McKownville - Western

McKownville Improvement Association
- About the Association

About       Meetings       News       Projects       Links       Neighborhood       Local history

Purpose of the Association
The Association aims to improve and preserve the amenities and qualities of this residential neighborhood, working with residents, and in cooperation with the Town of Guilderland and Albany County. In recent years the Association has held six public meetings each year in March, April, May, September, October and November. Speakers invited by the Association board make presentations and take questions on local issues; these include town, county and state government officials and elected representatives. The president also makes announcements of events and issues of current interest or concern to the neighborhood. The flyers distributed to announce past meetings illustrate the topics and the kind of issues that can be anticipated. The Association does not endorse any candidates for public office.

Officers and Board members
Officers serve one year terms. Board members serve three year terms. Elections are held annually.

Some history of the Association
The Association was founded in 1924, largely by the same group of residents who organized the McKownville Volunteer Fire Department successfully in 1917-18. The initial focus of the Association was to obtain the installation of pipes to supply (coal-generated) gas, which occurred by 1928 on streets bordering the north side of Western Avenue. The Association in its early years also successfully promoted lighting along Western Avenue, and paving of the side streets, and attempted unsuccessfully to have the Western Avenue trolley extended past the Albany City line. The Association did succeed in getting bus service extended, first to the Albany Country Club entrance on Western Avenue and later to Fuller Road.
[Knickerbocker Press article 8th April 1928; scan1; scan2; text pdf]
[Summary of Association business 1924-1955 by Fred Abele; text pdf]
[The McKownville Improvement Association 1924-1984 by Don Reeb; text pdf]

In recent times, the Association has succeeded in getting flood and groundwater issues of the neighborhood on the path to remediation, with the Town of Guilderland having obtained substantial funding for the construction project recently completed in parts of McKownville to replace the aging water pipes and install a new storm drain system. Other recent projects supported by the Association included promoting walking accessibility with the installation of sidewalks on Western Avenue and Fuller Road, and pedestrian safety by the installation of crosswalk controls, and reduction of the speed limit on Fuller Road.
[list of McKownville Improvement Association improvements 2000-2015 by Don Reeb; scan pdf]
Current Association projects are listed on the projects page.

Archive documents (minutes, letters, reports, announcements, etc): 1925-41; 1945-62; 1963-72; 1973-82; 1983-93; [1994-2000]; 2001-2010; 2011-2020;

Contributions to the Association
There are presently no formal dues.
However, small voluntary contributions to the running costs of the non-profit Association will be gratefully received,
and should be sent to the Treasurer, McKownville Improvement Association, 1445 Western Avenue, Albany NY 12203.

Contacting the Association
Electronic mail [mailbox at mckownville dot org]
Telephone - numbers for officers are on the home page
Postal mail - President, McKownville Improvement Association, 3 Norwood St, Albany NY 12203
                   - Secretary, McKownville Improvement Association, 3 Waverly Place, Albany NY 12203

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