Improvement Association
- Announcements
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This page includes content and/or links to pages of recent
announcement emails sent to subscribers by the Association.
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6 February 2025 - More on coyote in
Dear McKownville neighbors: A small correction to my previous
emails: The coyote spotted by a neighbor who lives on Fuller
Road was not on that property, but on the National Grid right-of-way
near Warren Street. The coyote was seen again today, and ran
into the woods when our neighbor took a photo.
Again, please be sure that pets are under your supervision at all
times when outdoors. Photos of the animal may be found here on this
Announcements page.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

25 January 2025 - Coyote spotted in
Dear McKownville neighbors: A neighbor on Fuller Road has spotted a
coyote on his property. The animal appears to be gaunt and may be
For their protection, when outdoors please be sure to keep
your pets with you and under your control at all times.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
Picture provided by Paul Scoville (303 Fuller Road).

19 November 2024 - McKownville Improvement
Association meeting November 21
Dear McKownville neighbors: We hope you'll be able to join us at the
Hampton Inn this Thursday beginning at 7:00 PM for our last meeting
of the year.
Town Supervisor Peter Barber will begin with some
announcements. He will be followed by Luke Rumsey, Director of
Community Relations at UAlbany, and Peter Petruski, Director of the
Guilderland Public Library. It is sure to be an interesting and
informative evening, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
18 November 2024 - Bear on Norwood Street
Dear McKownville neighbors: A neighbor told me that a bear visited a
backyard on Norwood Street over the weekend and destroyed a bird
feeder. Please be sure to secure your trash and other items
that could attract bears and other wildlife. For now, it would
be a good idea to take bird feeders down and store them inside your
house or garage.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
4 November 2024 - Meeting of the Guilderland
Historical Society on Thursday, November 21
Dear McKownville neighbors: On Thursday, November 21, the
Guilderland Historical Society will hold a meeting in the
Guilderland Public Library Helderberg Room.
The public is invited to attend. More details are included
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
"November 21, 2024 at the Guilderland Public Library Helderberg
Room. Business meeting at 1:15 and presentation at 2:00pm.
Former Vice President Tom Capuano will be presenting "The Ghost
Church". This refers to the old St. James Lutheran Church which
stood on the hill above the current entrance to the Fairview
Cemetery. There is no known photo. We look forward to seeing
you. John Haluska Vice President, Guilderland Historical Society"
29 October 2024 - Halloween Party hosted by
the McKownville Fire Department
Dear McKownville neighbors: The McKownville Fire Department invites
all neighborhood children and their adults to their annual Halloween
Party at the firehouse this Thursday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 PM
for an evening of treats, games, and assorted fun activities.
The volunteers of the McKFD are looking forward to seeing you there!
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
10 October 2024 - Update on Public Hearing
Oct. 1 on Draft ADA Transition Plan
Dear McKownville neighbors: You may view the video of the a Public
Hearing on the Draft ADA Transition Plan here:
Written comments may be posted here through 5:00 p.m. on Friday,
October 11:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
30 September 2024 - Public Hearing Oct 1 on
Draft ADA Transition Plan
Dear McKownville neighbors: This is to remind you that on Tuesday,
October 1, beginning at 7:00 p.m., the Town Board will hold a public
hearing regarding the Draft Guilderland ADA Transition Plan.
As outlined in the flyer for our September 19 meeting, the Town of
Guilderland undertook a review and rating of the Town-maintained
sidewalks for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities
Please note that the document indicates that sidewalks on certain
streets in McKownville may be located on privately owned property,
and those property owners could have financial responsibilities
related to the compliance requirements.
More information may be found here: https://play.champds.com/guilderlandny/agendapacketpdf/388
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
19 September 2024 - Albany Book Festival and
Rockefeller College Election Series
Dear McKownville neighbors: The Albany Book Festival will take place
this Saturday, September 21, from 10:30 to 5:00 at the UAlbany
Campus Center. For the seventh time, the New York State Writers
Institute is hosting this event with a schedule filled with
opportunities to meet scores of local authors as well as nationally
and internationally acclaimed writers. Further details may be
found here: https://www.albanybookfestival.com
Additionally, Rockefeller College is hosting an Election Series with
several events covering a range of topics impacting the upcoming
election and the future of the nation. More information is
available here: https://www.albany.edu/rockefeller-2024-election-series
I will provide information about additional upcoming events in
future emails.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
9 Sep 2024 - Reminder: Comprehensive Plan
Update Meeting September 10 at 7 PM
Dear McKownville neighbors: The next meeting of the Comprhensive
Plan Update committee will take place on September 10, beginning at
7:00 p.m.
You may find the agenda and meeting materials here: https://play.champds.com/guilderlandny/event/383
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
6 September 2024 - Roadwork on Fuller Road
September 9 & 10
Dear McKownville neighbors: County Legislator Mickey Cleary asked me
to share the following information regarding scheduled roadwork on
Fuller Road.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
"Albany County Public Works Department Announces Milling Work on
Fuller Road
The Albany County Department of Public Works advises that on Monday,
September 9 and Tuesday September 10, there will be milling
operations on Fuller Road. This will occur from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm.
One lane of traffic will be open at all times. Expect backups
and plan accordingly. If you have any questions, please call
Albany County Department of Public Works at 518-765-2055. Albany
County thanks you in advance for your patience during this important
Mary Rozak, Director of Communications, Office of the Albany County
112 State Street, Room 1200, Albany, NY 12207
518-447-7040 ext. 7218"
5 September 2024 - Guilderland Comprehensive
Plan Update Meeting on September 10
Dear McKownville neighbors: On Tuesday, September 10, the
Comprehensive Plan Update Committee will meet at Town Hall beginning
at 7:00 p.m. The agenda will include a review of the Committee's
work, including goals for the Town to act on going forward, and a
public hearing. Further details and a draft of the committee's
report may be found in
the Town website. Guilderland residents are invited to attend
and participate.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
3 September 2024 - A Taste of Guilderland: a
fundraiser for the Guilderland Food Pantry
Dear McKownville neighbors: On Thursday, September 19, from 6:30 pm
to 8:30 pm, the Guilderland Food Pantry will host a fundraiser at
Christ the King Gymnasium located at 20 Sumpter Avenue. Please
see below for further details.
You may also view the celebration flyer through this link [GFP pdf page].
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
"There is a seat waiting for you! Join us for the celebration as the
Guilderland Food Pantry marks 45 years of service to the community.
Thursday, September 19th, 6:30p-8:30p Christ the King Gymnasium
The evening features:
Food from Café Italia, OTW, Nicoles, Jimmy Johns, Druthers, Lams
Kitchen and DC Pizza
Refreshments by Elegant Touch and Adirondack Beverages
Desserts by Hannaford and Cheryl
Live music by Andy Beeson and the band
Photo booth by Overtime Events
Silent auctions, raffles, prize pong and the Wheel of Food
Tickets are $30 and available on-line at [https://guilderlandfoodpantry.com/]
All proceeds will be used to support the GFP mission of providing
food to those in need."
29 August 2024 - Reporting disturbances in
the neighborhood
Dear McKownville neighbors: This is a reminder that any excessively
loud parties or other disturbances in the neighborhood should be
reported to the Guilderland Police Department at (518)
356-1501. In an emergency dial 911.
If you know or suspect that the disturbance is caused by UAlbany
students, please also contact Ken Louzier, the Off-campus Student
Services Co-ordinator, at (518) 442-5888. Ken's office hours
are 9:00 to 5:00 Monday-Friday, but you can leave a message
anytime. Ken will follow up with the Guilderland Police, and
if it is reported that UAlbany students were involved he will follow
up in person with the students. If appropriate, the school
will take disciplinary action.
Best wishes for a peaceful end of summer and early fall.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
20 August 2024 - Fall University Campus
Programs and Fireworks Notification
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please see below for information
regarding upcoming programs on the University at Albany campus.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
"Dear campus neighbor, It's that time of year again! Over the
course of the next seven days, the University will welcome back our
17,000+ students, including over 2,500 students that will be
spending their first year at Albany. It's an exciting time for
both our students and our faculty/staff. As the campus begins
to transition into the academic year, officially beginning on August
26th, there are several events I'd like to put on your radar.
Student Welcome Event/Fireworks: On Wednesday, August 21, we
will be celebrating our incoming freshman class with our annual
Candle Lighting Ceremony. At the conclusion of the event
(approximately 9PM) we will have a brief fireworks display.
The fireworks will be launched from Collins Circle and the display
will last approximately 5 minutes.
First Home Football Game w/fireworks: On Saturday, August 31,
our UAlbany Great Danes will open their football season at home
against Long Island University. The game starts at 7PM and at
halftime there will be a fireworks display that will last
approximately 5 minutes. If you would like to help cheer on our
athletes from the stands you can find ticket information here:
Albany Book Festival: On Saturday, September 21, the NYS
Writers Institute will host their Annual Albany Book Festival.
More information on the program can be found here:
UAlbany Homecoming: The weekend of October 19th will be packed
with events in connection with our Homecoming celebration. The
full event schedule can be located here:
As always, should you have any questions or concerns please do not
hesitate to reach out.
Sincerely, Luke Rumsey, Director of Community Relations, University
Hall 203, 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222
[lrumsey@albany.edu] (518) 442-5141"
17 Aug 2024 - Flora
for Fauna Festival and Native Plant Sale on Sunday, August 18
Dear McKownville neighbors: With apologies for the short notice,
this is to notify you that on Sunday, August 18, from 12:30 to 3:00,
Wild Ones and Unity Lutheran Church will host a free community event
at 1500 Western Avenue.
Neighbors of all ages are invited to stop by and see the site of the
native plant demonstration garden that is being installed on Church
grounds. This is a chance to learn firsthand about the
importance of native plants in our ecosystem.
Bring your gardening gloves if you want to pitch in and help in the
garden. Native plants will be available for sale as a
fundraiser to support the project.
More information about the Wild Ones and the August 18 event may be
found here:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
26 June 2024 - Sick
raccoon in McKownville
Dear McKownville neighbors: A neighbor has alerted me that an
obviously sick raccoon has been seen during daytime hours in yards
on Norwood and Glenwood Streets. If you spot it, please do not
approach it, but instead call the Guilderland Police Department at
(518) 356-1501. The GPD will then refer the situation to
Animal Control.
As always, be sure to keep house pets safe and under your
supervision at all times.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
18 Jun 2024 - McKownville
Fire Department needs a new treasurer
Dear McKownville neighbors: I received the following message from
the McKownville Fire Department. Anyone who may be interested in the
position of treasurer should respond directly to the Fire
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
"The McKownville Fire District is looking for someone to act as the
district's Treasurer.
This is a non-firefighting administrative position where a qualified
resident of the district is preferred by NYS Town Law (as opposed to
a non-resident). Accounting or CPA certification is not
required, just a good financial aptitude and a willingness to help
our neighborhood organization. A very small stipend is paid to
the fire district treasurer, but this should be considered more of a
volunteer position.
We estimate that this position will require approximately 100 hours
per year. A complete description of the duties can be sent to
anyone interested.
The position is initially defined by NYS Town Law as follows: The
fire district treasurer shall be the fiscal officer of the fire
district and shall receive and have the custody of the funds of the
district and shall disburse the same for the purposes herein
authorized when so ordered by resolution of the board of fire
Anyone who may be interested can contact the fire district by email:
We will be happy to review the complete duties along with the
training and help we can provide to get the new treasurer started."
21 May 2024 - Reminder
- Vote on school and library budgets, candidates, and proposals
Dear McKownville neighbors: Polls at Guilderland elementary schools
are open from 7am to 9pm today, Tuesday, May 21. Please be
sure to cast your votes on the proposed library and school budgets,
candidates for school and library boards, and on the three proposals
that appear on the ballot.
Information may be found at guilderlandlibrary.org
and guilderlandschools.org
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
17 May 2004 - Dedication
of the William McKown roadside marker and MIA 100th anniversary
2024 marks 100 years since the founding of the McKownville
Improvement Association and we will celebrate this benchmark with
two events that will take place on Saturday,
May 18th, starting at 12 noon, in McKownville Park,
adjacent to Stuyvesant Plaza. The first will be the dedication of a
roadside marker honoring William McKown, for whom our neighborhood
is named. [Marker
dedication program - pdf page]
We are pleased that Town Supervisor Peter Barber, Guilderland Town
Historian Mary Ellen Johnson, and Albany County Historian Jack
McEneny will be taking part in the dedication ceremony.
Following the dedication there will be a cookout and potluck picnic
lunch. Children’s activities will include a corn hole game and
an opportunity to tour one of the McKFD’s fire engines. Hot
dogs and hamburgers will be provided by the McKownville Fire
Department. Vegetarian burgers will also be on the menu.
Please bring a chair, a beverage, and a dish to share. If it
rains the picnic will be moved to the McKownville Firehouse. Please
plan to join us tomorrow! [Event
invitation - pdf page]
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
14 May 2024 - Reminder:
MIA meeting this Wednesday 15 May at the Hampton Inn
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please join us at the Hampton Inn on
Wednesday evening beginning at 7pm.
Guilderland Superintendent of Schools Marie Wiles will speak about
the District’s proposed budget for the 2024-2025 school year and, as
usual, Town Supervisor Peter Barber will share information on
various topics. Kate Brittenham will tell us about the importance of
native plantings in our ecosystem, and plans for the garden that
will be installed on the grounds of Unity Lutheran Church beginning
this spring. Following this presentation, candidates for positions
on the Guilderland school and library boards will have the
opportunity to introduce themselves and answer questions from the
audience. At the end of the meeting there will be an election
for all officers of the McKownville Improvement Association and for
a position on the Board of Directors.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
13 May 2024 - CPU
Committee meeting on Tuesday, May 14 at Town Hall
Dear McKownville neighbors: The Comprehensive Plan Update Committee
will meet at Town Hall on Tuesday, May 14, at 7:00 p.m. The
committee will present and overview of the draft document and there
will be an opportunity for public comment.
Additional information may be found on
the Town website.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
26 April 2024 - Rapp Road to close for construction on 29 April for about
two weeks
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Ken Kovalchik, the Town Plannner, has
informed us that “On Monday, April 29th the section of Rapp
Road in the Town of Guilderland, from Gipp Road to Crossgates Mall
Road, will close for construction for approximately 2 weeks. The
purpose for the closure is to construct the realignment of Rapp Road
to connect with Crossgates Mall Road.” See this
information page (pdf) for a map and more detailed
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
23 April 2024 - Results of Referendum on new Firehouse
Dear McKownville neighbors: Tonight, by a wide majority,
participants in the bond referendum regarding the construction of a
new firehouse on the site of the current building voted in favor of
the proposal. The volunteers of the McKownville Fire Department want
to extend their sincere thanks and gratitude to all of the residents
of McKownville for your support tonight and throughout the years. [Altamont
Enterprise article]
Updates on the project may be found on the department's website.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
22 April 2024 - Reminder - Referendum on new Firehouse, April 23 from 6pm
to 9pm
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please remember to cast your vote on the
bond referendum regarding the proposed new firehouse for the
McKownville Fire District. Voting will take place this Tuesday
evening, April 23, at the current firehouse, located at 1250 Western
Avenue, beginning at 6:00 PM and ending at 9:00 PM. You may
find full details about the proposal at McKownville
Fire Department's website or by calling (518) 489-4340.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
21 April 2024 - Water issues on properties near Fuller Road
Dear McKownville neighbors: Recently, I have heard from a number of
neighbors with concerns about increasing water issues at their homes
on and near Fuller Road. David Knight, a resident of Mercer Street,
asked me to share his concerns in hopes that residents with similar
problems might work together and try to resolve these issues.
Please see the text of his email below, and contact him directly if
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
"My sump pump has been working overtime this year. I know it
has been a wet year. But I'm starting to suspect the Nano
campus stormwater system is not working as designed and
planned. It was supposed to absorb a 50 year storm. Maybe this
has been that year. But, I suspect that the system has not been
properly maintained since it was put in place (about 10 years ago)
and they might have added more water to it.
Anybody interested in helping me figure it out?"
David Knight, 11 Mercer Street <dknight at albany dot edu>
10 April 2024 - Reminder: MIA meeting this Thursday 11 April at the Hampton
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please remember to join us at the
Hampton Inn on Thursday evening beginning at 7:00. We have
several items on the agenda, starting with announcements from Town
Supervisor Peter Barber; a presentation about the native plant
garden that will be installed at Unity Lutheran Church; information
about Guilderland Town-Wide Cleanup Day, and and an opportunity to
meet with newly-elected Highway Superintendent Bob Haver.
I hope to see you there!
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
2 April 2024 - Presidential
Primary Day is today, April 2nd
Dear McKownville voters:Today is Presidential Primary Day in New
York State. All voters who are registered in either the
Democratic or Republican parties are eligible to vote. Polls
are open until 9:00 p.m.
You may find further information and view the sample ballots on the
Albany County Board of Elections website.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
26 March 2024 - Reminder: Firehouse
referendum is Tuesday, April 23rd, from 6-9 pm
Dear McKownville neighbors: This is to remind you that the bond
referendum regarding the proposed new firehouse that was originally
planned to take place this evening has been rescheduled for Tuesday,
April 23, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed building project,
please check the McKownville Fire
Department's website.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
24 March 2024 - Power outages
Dear McKownville neighbors: If you are among the many Guilderland
residents whose homes lost power as a result of Saturday's storm, I
hope you are finding ways to stay safe. Several fire stations are
open to residents seeking warmth and a break from frigid conditions
at home. Details and updates may be found on the Town's
Please share this information with neighbors who may not have access
to the Internet at this time. Thank you,
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
18 March 2024 - Bethlehem Compost and Rain
Barrel Sale
Dear McKownville neighbors: A neighbor kindly sent me information
about this opportunity to purchase backyard composting equipment and
related items for your gardens at bulk sale prices. Capital District
residents are invited to place orders by April 19, and items must be
picked up on Saturday, April 20 at designated locations in Bethlehem
and Colonie. Full details may be found here: https://capitaldistrict.compostersale.com/bethlehem/
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
12 March 2024 - Reminder: MIA meeting this
Thursday at the McKFD Firehouse
Dear McKownville neighbors: This is to remind you that our March 14
meeting will be held at the McKownville Firehouse beginning at
7:00 p.m., instead of our usual location at the Hampton Inn.
It will be an interesting evening, with updates from Town Supervisor
Peter Barber, and featured speakers Melissa Hale-Spencer and Albany
County Legislator Mickey Cleary.
I hope you'll be able to join us.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
3 March 2024 - McKownville Fire Department
Upcoming Events
Dear McKownville neighbors: I received the following message from
Michael Wren, a Commissioner with the all volunteer McKownville Fire
I hope that you will be able to attend the very important
informational meeting at the firehouse on March 19th.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
From Michael Wren:
"A quick note to let you know of three important dates coming up
related to the McKownville Volunteer Fire Department.
We will be holding our second public information meeting about the
proposed firehouse on Tuesday, March 19 starting at 7pm at
the firehouse at 1250 Western Avenue. Expect to see an informational
flier, which will be sent to all households in the McKownville Fire
District, before this meeting. Similar to our first meeting, H2M,
our architect and design consultant, along with members of our new
firehouse committee will be available to answer any questions our
neighbors might have about the new firehouse project. An
Altamont Enterprise article about our first meeting can be read here.
Following this public information meeting, on Tuesday, March 26 from
6-9pm we will be holding the bond referendum vote at
the firehouse at 1250 Western Avenue. We urge all registered voters
residing within the McKownville Fire District to stop by the
firehouse to attend the public meeting and vote on this referendum.
PLEASE NOTE - referendum
date has been changed to Tuesday,
April 23rd
Then on Saturday, April 13th, the Fire Department will be
hosting another spring neighborhood cleanup. Our cleanup
last spring was such a success (despite the lousy weather), we
decided to do it again. Any neighbors wanting to help our
members pick up trash and debris along the side of the roadways and
sidewalks of McKownville should meet at the firehouse at 1250
Western Avenue at 9am. Trash bags, trash grabbers, coffee and
roadside assignments will be provided. Many hands make light
work, we hope to see you there!"
1 March 2024 - March 14 Meeting at the
McKownville Firehouse; meeting announcement home delivery
Dear McKownville neighbors: Our March 14 meeting will be held at the
McKownville Firehouse, located at 1250 Western Avenue. Our
speakers will be Town Supervisor Peter Barber, Albany County
Legislator Mickey Cleary, and Melissa Hale-Spencer, editor of the
Altamont Enterprise. Our April 11 and May 15 meetings will
take place at the Hampton Inn, as has been the custom for many
years. We thank the McKownville Fire Department for graciously
hosting the March meeting!
As you know, a group of volunteers faithfully deliver the meeting
announcements to all of the homes in McKownville, and their efforts
are very much appreciated. This month we extend special thanks to
Alyssa and Maureen O'Connor who for the past several years delivered
the flyers to homes on Mercer Street and Fuller Road. They have let
me know that they will no longer be able to do the deliveries, and
that will leave an opening for one or two additional people who
would like to get some exercise and help us out at the same
time. If that might be you, please send me an email or give me
a call at (518) 482-3779.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
9 February 2024 - Guilderland Comprehensive
Plan Update Committee open house
Dear McKownville neighbors: This Monday, February 12, from 7:00 to
9:00 PM, the Guilderland Comprehensive Plan Update Committee will
host an open house at Guilderland Town Hall. All residents are
invited to to share their thoughts on the Committee's preliminary
draft recommendations. There will be no formal presentation.
Instead, you will have the opportunity to visit each activity
station and post your input there. An activity station for
children will also be available.
This is an opportunity to participate in planning Guilderland's path
forward over the next twenty years, and I hope to see many of you
More information about this important event may be found on
the Town website.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
18 January 2024 - McKownville Volunteer
Fire Department invites you to a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser this
Saturday, January 20
The McKownville Volunteer Fire Department invites you to a Spaghetti
Dinner fundraiser this Saturday, January 20, 2024 starting at 6PM at
the firehouse at 1250 Western Avenue. Cost will be $10 per adult,
and $5 for the kiddos.
In addition to the tasty food, we will also be raffling prizes
donated by our generous local businesses: Mr. Fuji Sushi, Starbucks
(Western Avenue), 21 Boom, Fiorello’s Bakery and Deli, and Bountiful
Bread. This event is made possible thanks to an additional
contribution from our friends at Stuyvesant Plaza and Shabbos House.
Your support helps fund open houses, and other neighborhood
engagement activities (including, but not limited to: Neighborhood
BBQs, family friendly Halloween parties, Touch-a-Truck events, a
Santa run around the district, and numerous birthday parades for
children residing in the McKownville Fire District). These donations
also help the department participate in parades and other firematic
events throughout the year.
If you would like to offer a prize to raffle or to make a donation,
please reach out via email: McKFDfundraising@gmail.com
Thank you, McKownville FD Fundraising Committee
15 February 2022 - Plant McKownville
Dear McKownville neighbors: Our
neighborhood holds many attractions: lovely homes in a convenient
location, agreeable neighbors, and access to excellent schools. In
addition to these features, many of us were drawn here by streets
lined with mature trees that provide cooling shade during the summer
months and year-round beauty. Over the years, though, we have
lost many of our trees through the aging process, and others due to
a variety of adverse conditions.
With the goal of preserving and enhancing the beauty of our
streetscape, a resident volunteer has compiled lists of trees and
shrubs that can thrive in our neighborhood. You may view these
lists and a wealth of accompanying information by clicking on this link.
We hope that you'll find these materials interesting, and that
you'll consider planting a new tree this year. If you already
have a healthy tree (or two) on the street lawn in front of your
house perhaps you'll be intrigued by the thought of planting a new
tree or shrub in your yard that will attract birds and
pollinators. Native plants are especially important because
they are hosts to so many pollinators that are vital in supporting a
healthy ecosystem. Spring is season of renewal, and an excellent
time for planting a tree or shrub that can enjoyed now and by future
residents of McKownville. We're just at the start of what we
expect to be a long-term new project for the McKownville Improvement
Association and, we hope, for the neighborhood as a whole. You may
count on hearing more from us on this subject over the coming
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
Older announcements from March-December 2020
2021 January-December
2022 January-December
Past meeting announcements
Fall 2020 - 10
September 2020 19
November 2020
Spring 2020 - 21
May 2020
Fall 2019 - 19 September 2019
17 October 2019
21 November 2019
Spring 2019 - 14 March
2019 11
April 2019 16
May 2019 12
June 2019
Fall 2018 - 20 September 2018
17 October 2018
15 November 2018
Spring 2018 - 15 March
2018 11
April 2018 17
May 2018
Fall 2017 - 19 October 2017
8 November 2017
Spring 2017 - 16 March
2017 20
April 2017 18 May 2017
meetings in years prior to 2017
return to index page