McKownville Improvement Association
- deeds for the power transmission line, the streets, and some adjacent lots in Garden Park Estates and vicinity, west of Fuller Road

all linked files are image pdfs, mostly screenshot images obtained from the Albany County Clerk's office online search site

Maps relating to areas west of Fuller Road, for developments by William and George Farley 1936-1949

Map of Garden Park Estates 1936
Map of Garden Park Estates Extension 1938
Map of Garden Park Estates area (utility easement map 1949)
Map of Garden Park Estates area (utility easement map 1960)
Map of Loughlin Street area (utility easement map 1949)
Tax map sections adjacent to the Town-City line near west Mercer St and vicinity (annotated)

Deeds for the original route of the New York Power & Light power transmission line from crossing at Western Avenue north to Fuller Road
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
917; 264-6 
4.25ac, 75ft wide; across Witbeck property from Schoolhouse Rd
Emma E Van Loan
NY Power & Light Corp
917; 102-3
0.42ac, 75ft wide; across Cox property to Farley property Mary L Cox
NY Power & Light Corp 1940-03-11 1940-04-11
917; 105-6
2.94ac, 100ft wide; across Farley property to Zieman property
William W Farley
NY Power & Light Corp 1940-03-27 1940-04-11
918; 386-8
1.56ac, 75/100ft wide; across L Zieman property to Madison Av
Frederick Walter
NY Power & Light Corp 1940-01-09
918; 388-9
0.86ac, 75ft wide; across Mossman property to Fuller Rd
Frederick & Carrie Mossman
NY Power & Light Corp 1940-03-22

Deeds covering the rerouted part of the New York Power & Light > Niagara Mohawk > National Grid power transmission line
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
2052; 437-8  0.06ac W of lot 119; and lots 118, 119 Esther F McKenna Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp 1972-05-12 1972-09-20
2052; 439-42
0.39ac SW of lots 118, 119; 0.21ac Ann St between lots 118 & 117 Esther F McKenna Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp 1972-05-12 1972-09-20
2054; 17-20*
0.39ac SW of lots 118, 119; 0.21ac Ann St between lots 118 & 117
Esther F McKenna
Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp 1972-10-12
2054; 21-2*
0.06ac W of lot 119; #and lots 118, 119
Esther F McKenna Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp 1972-10-12 1972-10-20
2149; 1006-8
new route N of Guilderland-Albany boundary (4 parcels; 1 & 2 adjacent)
People of the State of NY
Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp
*deeds corrective to 2052; 437-8 and 2052; 439-42; correction is to Town/City location of some of the parcels
#part of this parcel was sold for taxes later allegedly owing to City of Albany; see below

Deed in foreclosure, and later sales, for the parcels on the transmission line north of Ann Street
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
2196; 657-8, 876, 885
N parts of lots 118, 119 in City of Albany (parcel 19-22-79)
Robert A Hammond (County Finance Director)
County of Albany
2975; 349-53@
N parts of lots 118, 119 in City of Albany (parcel 19-22-79) County of Albany Todd S Horwitt
2196; 657-8, 876, 885 N part of lot 117 in City of Albany (parcel 19-23-79) Robert A Hammond (County Finance Director) County of Albany 1980-11-06 1980-11-06
2645; 1083-4
N part of lot 117 in City of Albany (parcel 19-23-79) County of Albany Larry L Plac
@a confirmatory deed, to replace one lost in transit to the County Clerk's Office for recording in 2003

Deeds for properties on north side of west Mercer St that have part of the lot in the City of Albany
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
3100; 3-5
53 Mercer; lot 116
Michael J Kellerman
Mercer Properties LLC
53 Mercer; lot 116 Mercer Properties LLC Elizabeth Gocs
2018-04-24 2018-04-25
2700; 698-9
55 Mercer; lot 117 (xc N part)
Edward F & Patricia W Renshaw
CD Habitat for Humanity
2724; 428-30
55 Mercer; lot 117 (N part) Larry L Plac CD Habitat for Humanity 2002-11-13
2728; 1059-61
55 Mercer; lot 117 (both parts) CD Habitat for Humanity Angel & Angelina Silva

Deeds (current) for property in Guilderland west of Ann Street between Mercer and Providence Streets
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
1178; 241-4
lot 70 Garden Park Estates Ext.
Esther F McKenna
Town of Guilderland
2779; 715-7
lot 44 Garden Park Estates Ext. William D Mohr
Kathleen Schermer
2917; 800-3
1.72ac E of I-87 (west of lots 70, 44)
Charles & Anna Bauer
Paul Califano
2932; 835-8
lots 71, 45, Garden Park Estates Ext.
Francis T McKenna
Paul Califano 2008-09-25

Deeds for the Streets in Garden Park Estates, and Extension
Deed book, pages property Grantors grantee date date recorded
891; 207
eastern 800 ft of Providence St
William W Farley
Town of Guilderland 1938-04-13
891; 517-8
eastern 320 ft of Mercer St
William W Farley Town of Guilderland 1939-09-30
933; 3-4
all of Warren St to east line of Tracey St
William W Farley Town of Guilderland 1941-05-03
933; 208-10
western part of east section of Mercer St to east line of Tracey St
William W Farley Town of Guilderland 1941-07-22
933; 225-6
all of Tracey St from Cox property line to Albany City line
William W Farley Town of Guilderland 1941-07-22
933; 226-7 western part of east section of Providence St to east line of Tracey St William W Farley Town of Guilderland 1941-07-22 1941-10-20
1178; 245-9
Providence, Mercer Sts., W from Tracey St; Ann St to N side Mercer James P & Esther F McKenna Town of Guilderland 1949-08-15

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