McKownville Improvement Association
- Announcements 2022
Local history
This page includes content and/or links to pages of announcement
emails sent to subscribers by the Association in 2022. [Recent announcements]
4 December 2022 - Santa Claus coming to
McKownville on Sunday, December 11th
Dear McKownville neighbors: On Sunday, December 11, from 10:00 am to
1:30 pm, Santa Claus will make a special visit to McKownville.
Instead of his customary sled pulled by reindeer, he will be riding
on a McKownville FD firetruck. He is looking forward to visiting
with neighborhood children as the truck goes up and down our
streets, so be sure to look and listen for him as he passes through.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
20 November 2022 - November 16 Association
meeting summary
Town Supervisor Peter Barber told us that the Town Board has
adopted the budget for next year, with a saving of $200,000 going
into the following year. A police supervisor will be added for the
overnight shift. The volume of emergency medical calls is up
dramatically, and an additional paramedic has been added to the
payroll, and the addition of a fourth ambulance is being
considered. The foundation is being laid for the new EMS
station on Western Avenue and the exterior walls should be erected
by the end of the year, allowing interior work to continue through
the winter. The Town has completed Guilderland's first
conservation easement, ensuring the protection of 60 acres along the
Normanskill near Wormer Road. Fencing for a park area for
small dogs has been purchased and the Parks Department expects to
install it before the ground freezes.
Work continues on the stormwater drainage improvement project and
Delaware Engineering expects that American Evergreen will install
all of the piping this year. Lawn restoration will be completed in
the spring; sidewalk panels will be replaced as weather conditions
Guilderland Highway Superintendent Greg Wier announced that the
first round of leaf pickup is completed and the second round is
underway. With the repaving of Providence, Mercer, Warren,
Waverly and Knowles completed this year, the Department will be busy
next year repaving McKown Road, Ayre Drive, the Dillenbecks, Short
Street, and Norwood through Elmwood Streets. The profile of
individual streets will determine the need for milling prior to
When scheduled, dates for our spring meetings will be posted on this
website, Meetings page. Best
wishes for a safe and healthy Thanksgiving.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
15 November 2022 - Online meeting Wednesday
November 16th
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please join us tomorrow evening online
for our last meeting of 2022.
A live link to the Zoom meeting will be emailed separately, or may
be found in the Meeting
announcement flyer.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
7 November 2022 - Upcoming holiday events at
Stuyvesant Plaza, Thanksgiving, and Voting
Dear McKownville neighbors: This holiday season Stuyvesant Plaza
will be hosting a number of events, including a Holiday Stroll that
will begin on Sunday, November 20th, and continue each Sunday
through December 18th from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Activities will include
complimentary horse drawn carriage rides, a hot cocoa cart, a
roaming Santa Claus, and some special surprises.
On Sunday, November 20th, at 5:00 PM there will be a tree
lighting ceremony with special guests and live entertainment to be
announced. The Plaza also plans to partner with the Guilderland YMCA
for a charity cause to be announced.
YMCA Thanksgiving Basket Brigade: and a reminder, donations of food
items, cash, checks, or Walmart and Hannaford gift cards may be
dropped off at Town Hall or the Guilderland YMCA through November
12. Your donations will be used to provide Thanksgiving dinners to
240 Guilderland families in need of assistance. For further
information or to make an online donation please click on the
[expired link].
Finally, if you haven't already, please remember to vote this
Tuesday. Polls are open from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm.
Don't forget to turn over your ballot to vote Yes or No for
Proposition 1.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
2 November 2022 - Voting
Dear McKownville neighbors: Election Day is November 8, and early
voting is now underway and runs through Sunday, November 6.
Voters in Albany County may cast their ballots at any early voting
Please note that if you have requested and received an absentee
ballot you cannot cast a vote on a voting machine.
When voting, please remember to turn your ballot over to vote Yes or
No on Proposition One.
For further information, and to view a sample ballot for your voting
district, please click here [old link:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
1 November 2022 - McKownville Storm Drain
Project - Norwood Street
We received word this morning from American Evergreen, who are the
contractor for the Guilderland - McKownville Storm System Project
that because things are progressing so well on Elmwood Street they
will most likely be starting work on Norwood Street sometime next
week. This schedule is of course weather dependent.
If the weather holds, and the asphalt plants stay open, American
Evergreen is on track to complete the installations for the
McKownville Storm System Project this season. Any needed touch-ups
to lawns will of course take place next spring but the hope is to
have all of the pipe and drainage structures installed this year.
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware Engineering
31 October 2022 - Parkwood-Glenwood Alleyway
storm drain work to begin very soon
We learned today that the work to install storm piping and sump pump
laterals in the alleyway off of Parkwood Street will begin very
soon. This work may start as soon as this week. The installations
will begin on Parkwood Street and advance Easterly in the alleyway
to the existing drywell that is currently situated there. This work
ends at the drywell in the alleyway. The section of the alleyway
that is disturbed by the storm piping installations will be restored
and repaved.
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware Engineering
30 October 2022 - Thanksgiving donations to
benefit 240 Guilderland families
Dear McKownville neighbors: This year the Capital District YMCA is
including 240 Guilderland families in its Thanksgiving Basket
Brigade. Donations of food may be dropped off at Town Hall, the
Guilderland YMCA, or the accounting firm of Teal, Becker &
Chiaramonte, located at 7 Washington Square, by November 12.
Monetary donations may be made online [expired link].
Donations of cash, checks, and Hannaford or Walmart gift cards may
also be dropped off at the YMCA.
Items that are used to make up Thanksgiving dinners include canned
gravy, fruit, yams, vegetables and cranberry sauce. Boxed items
include stuffing, potatoes, and cake and brownie mixes. Your
donations will be used to provide Thanksgiving dinners to
Guilderland families in need.
And, as always, donations to the Guilderland Food Pantry are needed
and appreciated. Over the past year, requests for Pantry
services have increased by 55%, More information may be found
on the Food Pantry
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
30 October 2022 - Postponed: Public Hearing on Preserving and
Protecting Native Trees
Dear McKownville neighbors: The continuation of a public hearing
regarding a law to protect and preserve native trees in Guilderland
that was scheduled for November 1 has been postponed. The Town Board
anticipates that it will be rescheduled to take place at a meeting
in December,
When I have further information I will let you know.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
25 October 2022 - Meeting this Thursday,
October 27, at Hampton Inn
Dear McKownville neighbors: I hope you will join us at the Hampton
Inn on Thursday at 7:00 pm.
After updates from Town Supervisor Peter Barber and Biagio
DelVillano from Delaware Engineering, we will all have a chance to
mingle while enjoying some autumn-themed refreshments. You may find
a link to the meeting announcement here.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
24 October 2022 - Different Drummer's
Kitchen, Stuyvesant Plaza
Dear McKownville neighbors: Some of you may have seen the articles
recently indicating that after 35 years at Stuyvesant Plaza,
Different Drummer's Kitchen may be losing their lease. The
owner, Andrew Meisberger, would very much like to stay on at the
current location. Many of us would be very sorry to lose a local
small business where we have enjoyed shopping for gifts for others
as well as ourselves and even more so if the space was then filled
by yet another national chain store. If anyone wants to call
or email the new plaza owners, WA Development, and express support
for Different Drummer, here is some contact information:
Phone: Stuyvesant Plaza 518-813-4959 or 518-468-0036
General Manager is Rachel Ferluge, Leasing Agent is Brian T. Sciera
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
20 October 2022 - American Rescue Plan
Funding Survey
Dear McKownville neighbors: County Legislator Mickey Cleary asked me
to forward to you a message from Albany County leaders, and a link
to the American Rescue Plan Act Funding Survey
[https://www.albanycounty.com/Home/Components/News/News/2054/59]. As
explained in the message, Albany County residents may submit
responses online or by hard copy. All responses must be
received by November 16, 2022. Our responses will help to determine
where the funds should be spent.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
18 October 2022 - Fred Abele Park, Hazardous
Waste Disposal Day, Halloween events, 27 Oct meeting
Dear McKownville neighbors: This Friday at noon, Town officials,
Assembly Member Pat Fahy, and others will gather at Fred Abele
McKownville Park to celebrate the new playground and other
improvements that have been completed this year. Much
appreciation is owed to employees of our Parks Department for all of
the effort that went into providing these enhancements for the
enjoyment of Guilderland residents. All are invited to tour
the park and join the celebration.
In case you have misplaced your latest edition of Town News, you may
click on this
link for information about leaf collection days (please note
that the leaves should not be raked into the street); Household
Hazardous Waste Day (coming up this Saturday, October, 22); and many
other Town and community events and activities.
Once again this year the McKownville Fire Department will host a
Halloween party for our neighborhood children. Details will
follow in the flyer
that will be delivered to your home regarding the October 27 meeting
of the McKownville Improvement Association. Also on Halloween,
from 3:00 to 6:00 pm, donation items for the Guilderland Food Pantry
and The Caring Closet Guilderland may be dropped off at Crossgates
Mall (expired link to donation flyer).
Finally, at our October 27 meeting, following updates from Town
Supervisor Peter Barber and Biagio DelVillano from Delaware
Engineering, refreshments will be served. We hope
you will join us to mingle with neighbors and enjoy some cider.
baked goods, and (perhaps) some surprises.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
5 October 2022 - Update for McKownville Storm
Sewer project - schedule change
American Evergreen who are the contractor for the McKownville Storm
Sewer Project, are ahead of schedule. If the weather holds, and
things progress as they have been, they plan on starting work to set
the first manhole on Elmwood Street this Thursday, October 6th,
The directional drilling for the alleyway between Elmwood Street and
Parkwood Streets that was explained in the previous
update provided by Delaware Engineering, is still scheduled to
begin October 10th, 2022. The afore mentioned manhole installation
is for the piping that runs up Elmwood Street.
Elmwood Street residents will receive storm lateral stakes this
week. If there is assistance needed for locating lateral connection
locations please contact Dale Nunamann at the number provided on the
letter that will be attached to the stake. We have time to locate
these stakes as it will take weeks for the storm sewer piping to be
advanced up Elmwood, so there is no immediate threat of a lateral
being missed.
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware Engineering
30 September 2022 - September 21 Association
meeting summary
Dear McKownville neighbors: At our September 21st meeting Town
Supervisor Peter Barber updated us on several projects:
Proposed law to protect and preserve native trees in Guilderland:
A public hearing held at the Sept. 20 Town Board meeting has been
continued to the November 1 Town Board meeting.
Comprehensive Plan Update: The Town Board has appointed nine
committee members.
Fred Abele Park: The new playground has been installed, and a
new bathroom is under construction.
Guest speaker Jeremy Smith from the Capital District Transportation
Authority spoke about the Bus Rapid
Transit Purple Line that will run between downtown Albany and
Crossgates through the University at Albany campus. The route
will be 8.5 miles long with 15 stops. Service cuts to the No.
10 bus route are not anticipated but more information should be
available early in 2023.
Stormwater drainage improvement project: Biagio DelVillano
from Delaware Engineering spoke about this ongoing project, and
today he provided an additional update (see below).
It is expected that work on Elmwood Street will commence on October
10, and that the project will be completed by the end of this year
with installation of piping along Norwood Street (weather
Also this year, the Town Highway Department will repave those
streets where all of the stormwater improvements have already been
completed (Knowles Terrace, and Waverly Place).
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
29 September 2022 - Update 29 Sept 2022 for
the Guilderland - McKownville Storm Sewer Project
1-page pdf document of this 2022-09-29 update
Project status and homeowner sump pump lateral connection
We have received multiple calls around when the sump pump
installations can be installed from the individual residences to the
lateral stubs that are part of the newly installed storm piping
system. The short answer is that it depends on which street the
individual home resides.
· Glenwood Street
- Storm piping installations are complete. All homes on Glenwood
Street can now be connected to the storm system laterals.
· Parkwood Street
– Storm Piping Installations are complete with the exception of one
lateral which is scheduled to be completed today. All homes on lower
Parkwood Street can now be connected to the storm system laterals.
· Parkwood Street East
– Storm sewer mainline piping is complete. There are several sump
pump connection laterals left to be installed. If the lateral to a
property is installed then the connection from the home to the
lateral stub can be made. The remaining storm laterals are scheduled
to be complete within the next two weeks.
· Parkwood
Street West – Storm sewer mainline piping is not complete and
there are several sump pump connection laterals left to be
installed. If the lateral to the property is installed then the
connection from the home to the lateral stub can be made. The
remaining storm main line piping, and storm laterals, are scheduled
to be complete within the next two weeks.
Schedule for remaining portions of the project:
· Elmwood Street
- The week of October 10th, 2022, American Evergreen, who are the
contractor for this project, will be focusing on mainline piping
installations at the alleyway between Elmwood Street and Parkwood
Street. They will also begin installations of mainline piping on
Elmwood Street.
As discussed during last week’s McKownville Improvement Association
meeting, there will be a 200 linear foot portion of this alleyway
section of piping installed by directional drilling methods.
Directional drilling is a technique of installing underground piping
without trenching. This practice is a great choice for this area as
this method is normally minimally invasive. In other words it is
good for the McKownville community as it will save many trees within
this alleyway and will also keep disturbance to the residents local
to this area as slight as possible.
Please understand there will still be excavations of approximately
of 200 linear feet in length for this alleyway installation. This is
because the entire length of this pipe run is approximately 375
linear feet and we need to assure positive grade is kept. But the
tightest area, which also has the most, if not all the trees, will
be spared from excavation and surface disturbance.
· Norwood Street
- We have not yet secured a firm schedule from the contractor for
piping installations on Norwood Street, but the contractor has
stated that as long as the weather is favorable for piping and
paving installations they will continue with work on this project as
long as possible. The contractor’s goal is to complete this entire
project this construction season.
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware Engineering
15 September 2022 - Meeting next Wednesday,
September 21, 7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Please join us next Wednesday evening
beginning at 7:00pm for our in-person meeting, at the Hampton Inn,
1442 Western Avenue. Guest speaker Jeremy Smith, Director of
Facilities for the Capital District Transportation Authority, will
tell us about the construction of the BusPlus Purple Line that is
going to run through the Harriman and UAlbany campuses, and answer
questions from the audience. Additionally, Town Supervisor
Peter Barber will tell us about many activities that the Town is
working on, including capital projects, the preliminary 2023 Town
Budget, the proposed Tree Preservation Committee, a new Conservation
Easement Program, and updates on Costco and the Guilderland
Comprehensive Plan. Finally, Biagio DelVillano from
Delaware Engineering will again update us on the status of the storm
water drainage improvement project. Although this meeting continues
the return to in-person gatherings, we still strongly encourage all
attendees to wear a mask. A link to the meeting announcement flyer
can be found on the Meetings page
of our website.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
9 September 2022 - University at Albany
events September 10 and 17
Dear McKownville neighbors: This Saturday, September 10, the UAlbany
Great Danes will play their first home football game of the season,
against the University of New Hampshire. The game will begin at 7:00
PM and there will be a brief fireworks display at approximately 8:30
And, on Saturday, September 17, from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM, the NYS
Writers Institute will host the Albany Book Festival in the Campus
Center. All are invited. Further information may be found
through the following link: https://www.albanybookfestival.com/
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
24 August 2022 - Update from Delaware
Engineering for the McKownville Storm Sewer Project
Glenwood Street
To date, the work for piping installations associated with the
contract for Town of Guilderland - McKownville Storm Sewer Project
on Glenwood St are complete. Asphalt and concrete restorations are
currently scheduled for the week of August 29th, 2022. Lawn
restorations will be completed at a later date which we will update
on when we receive the schedule information from the contractor.
Parkwood Street
The storm piping installations are advancing from the Western Avenue
end of Parkwood Street towards Parkwood Streets East and West. At
some point the contractor will drop back to the intersection of
Western Avenue and Parkwood streets and install the connection
piping and new structures from the new storm piping into the
existing NYSDOT drainage structure currently situated on the North
Eastern corner of the intersection of NYS RT20 and Parkwood Street.
The reason for this connection not being made previously is because
the new structures that are needed for this connection are within
the NYSDOT Right-of-Way and need to go through a series of approvals
prior to them being manufactured. NYSDOT has worked well with us and
has turned the submittals for these structures around quickly.
Having said this, the structures are in production and will arrive
soon so that the connection can be made. In addition to the storm
drainage work at this intersection, there will be watermain
relocation work being performed to lower the existing watermain to
an elevation that allows the storm piping to pass over it. To
clarify, the watermain that needs lowering was NOT part of the
previous work that installed new watermain piping in McKownville. It
is an existing pipe that runs parallel with Western Ave and has been
in place for years.
Norwood and Elmwood Streets
The contractor will notify us as to when the work on these streets
will begin and we will provide updates prior to work beginning on
these streets.
Contractors for Sump Pump to Storm Lateral Connections
We have added a fourth contractor to the contractor’s list. The
revised list is available on this website [click
The contractor that has been added is:
Basile Construction Solutions, 5882 Veeder Road, Slingerlands, NY
Contact: Nicholas Basile (518) 878-7643
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware Engineering
14 August 2022 - Firework Notification &
Campus Updates
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please see the following message that I
received from Luke Rumsey, Director of Community Relations at the
University at Albany.
"Dear campus neighbors: It's hard to believe that it's already
mid-August and student move-in is just around the corner. I
wanted to provide you wih a few quick updates from the campus
including notification of two upcoming firework displays.
1. Start of the Semester. You'll likely start to see activity
around the campus begin to pick up later this weekend as our
freshman class starts to arrive for the new academic year. Although
our first day of classes is not until August 22, our new students
will begin checking in on Sunday, to participate in a series of
orientation programming scheduled throughout next week.
2. Fireworks: On Tuesday, August 16th there will be a brief
fireworks display which will conincide with our Annual
Candlelighting Ceremony. The fireworks will be launched from Collin
Circle beginning at approximately 9:25 PM. Additionally, a second
display will occur on September 10th in conjunction with our first
home football game. Although the game will begin at 7:00PM, the
fireworks will not occur until halftime (approximately 8:20PM).
3. Campus Construction: If you've been on campus
recently, you've probably noticed the detour signs posted on
University Drive nearest the Dutch Quad parking lots. This
construction is affiliated with the Bus Rapid Transit - Garden Way
Project. Although work affiliated with this project will be
continuing into early November, I am happy to report that the detour
impacting University Drive is due to conclude this coming week.
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with questions or
concerns. Have a great weekend."
Luke can be reached at: [lrumsey@ualbany.edu] (518) 442-5141
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
9 August 2022 - University at Albany College
Planning Day 11 August
Dear McKownville neighbors: On Thursday, August 11, from 10am to
1pm, the University at Albany will host College Planning Day in the
Campus Center. The program is designed to help with navigating
the college search and application process. High school sophmores,
juniors and seniors, and their parents or guardians are invited to
attend. You may register here:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
8 August 2022 - Storm drain construction
update from Delaware Engineering
American Evergreen the contractor for the McKownville Storm Sewer
Project is scheduled to complete their piping installations on
Glenwood Street tomorrow, 8-9-2022. Glenwood Street sidewalk and
asphalt trench restorations are tentatively scheduled for the week
of August 22nd, 2022. The schedule for the restoration work is of
course weather dependent.
The contractor will be moving to Parkwood Street next and are
currently scheduled to be working there starting Wednesday,
8-10-2022. They will begin with exploratory excavations near the
intersection of NY Rt. 20 (Western Ave) and then proceed northerly
from this intersection towards Parkwood Streets East and West. This
work is within the NYSDOT right-of-way so there may be a requirement
for pedestrian detours to be in place. If the detours are necessary
then all pedestrian traffic will be detoured to the closest
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware Engineering
26 July 2022 - Food distribution event on
UAlbany campus 26 July
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please share the following information
with anyone you know who may be food-insecure.
On Tuesday, July 26, beginning at 9:30 am, and as long as supplies
last, UAlbany will host a Community Partnership Mass Food
The distribution will take place in the Colonial Quad
Northwest Gold Lot. Enter off Washington Avenue.
Please do not arrive early as that will cause traffic backups.
Drivers should stay in their cars, and walkers should practice
social distancing. Masks should be worn.
Further details and a map:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
11 July 2022 - Sad losses for McKownville
Dear McKownville neighbors: Many of you are aware that Beverly Reeb
died suddenly on Tuesday, June 28th. Bev was dearly loved and is
sorely missed by her husband Don, her daughters, sons-in-law,
grandchildren and, really, by all who were fortunate enough to have
known her.
Her obituary
aptly describes Bev's wonderful personality and recounts highlights
from her life story.
Later the same week, on July 2nd, former McKownville resident
Timothy Cohan passed away. Long-term residents will remember Tim as
a good neighbor and past president of the McKownville Improvement
Association. His obituary
attests to a life well lived.
While we are saddened by these losses we also feel fortunate to have
had such wonderful neighbors, and we extend our condolences to their
loved ones.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
1 July 2022 - More information on the
Stormwater Drainage Improvement Project
Dear McKownville neighbors: Two documents came to me via email from
Delaware Engineering.
The first is a letter
explaining the process for determining the best location for
the storm water connection (sump pump) to your home.
The second is a
list of three contractors that Delaware Engineering considers
qualified to perform the work. However, you are not required
to use these contractors. Hard copies of both documents have
already been delivered to some residents. Delaware Engineering
requests that you determine the connection point within two weeks of
the day that you receive a marker stake and the accompanying
Since many residents still are not signed up to receive email
updates from us it will be helpful if you share this information
with your neighbors.
I will continue to update you on this project as new information is
provided to me.
Information on the project may also be found on
the Town's website.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
30 June 2022 - Stormwater drainage
construction project to resume on Tuesday, July 5
Dear McKownville neighbors: Biagio Delvillano from Delaware
Engineering has let me know that work on stormwater drainage
improvement project is scheduled to resume on Tuesday, July 5, with
American Evergreen as the new contractor.
The updated FAQ
document and a map showing
the project area are posted on our website.
The starting point will be at the intersection of Glenwood Street
and Western Avenue, and installations will advance northerly.
As in previous phases of the project, Delaware Engineering has
assigned Dale Nunamann to act as project inspector and he will be in
the neighborhood on a regular basis. His telephone numbers are
(518) 452-1290 (office) and (518) 231-3050 (cell).
His email address is: [dnunamann@delawareengineering.com]
Best wishes for a very enjoyable Fourth of July weekend.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
28 June 2022 - McKownville-Country Club
Highlands Historic District
Dear McKownville neighbors: We are very pleased to announce that a
portion of our neighborhood is now listed on the National Register
of Historic Places! For the past several years, volunteers worked
with the New York State Historic Preservation Office to establish
the "McKownville-Country Club Highlands Historic District".
The properties within the district fall within the boundaries of the
1912 subdivision map titled "Country Club Highlands". The district
comprises the southerly portions of Elmwood, Parkwood, Glenwood, and
Norwood Streets, all of Waverly Place, and the north side of Western
Avenue beginning at number 1421 and west to Elmwood Street.
Additional information about our Historic District can be found on
the Association's website starting at this
linked page.
Neighborhood volunteers spent countless hours photographing each
building, researching and writing about the history of McKownville
and all individual properties within the district, and compiling and
analyzing the data. SHPO staff supported our mission from
start to finish. Their expertise was invaluable in identifying
the boundaries of the district, writing detailed descriptions of
each building and the neighborhood, and completing the nomination
that was presented for approval by the New York State Board for
Historic Preservation and the National Parks Service.
The Association is planning to apply for a Pomeroy Foundation grant
to obtain a roadside marker for the Historic District, and to
sponsor a house plaque design. More details on these items and
a neighborhood celebration to mark our achievement will be announced
later this summer.
We look forward to seeing you later this year!
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
27 June 2022 - Wildlife - Street paving -
Stormwater project - Primary day
Dear McKownville neighbors:
Wildlife sightings: Sunday morning a Woodscape resident
saw a bear on Russell Road, and a couple of weeks ago a number of
neighbors on Glenwood Street reported seeing a fox during the early
morning hours. With continuing loss of habitat we may increasingly
find ourselves sharing our neighborhood with nonhuman
neighbors. This is a reminder that housepets should be
supervised outdoors to ensure their safety, and it may be a good
idea to remove birdfeeders and other items that could attract
unwanted visitors to our yards.
Street paving: Now that the school year has ended we
can expect to see paving work commence on Mercer, Warren and
Providence Streets, as well as Waverly Place and Knowles Terrace, as
mentioned in the May 19 meeting summary.
Drainage Improvement Project: Work on installing stormwater
lines beneath Elmwood, Parkwood, Glenwood and Norwood Streets is
expected to commence around July 6. I will send an update when
I have a confirmation of the start date.
Primary Day: Tuesday, June 28, is NYS Primary
Day. Polling places will be open from 6:00 am to 9:00
I wish you all a very enjoyable summer. When I have more information
regarding the street paving and stormwater improvement projects I
will let you know.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
27 June 2022 - May 19th Association
meeting summary
Town Supervisor Peter Barber told us that scheduled improvements at
Abele Park will take place over the summer. These include a new
backstop, playground, and restroom. Additionally, the Town
plans to install 601 LED luminaries throughout Guilderland; work is
continuing to form a tree preservation committee; with the end of
the school year, the Highway Department will proceed with paving
Mercer, Warren and Providence Streets, as well as Waverly Place and
Knowles Terrace over the summer months. Also, the Town is
moving toward hiring a consultant to update the 2001 Comprehensive
Biagio Delvillano from Delaware Engineering updated us on plans to
recommence work on the stormwater drainage improvement project. The
new contractor is American Evergreen.
Luke Rumsey, Director of Community Relations, University at Albany,
was joined by Mary Ellen Malia from the University's Sustainability
Office. They told us about ongoing and completed construction
projects, including the 246,000sf ETEC Building that occupies
12 acres on the Harriman Campus, and the new College of Engineering
that is being developed in the former Albany High School building at
the corner of Western and North Lake Avenues in Albany. That
building is expected to be fully occupied by 2025.
Amanda Beedle spoke about the May 21st walkaround event for The
Caring Closet - Guilderland. Amanda later let me know that
McKownville residents very kindly contributed $430.00 in monetary
donations and nearly $900 worth of personal hygiene and grooming
items to be passed along to Guilderland students in need. Many
thanks to all who participated!
Finally, all current officers were reelected to serve for another
year, and three board members whose terms were up were reelected to
serve the Association for another three years.
17 June 2022 - Celebration of 50 years of
Service by the Guilderland Police, Saturday June 18th
Dear McKownville neighbors: This Saturday, June 18, from 11am to
2pm, the Guilderland Police invite you help celebrate the
department's 50 years of service to our town and its residents. The
event will be held at DeCaprio Park, 3420 E. Lydius Street, and
there will be food and fun activities for children and adults alike,
including a bounce house, gaming truck, and more. For further
details, please visit the GPD
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
6 June 2022 - Guilderland Garden Club garage
sale and garden tour Saturday, June 18th
Dear McKownville neighbors: From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday,
June 18th, the Guilderland Garden Club will hold a garage sale and
garden tour at the Mynderse-Frederick House, located at 451 Route
146 in Guilderland Center. In case of rain, the alternate date will
be June 25th.
June is an excellent month to take a short ride to enjoy the beauty
of nature in a lovely and historic setting right here in our town,
and perhaps pick up some treasures, while at the same time
supporting one of Guilderland's all-volunteer organizations.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
16 May 2020 - School and Library Budgets and
Board Election on Tuesday, May 17
Dear McKownville neighbors: Polls will be open on Tuesday, May 17,
from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm at your local elementary school. Up
for votes are the library and school budgets, and candidates for
positions on the Guilderland Board of Education and the Guilderland
Public Library.
To view a "Meet the Candidates" youtube video (opens in a new
tab) it was here:
Our public schools and library are important to all Guilderland
residents, and I hope that you will get out and vote tomorrow.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
14 May 2022 - Meeting next Thursday, May 19,
7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Please join us next Thursday evening
beginning at 7:00 p.m. for our third in-person meeting of 2022, at
the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue.
Supervisor Peter Barber will speak about some current and future
items in Town government, and Biagio DelVillano from Delaware
Engineering will again speak on the storm water drainage improvement
project. Additionally, Luke Rumsey, Interim Director for
Community Relations of the University at Albany, will tell us
about ongoing and upcoming construction projects on campus, and we
may have a speaker from CDTA. Finally, we will hold an election of
all officers and three board members whose terms are expiring.
Although this meeting continues the return to in-person gatherings,
for the time being we strongly encourage all attendees to wear a
A link to the meeting announcement flyer can be found on the Meetings page of our website.
13 May 2020 - collection date for donations
to the Caring Closet Guilderland changed
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please note that the collection date for
donations to the Caring Closet Guilderland has been changed to
Saturday, May 21, with a rain date of Sunday, May 22.
However, if you have already contacted Amanda Beedle with the
intention of leaving items outside your home for pickup on May 14,
be assured that Amanda will pick those items up on that date.
Other McKownville residents may leave items outside for pickup on
May 21 between 10:00am and 4:00pm.
Donated items will be used to supply Guilderland school students in
need with personal grooming and hygiene supplies. The
volunteers have a lot of ground to cover. If you would like to
coordinate with neighbors on you street and let Amanda know which
houses the volunteers may collect items from that will be very
helpful. To get in touch with Amanda, or for a full list of
items that are needed, please send an email to:
Information is also available on the group's Facebook page at The
Caring Closet - Guilderland
Thank you very much.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
10 May 2022 - McKownville Fire Department
boot drive Saturday May 14th, 11:00AM to 1:30PM
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please see the following message
regarding the McKownville FD's upcoming fundraiser this Saturday
from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. If you are able to get out to
support our all-volunteer department it will be very much
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
"Good afternoon neighbors, It was great to see so many of you at our
Recruit NY-Open House on April 23rd & 24th. Please be advised
that the McKownville Volunteer Fire Department is planning to hold a
boot drive on Saturday May 14th from 11:00am to 1:30pm. The boot
drive will be held at the intersection of Western Ave (Route 20) and
Fuller Road. We hope to see you there!
Your support goes directly towards helping recruit and retain new
volunteer members, who are needed to sustain the high level of fire
service you expect in our community, as well as open houses, and
other neighborhood engagement events, such as the annual children's
Halloween party and fire-truck riding Santa. Thank you for your
continued support of the McKownville Volunteer Fire Department!
Respectfully, Ben Westerman, Fundraising Committee Co-Chair,
McKownville Fire Department"
22 April 2022 - McKownville Fire Department
open house Saturday April 23rd, Sunday April 24th, 10:00AM to
Dear McKownville neighbors: The Association received the following
message regarding the open house this weekend at the firehouse. I
hope many of you will stop by, and that some of you will be
motivated to become a part of McKownville's all-volunteer fire
department that provides such invaluable services to our community.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
"The McKownville Fire Department will be hosting an open house this
weekend as part of the statewide RecruitNY effort.
We encourage our neighborhood community to stop by the firehouse at
1250 Western Avenue on Saturday April 23rd, or Sunday April 24th,
between 10:00AM and 4:00PM. We will have plenty of hots and
burgers on the grill and soda in the cooler, along with sign up
forms and live demonstrations throughout the weekend showing off
some of the equipment our volunteer organization uses. Stop on by
and say hello!"
15 April 2022 - Meeting next Wednesday,
April 20, 7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Please join us next Wednesday evening
beginning at 7:00 pm for our second in-person meeting of 2022, at
the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue.
Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering will update us on the
status of the storm water drainage improvement project.
Thirteen candidates are running for three open seats on the
Guilderland Board of Education. The election will take place
on Tuesday, May 17. The candidates will have the opportunity
briefly to introduce themselves and tell us why they wish to serve
on the BOE.
Our last speaker will be MIA secretary Laura Barry. As many of
you know, Laura has compiled lists of trees and
shrubs appropriate for planting in McKownville. She will
share a presentation that she has created highlighting the
advantages of incorporating native plants into our environment.
Although this meeting continues the return to in-person gatherings,
for the time being we strongly encourage all attendees to wear a
A link to the meeting announcement flyer can be found on the Meetings page of our website.
23 March 2022 - Guilderland Food Pantry food
drive collection, March 29 and 30, 4-7 pm at Guilderland YMCA
Dear McKownville neighbors: The Guilderland Police Department, the
Guilderland YMCA, and the Guilderland Food Pantry are coordinating a
food drive to help neighbors living in our town. Items will be
collected in the YMCA parking lot on March 29 & March 30 from
4-7 pm.
Please follow this
link for further details, including a list of items that are
most needed.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
22 March 2022 - Meeting tomorrow Wednesday,
March 23, 7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Please join us tomorrow evening
beginning at 7:00 p.m. for our first meeting of 2022, in-person, now
more than two years since our last in-person meeting. Wednesday,
March 23, 7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Town Supervisor Peter Barber will make announcements regarding
recent activities in the town, and answer questions from the
Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering will update us on the
status of the storm water drainage improvement project.
Amanda Beedle is one of our newly serving Town Board members, but
she will speak to us about a program that she has initiated in her
private life called The Caring Closet Guilderland.
The State Historic Preservation Office has approved the Country Club
Highlands section of McKownville for listing on the NYS Register of
Historic Places, and we anticipate that listing on the National
Register will occur soon. With that in mind, Bill Kidd will speak to
us about plaques that residents of
this section might purchase and place on their houses.
Although this meeting marks the return to an in-person gathering,
for the time being we strongly encourage all attendees to wear a
A link to the meeting announcement flyer can be found on the Meetings page
15 February 2022 - Plant McKownville
Dear McKownville neighbors: Our
neighborhood holds many attractions: lovely homes in a convenient
location, agreeable neighbors, and access to excellent schools. In
addition to these features, many of us were drawn here by streets
lined with mature trees that provide cooling shade during the summer
months and year-round beauty. Over the years, though, we have
lost many of our trees through the aging process, and others due to
a variety of adverse conditions.
With the goal of preserving and enhancing the beauty of our
streetscape, a resident volunteer has compiled lists of trees and
shrubs that can thrive in our neighborhood. You may view these
lists and a wealth of accompanying information by clicking on this link.
We hope that you'll find these materials interesting, and that
you'll consider planting a new tree this year. If you already
have a healthy tree (or two) on the street lawn in front of your
house perhaps you'll be intrigued by the thought of planting a new
tree or shrub in your yard that will attract birds and
pollinators. Native plants are especially important because
they are hosts to so many pollinators that are vital in supporting a
healthy ecosystem. Spring is season of renewal, and an excellent
time for planting a tree or shrub that can enjoyed now and by future
residents of McKownville. We're just at the start of what we
expect to be a long-term new project for the McKownville Improvement
Association and, we hope, for the neighborhood as a whole. You may
count on hearing more from us on this subject over the coming
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
1 February & 31 January 2022 - Dish
network antennas to be installed on roof of 1228 Western Avenue
Dear McKownville neighbors: Today I called the telephone number
included in the Legal Notice I emailed to you yesterday, and spoke
with Carrie Godchaux. She is an architectural historian who reviews
projects for DISH Wireless. She confirmed that the proposed
antennas will be located on the roof of the Promenade building at
1228 Western Avenue. However, the 48' height will be measured from
the ground, not from the roof. Additionally, the antennas will be
set back from the sides of the building so that visual impact should
be minimal. And, the State Historic Preservation Office will
be asked to review and comment on any potential negative impact on
historic properties.
Although the Legal Notice does not specify an end date for the
comment period, Ms. Godchaux told me that the usual timeframe is 30
days, after which SHPO will be asked to review the project. I wanted
to make you aware of the proposed action as soon as possible so that
you could take any actions that you considered appropriate, and I
still encourage interested parties to do your own research and, if
you wish, register your individual comments on the subject. Ms.
Godchax can be reached at (313) 495-0640.
Installation of antennas with a top height of 48 ft. is proposed for
1228 Western Avenue, the location of the Promenade assisted living
Here is the Legal Notice that was printed in the January 27, 2022
edition of the Altamont Enterprise:
"DISH Wireless L.L.C. is proposing to install new wireless
telecommunications antennas. The new facility will include
antennas with a top height of 48 ft. on a 42-foot building
(measured to top of (parapet). The location is in the vicinity of
1228 Western Avenue, Guilderland, Albany County, NY 12203. Any
interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the
potential effects of the proposed facility may have on any
historic property may do so by sending such comments to: Project
6122000525 - KMG EBI Consulting, 21 B Street, Burlington, MA
01803, or via telephone at (313) 495-0640"
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
Older announcements from March-December
2020 January-December
Past meeting announcements
Fall 2020 - 10
September 2020 19
November 2020
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May 2020
Fall 2019 - 19 September 2019
17 October 2019
21 November 2019
Spring 2019 - 14
March 2019 11 April 2019
16 May 2019
12 June 2019
Fall 2018 - 20 September 2018
17 October 2018
15 November 2018
Spring 2018 - 15
March 2018 11 April 2018
17 May 2018
Fall 2017 - 19 October 2017
8 November 2017
Spring 2017 - 16
March 2017 20 April 2017
18 May 2017
meetings in years prior to 2017
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