Deeds for the "Jackson" (Van Valkenburgh) Tavern, formerly located on the south side of the Great Western Turnpike opposite the Prospect Hill Cemetery.
excerpt from
        1850 map of proposed Albany water supplyphoto of the
        Jackson Tavern
Map excerpt from 1850 City of Albany water supply proposal
Photo of the Jackson Tavern seen from Prospect Hill across US route 20 (the former Great Western Turnpike)

Deed book 69 pages 409-10; 5 July 1806; John & Jacob LaGrange to Francis Van Valkenburgh [rec 1841-01-26]
about 3 acres intended for a tavern stand...on both sides of the Great Western Turnpike road and near a small creek called the Mill Creek
Deed book 74 pages 196-7; 9 September 1812; Christian C LaGrange to Francis Van Valkenburgh [rec 1842-01-14]
about 1.5 acres adjacent to a stream...Lot 8 of the Normanskill patent
Deed book 37 pages 275-6; 1 April 1827; Francis Van Valkenburgh to Abel French $1000 [rec. 1830-05-20] lot 4 Van Baal patent 59.13 acres*; and 1.5 acres part of Saw Mill lot; and 3 acres with tavern
*we have not found an original deed granting lot 4 Van Baal patent to Francis Van Valkenburgh, but the sale to Abel French in 1827 shows that there must have been such a transaction, or perhaps to his wife Hannah Annetje LaGrange, a daughter of Johannes (John) LaGrange and Anna Maria Mordecai
Deed book 39 page 63; 2 February 1831; Quit claim by Abel French to Francis Van Valkenburgh $1; [ref. to Deed book LL (37) pages 275-6][rec 1831-02-15]
property included in the deed of 1827-04-01
Deed book 47 pages 311-12; 16 June 1832; Sheriff's forced sale of land of Francis Van Valkenburgh to John LaGrange; $341.25; and
Deed book 47 pages 312-13; 16 June 1832; John LaGrange to Francis & Hannah Van Valkenburgh $300; [both rec. 1834-08-09]
the land sold back "the farm and Tavern stand and sixty three acres of land"
Will of Francis Van Valkenburgh 27 April 1833 [rec. 1834-03-17]
Deed book 77 pages 114-5; 26 January 1840; John LaGrange to Hannah Van Valkenburgh; $150 [rec. 1842-12-26]
7.1 acres, SW corner of the 60 acre Saw Mill lot; adjacent east and north of two other lots of Francis Van Valkenburgh
Will of Hannah Van Valkenburgh; 22 November 1845 [rec. 1852-04-15]

Deed book 104 pages 418-20; 1 September 1849; Partition declaration of lands of Francis Van Valkenburgh by executors into four lots to his four heirs [rec. 1849-11-20]
Deed book 214 pages 490-2; 1 April 1867; Alida McKown (wife of James A McKown) to Philip H Lanpaw $4850 [rec. 1868-04-18] lot 1 and undivided half of lot 2
Deed book 214 pages 492-3; 1 April 1867; Hannah M Jackson to Philip H Lanpaw (co-signed by Alida McKown) $1400 [rec. 1868-04-18] lot 3 and undivided half of lot 2
Deed book 211 pages 139-40; 14 October 1867; Alida McKown to Henry Sloan et al (Trustees of Prospect Hill Cemetery) $100 [rec. 1867-10-22] one half acre adjoining the south side of the Cemetery lot, on the N side of the Plank Road (part of lot 1)

Lot 1 part containing the Tavern (until removed in 1996): see this page for the adjacent part containing the farmhouse
Deed book 224 pages 40-2; 5 April 1869; James A McKown (Executor) to Philip H Lanpaw $1150 [rec. 1869-04-09] partial release of mortgage; all of lot 1
Deed book 230 pages 470-1; 1 April 1870; Philip H & Henrietta Lawpaw to Charles Strope $3200 [rec. 1870-04-xx] lot 1 excluding the farmhouse part
Deed book 383 pages 441-5; 17 May 1887; James A McKown (Referee in bankruptcy of Alonzo M Strope & others) to Abram L Oliver; $1415 [rec. 1887-05-18]
Deed book 392 pages 426-7; 31 March 1888; Abram L & Lizzie H Oliver to Andrew W Cotton; $1800 [rec. 1888-04-11]
Deed book 449 pages 402-3; 14 October 1893; Andrew W & Anna Cotton to Elizabeth S Mapes; $1525 [rec. 1893-10-16]
Deed book 482 pages 339-40; 13 August 1898; Elizabeth S Mapes to John A Kelderhouse; $1200 [rec. 1898-08-13]
Deed book 567 pages 77-8; 10 September 1907; John A & Catherine Kelderhouse to Anna L Hine; $2000 [rec. 1907-09-10]
Deed book 705 page 191; 1 May 1922; Charles E & Mabel Hine to Ellen J Smith; $1; $1600 mortgage [rec. 1922-05-01]
Deed book 2404 pages 554-5; 15 November 1989; Frederick I Smith (Administrator of Ellen J Smith) to Frederick I Smith [rec. 1989-11-21]
Deed book 2404 pages 556-7; 15 November 1989; Frederick I Smith to Frederick I and Ella C Smith [rec. 1989-11-21]
Deed book 2506 pages 21-2; 29 March 1994; Robert F Smith (Executor of Ella C Smith) to David M Ellenbogen [rec. 1994-03-29]
Deed book 2558 pages 401-7; 30 May 1996; David M Ellenbogen to William Lia [rec 1996-06-18] (parcel 2 of this transaction, page 406)

1907 deed lot
        maplot lines of
        the Jackson Tavern lot
(left) outline map drawn to scale from the lot boundary dimensions
and orientations given in the deeds of
1867 A
McKown > Lanpaw; and 1907 Kelderhouse > Hine; with the locations of the "Jackson" Tavern and the adjacent farmhouse shown
Compare with the present boundaries of lot 51.02-2-1 shown (right) in the extract from the Town of Guilderland interactive map
[click on either image to view enlarged]

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