McKownville Improvement Association
- property ownership and deeds for Great lots 18, 19 & 20 west of Fuller Road (1818 to ~1926)

The area of McKownville west of Fuller Road largely falls into two of the Great lots defined in Evert Van Allen's 1817 survey, lot numbers 18 and 19. James McKown, son of Robert McKown (a brother of William McKown 1763-1843), was the first (joint) owner of these two lots early in the 19th century. Abel French, the other joint first owner, was married to the daughter of another James McKown, the eldest brother of William McKown. [page linking to the McKown family tree]
A half-acre square at the upper corner of lot 18 was sold for a cemetery in 1841, and this Jewish congregation burial ground can be seen on the west side of Fuller Road across from the entrance to the University. Additions were made to this in 1883 (½acre), and 1943 (1 acre).
Fuller Road did not exist in 1818, and only appears on maps after 1854; it is called in the later 19th century deeds the road to the Water Works. Those were the City of Albany dam and reservoir constructed in 1850 across Patroon Creek, and still existing west of Fuller Road, north of I-90. The road was originally constructed along the east edge of, and its 33 ft width entirely within, Great lot 18.
map of Great lots
        18-20 (west of Fuller Road)
In 1856, a strip of about 12 acres was divided off the south ends of the two large lots, perhaps because it was crossed by two small streams sourced in springs on or near the property, and the soil was possibly a bit better than in adjacent land. This eventually became the truck farm of Fred Trick from 1913 to the mid-1930's, and his son William until about 1960. It is now occupied by the office buildings of Executive Park Drive.
Extraordinary speculation occurred in properties in the Great Lots, including this area, between about 1865-1875. Some speculators quickly made large profits; others, especially those left holding the properties when the market collapsed, lost equally large amounts (see the deed list below).
The main part of lots 18 & 19 was eventually cut into two pieces, one sold in 1879 and the other in 1885 (and sold again in 1889), each used as a family farm on the poor sandy soil. The southern larger area of 62 acres was bought in 1926 by a developer, William Farley, who designed the set of streets now Mercer, Warren, Tracey, and Providence, calling it Garden Park Estates (lot map), building houses starting in the mid to late 1930's, but with most in this area constructed after 1945.
The northern part of the area, including all of the other, smaller 41 acre farm, lies in the City of Albany, or rather it has done so since 1916, when the Albany city line was revised and a large area of the Pine Bush formerly in Guilderland was annexed*. George Farley bought this property in 1940, and eventually he and William Farley together sold the Loughlin St lots beginning in 1949, with its "mid-century modern"-style houses built in the 1950's, and separate from the Garden Park Estates streets. After the Nanotech campus began expanding, the Loughlin St houses were surreptitiously purchased, and left empty, and eventually destroyed and replaced by the blockhouse apartments. The western section of this area became part of the University lands in the appropriations of 1961.

*see this page for the wandering of the City of Albany - Guilderland boundary. Prior to 1871, all of the Great lots were in the City of Albany (map of the eastern Great Lots).

deeds for Great lots 18 & 19
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
62; 33-5  pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 (114.8ac)
City of Albany (Mayor, etc) Abel French, James McKown
62; 35-6  pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 (114.8ac) Abel French, James & Susan McKown James M French
72; 441-2 pdf logo ½ac square NE cnr lot 18
James M & Sarah A French Bethel Jacob Jewish Congregation
89; 312-3 pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 (114.8ac) James M & Sarah A French Abel French 1846-07-21
105; 449-50 pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 (114.8ac)
xc cem, road
Abel French Stephen Averill
126; 218-9 pdf logo gt lots 18, 19 xc cem, road Stephen Averill Alanson Gates
137; 300-1 pdf logo gt lots 18, 19 xc cem, road Alanson A & Jane Gates Samuel S Tallant 1856-02-29
147; 58-60 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18 & 19 Samuel S & Matilda Tallant
Jacob Hall
188; 202-3 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Jacob & Martha I Hall Samuel S Tallant 1864-05-30
199; 420-2 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20)
gt lots 18, 19 xc cem, road
Samuel S & Matilda Tallant John Rea & James Woodward 1865-11-09
199; 422-5 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) John & Nancy Rea &
James & Amelia Woodward
Samuel S Tallant 1866-01-11
204; 544-6 pdf logo gt lots 18, 19, 20 xc cem, road
Samuel S & Matilda Tallant James L Baker
227; 268-70 pdf logo gt lots 18, 19, 20 xc cem, road James L & Anna E Baker George Canaday 1869-11-02
232; 216-8 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) George & Catherine Canaday James D White
232; 223-5  pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 (102.8ac)
xc burying gd NE cnr 18
& 11.77ac S ends 18 & 19
George & Catherine Canaday Benjamin N Finch
233; 385-7 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) James D & Mary J White Thomas Wigfall
242; 50-2 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Thomas Wigfall Jeremiah P Russell
243; 471-3 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Jeremiah P & Christina Russell Robert L Fryer
244; 390-2 pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 xc cem, road
& 11.77ac S ends
Benjamin N & Sarah M Finch Nathaniel Griffith
245; 364-7 pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 xc cem, road
& 11.77ac S ends
Nathaniel Griffith Lewis H & Eveline Griffith
247; 371-2 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Robert L Fryer Stephen Rockefeller
252; 35-7  pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Stephen & Annis B Rockefeller James O Woodruff
282; 41-4  pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) James O & Ermina J Woodruff Dewitt H Phillips 1872-02-23
267; 434-6 pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 xc cem, road
& 11.77ac S ends
Alva H Tremain (Referee)
Benjamin N Finch
274; 277-80 pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 xc cem, road
& 11.77ac S ends
Benjamin N & Sarah Finch William H Bailey, Thomas Helme 1874-06-11
279; 473-5 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Dewitt H & Rachael Phillips
Asahel Dewal
308; 334-6 pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 xc cem, road
& 11.77ac S ends
William H & Ann E Bailey Charles Baiger 1878-03-18
309; 223-4 pdf logo gt lots 18 & 19 xc cem, road
& 11.77ac S ends
Charles Baiger
Theresa Lohre (Baiger) 1878-03-29 1878-03-30
322; 314-6 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Scott B M Goodwin (Referee)
Martha I Hall 1879-05-31
319; 60-1 pdf logo 41 acres N part lots 18, 19
Theresa Lohre (Baeger)
Agnes Baeger
334; 506-
41 acres N part lots 18, 19 D Louis Dreyer & wf
Anna Heim

addn to cemetery NE cnr lot 18
Congregation Sons of Abraham

369; 258-9 pdf logo 62 acres remainder lots 18, 19
Theresa Lohre (Baeger) James A Wiltse 1885-10-31
372; 315-7 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Martha I Hall D Oscar Denison 1886-02-13
378; 56-8  pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) D Oscar & Maria E Denison
James A Wiltse 1886-10-04
406; 447-9 pdf logo 62 acres remainder lots 18, 19
James A & Margaret B Wiltse Elizabeth Downey (>John J D)
456; 378-81 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) Margaret R & David Wiltse
John L Hein
456; 381-3 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20) John L & Georgiana Hein Charles Friebel 1895-11-16 1895-11-16
516; 120- 35ac of lot 20 Charles & Natalie Friebel Hugh Friebel 1900-09-05
603; 450-2 pdf logo 22.4ac of lot 20; 11.77ac (S18,19) Natalie Friebel
Fred & Selma Trick
651; 122- 22.4ac of lot 20; 11.77ac (S18,19) Fred & Selma Trick Mary L Cox 1916-07-14
763; 236-
41 acres N part lots 18, 19 Carl Ziemann Louis Ziemann
774; 54-5 pdf logo 62 acres remainder lots 18, 19
John J Downey
William W Farley
1926-04-07 1926-04-08
925; 181-3 pdf logo 41 acres N part lots 18, 19 Henry Walter (administrator L Ziemann) George H C Farley 1940-08-29 1940-09-03
951; 207-9 pdf logo 41 acres N part lots 18, 19 George H C & Mary E H Farley
William W Farley 1942-01-21
945; 495-6 pdf logo addn to cemetery NE cnr lot 18 (1ac)
William W Farley Congregation Beth El Jacob
1019; 209-12 pdf logo 22.4ac of lot 20; 11.77ac (S18,19) Mary L Cox William E & Mary L Trick 1946-06-18 1946-06-20
1048; 18-21 pdf logo 41 acres N part lots 18, 19 William W Farley William W & George H C Farley 1946-12-24
1401; 386-8 pdf logo 5.82ac (S pt lot 19); 1.13ac (pt lot 20)
William E & Mary L Trick Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp 1954-05-07
1716; 289-90 pdf logo 5.82ac (S pt lot 18) William E & Mary L Trick Irving Kirsch & Sidney Albert 1962-04-26 1962-04-26
1871; 535-8 pdf logo 2.15ac (part S pt lot 19)
Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp Stuyvesant Plaza Inc

deeds for Great lot 20 up to 1864
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
25; 2-4  pdf logo great lots 14, 15, (113.9ac),
& lots 4 (43.9ac), 20, 21 (114.8ac)
City of Albany (Mayor, etc) John Taylor 1818-03-23 1819-01-12
25; 17  pdf logo great lots 20, 21 (114.8ac) John Taylor Thomas Gould
188; 202-3 pdf logo 11.77ac S ends 18, 19 (&20)# Jacob & Martha I Hall Samuel S Tallant 1864-05-30 1864-05-30
# The grantee index shows no record for Jacob and/or Martha Hall being conveyed lot 20. Nor have we established if anyone else owned it after the sale to Thomas Gould.

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