great lots 1, 13 (93.9 acres)
Alonzo Potter (Trustee)
William Cooper 1844-12-23
ref in 153; 385-8
all property of Susan M Cooper Susan M Cooper John T Cooper (trustee) 1858-09-20
153; 385-8pdf logo all property of Susan M Cooper
John T Cooper (trustee)
Charles D Cooper (trustee)
190; 292-6pdf logo great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
George D Krumbhaar
(trustee for Susan M Cooper)
Samuel Gross 1864-10-08
no index/record;
ref in 212; 286-8
great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
Samuel Gross Eli C & Martha E Clark 1867-03-15
212; 286-8pdf logo great lots 13, 14, 15 (162 ac),
gt lot 1 (46 ac)
Eli C & Martha E Clark
Samuel Gross 1867-10-09
217; 15-17pdf logo great lot 1, & 46ac of lot 13
Samuel & Rachel E Gross Charles A & Burton H Denison
1868-03-14 1868-04-22
234; 236-7pdf logo 7ac N pt gt lot 1
Charles A & Emily Denison
William Hughes
263; 351-2pdf logo 17.2ac S pt gt lot 1
Charles A & Emily Denison Eliza Kerins
263; 360-1pdf logo gt lots 13 (46ac), 1 (46.7ac)
xc water wks; undiv½s
Burton H & Jane E Denison Charles A Denison 1873-10-02
272; 483-4pdf logo 22ac mid pt gt lot 1 Charles A & Emily Denison Mary E Benedict
288; 273-4pdf logo 22ac mid pt gt lot 1 Mary E Benedict Charles A & Emily Denison 1874-12-12 1876-03-10
290; 137-8pdf logo 22ac mid pt gt lot 1 Charles A & Emily Denison Thomas Chambers
288; 272-3pdf logo 22ac mid pt gt lot 1 Thomas & Maria Chambers Charles A & Emily Denison 1876-03-09 1876-03-10
294; 227-8pdf logo 22ac mid pt gt lot 1 Charles A & Emily Denison J F Merrell & J K Wilder
302; 383-4pdf logo 17.2ac S pt gt lot 1 Eliza & James Kerins Charles A Denison 1877-02-13
302; 381-2pdf logo 46ac, 17.2ac, parts of gt lot 13, 1
Burton H Denison Charles A Denison 1877-05-22
354; 403-4pdf logo 7ac N pt gt lot 1 Hanora Hughes
William Muckel
364; 13-4 pdf logo 7ac N pt gt lot 1
William & Mary Muckel
Dennis Maher [>|]
382; 294-6pdf logo 17.2 acres (S part of gt lot 1);
46 acres, part of gt lot 13
Charles A Denison David W & Maria Seeley 1887-04-13
410; 332-5pdf logo 22ac mid pt gt lot 1
Thomas S & Ellen Merrell,
John K & Carrie Wilder
Clara E Holmes
410; 337-9pdf logo 18 acres (S part of gt lot 1) David W & Maria Seeley Lizzie H Dennis
410; 341-3pdf logo 22ac mid pt gt lot 1 Clara E Holmes
Lizzie H Dennis 1889-10-18 1889-10-21
416; 34-5  pdf logo 18ac; 22ac (S, mid parts gt lot 1) Lizzie H Dennis Priscilla V Dennis
437; 283-6pdf logo 18ac; 22ac (S, mid parts gt lot 1) &
Priscilla V Dennis Carrie M Lyon
437; 286-8pdf logo 18ac; 22ac (S, mid parts gt lot 1) Carrie M Lyon Abram S Binninger
442; 471-3pdf logo 18ac; 22ac (S, mid parts gt lot 1) Abram S & Margaret A Binninger Frank S Perry
444; 371-4pdf logo 18ac; 22ac (S, mid parts gt lot 1)
Frank S & Jeanette H Perry
Pierre V B Hoes [>|] 1893-02-18
565; 399-
18ac; 22ac (S, mid parts gt lot 1) James & Mary Kerins [|<] Michael & Margaret Bradt 1907-04-23

39.4ac (S pt gt lot 2);
22ac; 18ac (C, S pts gt lot 1)
Michael & Margaret Bradt Howard Van Rensselaer

589; 170-1pdf logo  39.4ac (S pt gt lot 2);
22ac; 18ac (C, S pts gt lot 1)
Howard Van Rensselaer
Albany Hospital

Subsequent conveyances for Great Lot 2
Deed book, pages property grantor
grantee date date recorded
40; 497-50pdf logo pt lots 1, 2, 3, & (1¼, 1¼, 2.15ac)
T Gould; J Gibbons; T Herring; &
Mohawk & Hudson RR Co [>|] 1831-06-09
69; 448-9 pdf logo all property of James Gibbons
James Gibbons
Sanford Cobb [>|] 1841-02-04
558; 323-
39.4ac (S pt gt lot 2) C Giles & R Lloyd (execrs) [|<]
Michael Bradt 1906-04-16

39.4ac (S pt gt lot 2);
22ac; 18ac (C, S pts gt lot 1)
Michael & Margaret Bradt
Howard Van Rensselaer

589; 170-1pdf logo  39.4ac (S pt gt lot 2);
22ac; 18ac (C, S pts gt lot 1)
Howard Van Rensselaer
Albany Hospital

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