Improvement Association
- Announcements 2023
Local history
This page includes content and/or links to pages of announcement
emails sent to subscribers by the Association in 2023. [Recent
28 November 2023 - Message delivery delays
Dear McKownville neighbors: Over the past few weeks there have been
significant delays in the delivery of some of the messages sent from
the McKownville Improvement Association to our subscribers, and some
messages may not have been delivered at all.
Our web host is working to resolve these issues and we hope that
timely delivery of messages will soon be restored. In the meantime,
we apologize for any confusion and inconvenience that may be caused
by issues that are beyond our control.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
27 November 2023 - MIA Public Meeting Wednesday November 29
Town Supervisor Peter Barber will provide updates on the new Town
website, the 2024 budget, and park and sidewalk improvements, as
well as information about the Comprehensive Plan Update and the tree
preservation committee. Luke Rumsey, Director of Community
Relations at UAlbany, will tell us about activities and projects
underway on campus, and Albany County Legislator Mickey Cleary will
fill us in on legislative accomplishments this year and priorities
for 2024. Following the business portion of the meeting refreshments
will be served and all are invited to stay and mingle with
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
26 November 2023 - Paving alleys between Glenwood and Parkwood
Dear McKownville neighbors: The paving of the alleys between
Parkwood and Glenwood Streets is now scheduled for Monday, November
27th. Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering just got word from
the paving contractor this evening that there is a last-minute
schedule opening, and at this time of year it's especially important
to take advantage of any day that the weather is favorable for
completing the work.
If you receive this email before the paving work begins, it will be
very helpful if you let your nearest neighbors know of the revised
paving plan. It is also important that you avoid driving on the
newly paved surface for at least a full day after the paving is
Thank you very much for your patience.
If you have any questions please call or email Biagio DelVillano:
(518) 610-2447 (mobile); (518) 452-1290 (office)
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
20 November 2023 - Paving of alleyway
Schedule Change
Dear McKownville residents
Biagio DelVillano has just told me: We just heard from the
contractor for the storm water project about paving of the alleyway.
The paving of the alleyway has pushed to Wednesday, November 22nd,
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
19 November 2023 - More on paving of alleys between Glenwood and
Parkwood Streets
Dear McKownville neighbors: Biagio DelVillano from Delaware
Engineering asked me to let you know that you should avoid driving
in the alleys for at least one full day after the paving is
completed. This will give the asphalt time to cool and set up. All
residents who customarily park in the alleys should park their cars
elsewhere beginning early Tuesday morning. I let the Guilderland
Police know of this circumstance so that cars parked overnight on
the street should not be ticketed. If you have any questions please
call Biagio at (518) 610-2447.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
18 November 2023 - Paving of alleys between
Glenwood and Parkwood Streets
Dear McKownville neighbors: The paving of the alleys between
Glenwood and Parkwood Streets is scheduled for this Tuesday,
November 21st, weather permitting.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
13 November 2023 - Comprehensive Plan Update meeting November 14
Dear McKownville neighbors: The Comprehensive Plan Update Committee
will hold a meeting on Tuesday, November 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the
Town Board Meeting Room, Town Hall, First Floor. The public in
encouraged to attend to learn about the work of the subcommittees
and to participate in the public comment portion of the meeting. To
review the agenda, and to read a draft summary of the work of the
subcommittees, please click on this link:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
29 October 2023 - Early Voting
Dear McKownville neighbors: Early voting ahead of the November 7
general election began yesterday
and will continue through Sunday, November 5. The polls will
be open at the following times:
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday & Wednesday: Noon to 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Further details and a list of early voting sites may be found here:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
23 October 2023 - McKownville Fire
Department public meeting Wednesday, October 25, 7pm
On Wednesday, October 25, the McKownville Fire Department will host
a public meeting to inform residents about proposed plans for a new
firehouse and how the department will operate during the
construction period if bonding for the project is approved by
residents via a referendum. The meeting will take place at the
firehouse, 1250 Western Avenue, beginning at 7:00 p.m. A
second public meeting will be scheduled for a date yet to be
determined. The firehouse and the department’s volunteers play
a vital role in our neighborhood and these meetings will provide an
excellent opportunity for residents to become informed about the
proposal. [McKownville FD website]
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
22 October 2023 - Meeting this Thursday,
October 26, 7pm at Hampton Inn
Dear McKownville neighbors: I hope you will join us at the Hampton
Inn on Thursday at 7:00 pm.
Town Supervisor Peter Barber will begin the meeting, with
information on the Town’s intentions to enlarge exemptions from Town
taxes for eligible seniors and persons with disabilities on limited
incomes; updates on the Comprehensive Plan Update; the 2024 budget;
the Highway Department’s leaf pickup schedule; the opening of the
new EMS station, and coming parks improvements. The remainder
of the evening will be devoted to a “Meet the Candidates” segment,
during which candidates for Town offices will introduce themselves
and answer questions from the audience.
meeting announcement flyer: [pdf page]
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
9 October 2023 - Fundraiser for the
Guilderland Food Pantry, Tuesday October 17, 6pm
Dear McKownville Neighbors: On Tuesday, October 17, from 6:00 to
8:00 p.m. Christ's Church is hosting 'Taste of Guilderland', an
event to benefit the Guilderland Food Pantry. Many local
restaurants and other businesses have donated food for tasting and
items for raffling.
Both the church and the food pantry are located at 4 Charles
Boulevard, off of Rt. 155. Tickets sales close at 6:00 p.m. on
Sunday, October 15th. To purchase tickets, and for further
information about the event and the Guilderland Food Pantry, please
click here.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
19 September 2023 - Lawn restorations, CPU
meetings, and MIA meeting this Wednesday
Dear McKownville neighbors: Today Biagio DelVillano from Delaware
Engineering let us know that beginning on Wednesday, September 20,
American Evergreen will begin topsoil and seeding work associated
with "backing up" the newly placed asphalt on streets in the
McKownville Stormwater Project area. The work will more than likely
be performed sporadically as the contractor's schedule and the
weather allow.
Also, subcommittees working on the Guilderland Comprehensive Plan
continue to meet, and all Guilderland residents are invited to
attend. The Neighborhoods and Housing Subcommittee will meet this
evening from 5:30 to 7:30 in the Westbrook Room at the Guilderland
Public Library. All meetings are posted on the Town website.
Finally, I am looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow evening
at the Hampton in for our first MIA meeting of the fall season.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
18 September 2023 - Meeting this Wednesday,
September 20, 7pm at Hampton Inn
Dear McKownville neighbors: I hope you will join us at the Hampton
Inn on Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
Town Supervisor Peter Barber will begin the meeting with
announcements on a variety of topics, including Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Day, the Farnsworth Middle School
recycling event, improvements at our Town parks, the Town's 2024
budget process, and the Guilderland Comprehensive Plan Update.
Next, Amanda Beedle, founder of Caring Closet - Guilderland, will
speak to us about how the organization helps Guilderland school
students in need, and a special event coming up on October 21st.
Representatives from the McKownville Fire Department will update us
on progress that is being made toward modernizing and
expanding the firehouse.
Finally, two MIA volunteers are serving on subcommittees for the
Guilderland Comprehensive Plan Update: the Neighborhoods and Housing
subcommittee, and the Environment, Climate Change, and Resiliency
subcommittee. During the latter part of the evening we will welcome
your ideas as to how the Town might best go forward with planning
Guilderland’s future in these important areas, and any others which
might particularly affect McKownville.
You may find a link to the meeting announcement here
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
23 July 2023 - Thanks for recent assistance
from the McKownville Fire Department and the Town of Guilderland
Water from the frequent and heavy rains over the past few weeks has
saturated the ground in many of our yards, and last week volunteers
from the McKownville Fire Department worked for hours pumping water
from the basements of a number of homes in our neighborhood.
We thank the members of the McKFD for their continual dedication in
ensuring our safety and wellbeing, as well as the employees of the
Town of Guilderland who responded to emergency calls.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
22, 23 July 2023 - Bear(s) in the
Dear McKownville neighbors: Apparently this is not the first time
that bears have been seen in that area this month, and a neighbor on
E. Highland Drive reported seeing a bear on her street at 7:30 this
Sunday morning.
In order to encourage the bears to move on to a safer and more
natural habitat for them, it's important that we discourage them
from staying in the neighborhood as much as possible. Removing
bird feeders for now, and wherever possible, storing trash
bins in a garage or shed, are recommended.
Dear McKownville neighbors: Twice over the past couple of days a
young bear has visited a yard on Fuller Road. Animal Control and the
Guilderland Police have been notified. We hope that the bear and its
mother will safely move on, but in the meantime please take in any
bird feeders you may have in your yard and make sure your trash is
secured in a garage or shed.
Pictures provided by Paul Scoville who lives at 303 Fuller Road.
Click on either image for larger view.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

21 July 2023 - Message from the McKownville
Fire Department
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please see the following message from
the McKownville Fire Department.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
Hello Neighbors, We at the McKownville Fire Department wanted to
reach out with couple of friendly reminders.
Recently, as you all know, we have had some pretty wet
weather. If does not seem like it's going to stop anytime
soon, with more rain in the forecast.
We want to encourage everyone to check your basements to make sure
they are dry, and to check that your sump pumps are in working
Additionally, when large scale storms arrive and we have roadway
flooding, do NOT drive or walk through standing or moving
water. There are numerous reasons why this is not safe.
As always, McKownville FD and its members will always be here for
the residents of the district and we are just a phone call away!
Thank you,
Mike Costabile, Chief of the Department
McKownville Fire Department
21 June 2023 - Unveiling of the roadside
marker for the McKownville – Country Club Highlands Historic
Dear McKownville neighbors: The McKownville Improvement Association
and the Guilderland Historical Society are pleased to invite you to
join us at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 28, for the unveiling of
the roadside marker for the McKownville - Country Club Highlands
Historic District.
Full details are given in this announcement [a page-size printable
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
12 June 2023 - Repaving schedule: Norwood,
Glenwood, Parkwood and Elmwood Streets
Dear McKownville neighbors: Today I received information from
Delaware Engineering that you will find below this note from me.
Please note that the paving of Norwood, Glenwood, Parkwood and
Elmwood Streets will be done by American Evergreen or its
The Town Highway Department will repave additional McKownville
Streets later this summer.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
The schedule for paving of the roads which have been affected by the
McKownville Storm Drain Project is as follows:
Norwood & Glenwood Streets: Mill and Pave 6/22-6/24
Parkwood & Elmwood Streets: Mill and Pave 6/27-6/30
This schedule is of course weather dependent.
We ask that the residents of McKownville be as patient as possible
during the paving operations as there will undoubtedly be some
delays with moving vehicular traffic through these streets while the
milling and paving is performed. If needed, there will be
backing up of the asphalt after paving is completed.
Backing up means if there is topsoil or something else that needs to
be filled in behind the new asphalt it will be taken care of.
As always, please contact Delaware Engineering with any comments or
Dale Nunamann 518-231-3050
Biagio DelVillano 518-452-1290, x220
30 May 2023 - Stormwater project:
informational documents for property owners
Dear McKownville neighbors: With the construction of the stormwater
drainage improvement project now completed, the Town has prepared a
letter to homeowners in the project area, and accompanying
documents, describing final steps needed to ensure that each
property is in compliance with State and Town regulations. These
informational packets will be delivered to each home in the affected
area by the end of this week.
You may also view and download the document package by clicking
on this link.
If you have any questions after reviewing the documents please call
the Town of Guilderland Water/Wastewater Department at (518)
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
12 May 2023 - McKownville Volunteer Fire
Department boot drive on Saturday
Dear McKownville neighbors: I received the following email regarding
the McKownville Fire Department boot drive that will take place
Any support you may offer will be appreciated. Ellen Manning,
President, McKownville Improvement Association
Good afternoon neighbors, Please be advised that the McKownville
Volunteer Fire Department is planning to hold a boot drive on
Saturday, May 13th, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The boot drive will be
held at the intersection of Western Ave (Route 20) and Fuller Road.
We hope to see you there!
Your support goes directly towards helping recruit and retain new
volunteer members who are needed to sustain the high level of fire
service you expect in our community, as well as community events
such as open houses, the annual children's Halloween party, and the
fire-truck-riding Santa.
Thank you for your continued support of the McKownville Volunteer
Fire Department!
Respectfully, Ben Westerman, Fundraising Committee Co-Chair,
McKownville Volunteer Fire Department
25 April 2023 - Reminder - Association
meeting on Wednesday, April 26th
Dear McKownville neighbors: This is a reminder that our April
meeting will take place this Wednesday at the Hampton Inn, beginning
at 7:00 p.m. Our speakers will include Guilderland Town
Supervisor Peter Barber, NYS Assemblymember Patricia Fahy,
Guilderland School Superintendent Marie Wiles, and candidates for
positions on the school board. The final speakers of the evening
will be Biagio DelVillano and Dale Nunamann from Delaware
Engineering who will update us on the final phase of the stormwater
drainage improvement project. Finally, to celebrate the
completion of the project, Delaware Engineering is providing
refreshments for our enjoyment. It will be an interesting and
informative evening, and an opportunity to enjoy some refreshments
and the company of neighbors. I hope you will be
able to join us.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
24 April 2023 - Fundraiser for Food Pantries
of the Capital District
Dear McKownville neighbors: From now through May 1st, the 2023
CANstruction exhibit is on view at Crossgates Mall on the first
floor near APEX Entertainment and Burlington. This annual event
connects local architects, engineers, contractors, and students
throughout our area who build structures out of canned food items.
One of our neighbors, Alyssa O'Connor, participated with her Girl
Scout troop in building the I Love (Heart) New York wall of
More information may be found at this site -
At the end of the exhibit all of the cans will be donated to food
pantries throughout the Capital Region.
Bring a can of food to donate and vote for your favorite structure!
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
19 April 2023 - McKownville Storm Sewer
Project - Milling and Paving schedule - 24-26 April
The end of the Guilderland - McKownville Storm Sewer Project is
within sight and we are ready to install pavement at Parkwood,
Glenwood, and Norwood Streets where they intersect with Western
Avenue. The schedule for this work is as follows:
4-24-2023 Milling at intersections of Parkwood, Glenwood
and Norwood Streets.
4-25-2023 Replacement of traffic signal loops at
Parkwood and Norwood Streets
4-26-2023 Paving at intersections of Glenwood and
Norwood Streets.
We ask that the residents try to keep travel in these areas to a
minimum so that the work to restore the intersections can be
performed safely and efficiently.
As always please contact us with any comments or concerns and we’ll
address them immediately. [Dale Nunamann 518-231-3050]
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware Engineering
13 April 2023 - Historic District sign and
house plaques
Dear McKownville neighbors: If you've walked or driven along Western
Avenue since Tuesday afternoon you may have noticed the roadside
marker that has been installed in front of 1443 Western Avenue, at
the eastern corner of Glenwood Street.
Our thanks are owed to all who have worked on this project over the
past several years, and we now extend our particular gratitude to
volunteers from the Guilderland Historical Society for their
guidance and sponsorship of an application to the William G. Pomeroy
Foundation. As a result, the Pomeroy Foundation provided the
sign at no cost to us. Further information may be found on our
website Historic District page.
Additionally, design sponsorship of Historic District House plaques
has been completed, and homeowners wishing to obtain one for their
property may find further information on this website page.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
12 April 2023 - McKownville Spring Cleanup
and Open House at Fire House
Dear McKownville neighbors: In conjunction with Earth week, the
McKownville Fire Department and the McKownville Improvement
Association are coordinating a Spring Cleanup day on Sunday, April
23rd, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Volunteers are encouraged to meet
at the Firehouse to pick up gear and street assignments. Following
the cleanup, volunteers are invited back to the Firehouse for an
Open House, cookout, and hands-on demonstrations beginning at 11:00
a.m. Use this link for complete details about this important event.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
27 March 2023 - March 23 Association meeting
Dear McKownville neighbors: At last Thursday's meeting Town
Supervisor Peter Barber told us that although highway department
workers have picked up most of the debris from the recent storms, he
expects that crews will come by one more time to pick up remaining
branches. It is not necessary to cut up and bundle the storm debris,
but branches should not be placed in the roadway. Once the
cleanup from the storms is completed, however, residents must return
to cutting and bundling large branches.
Hazardous Household Waste may be dropped off at the Town Highway
Department on French's Mill Road on Saturday, April 15, from 8:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please note that paint, stains, and varnish
should no longer be dropped off at the highway department.
Instead, a new paint recycling program (PaintCare) provides
residents and businesses the opportunity to drop these materials at
various locations. In Guilderland, Sherwin Williams will
accept the items, but it is recommended that you call before
stopping by. Further information may be found at this link on
the town website
On April 3rd, DOT will begin work on the new roundabout at the exit
from the Northway to Crossgates. From April 3 to April 21 the
northbound ramp onto I87 will be closed. Construction is estimated
to be completed at the end of July. Further information about
lane closures may be found on the town website. [pdf
file info; pdf
file image renderings]
On March 30th, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m., a local ornithologist will
lead a bird walk at the Community Gardens site on Rt. 146. All
are invited. Improvements at the Tawasentha Park Performing Arts
Center will be completed in time for the summer season, and the new
EMS station on Western Avenue should be open sometime in July.
Work on the Guilderland Comprehensive Plan Update has begun. The
March 13 open house at Town Hall was very well attended.
Residents are encouraged to take part in the process, and meetings
specifically intended to engage McKownville residents will be
Town Planner Ken Kovalchik spoke about a number of projects that are
underway in Guilderland, and outlined steps required in the planning
process. Unfortunately, a number a proposed projects that would have
provided affordable housing for seniors and other residents have
been abandoned because grant applications were not approved by the
State. At its March 22 meeting, the Planning Board approved the site
plan for the Costco development, and it will now go to the Zoning
Board of Appeals for further reviews.
Beginning this week, Delaware Engineering and its subcontractor will
be back in McKownville to complete work on the storm water drainage
improvement project. Sidewalk and topsoil restorations will be
completed. A contractor hired by DOT will complete work at the
intersections and on sidewalks in the right-of-ways on Western
Avenue. When all construction work is completed, the Town
Highway Department will repave those streets in the project
area that have not yet been done [Norwood, Glenwood, Parkwood,
Elmwood]. The Highway Department also plans to repave
additional streets in McKownville this year. When those plans
are finalized I will forward the a list of the
Please note that at the end of this construction season the Town
will conduct inspections to ensure that homeowners have disconnected
sump pumps from sanitary lines in their basements.
Homeowners within the Country Club Highlands historic district will
soon have the opportunity to purchases plaques to place on their
homes. Further information will be available soon. We
currently have $1,288 in our treasury. Many thanks to those made
donations over the past several months!
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
15 March 2023 - Special Use Permit and Site
Plan Review for Proposed Costco site
Dear McKownville neighbors: Town Planner Ken Kovalchik emailed me
this link to a page on the Town's website regarding the proposed
Costco development:
Because the proposed development has generated a great deal of
interest, Mr. Kovalchik asked me to share this information with
McKownville residents.
A Site Plan Review Associated With a Request for a Special Use
Permit is on the agenda for the March 22 meeting of the Planning
Here is a link to the meeting agenda:
The public is invited to attend the meeting at Town Hall or to view
it on Verizon channel 34, Spectrum channel 1303, or through a link
on the Town website.
As it happens, Mr. Kovalchik is on the agenda to speak at the March
23 meeting of the McKownville Improvement Association and he will be
glad to answer questions on the Costco project, and other matters
involving the Planning Department. Meeting flyers will be delivered
to your homes over the next several days.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
8March 2023 - McKownville stormwater drain
project FAQ
Dear McKownville neighbors: An updated FAQ on the storm drain construction
project has been provided by the Town and Delaware
Engineering, which includes this summary of the work that remains to
be done, to be finished this Spring 2023.
All of the piping installations are complete with the exception of a
couple of yard drains. The work remaining consists of those yard
drains, installation of concrete sidewalk panels where temporary
asphalt was placed for the winter, asphalt restorations, and lawn
restorations. Some of the asphalt restorations that will need to be
completed are within the NYSDOT right-of-way, at the intersections
of Parkwood, Glenwood, and Norwood Streets. We ask for your patience
when these restorations are completed as this work will tie up these
intersections for a few days. Traffic will be handled as efficiently
as possible but this is not to say there won’t be delays in getting
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
8 March 2023 - Little Sprouts Garden Program
Younger residents and their guardians might enjoy participating in
the Little Sprouts Garden Adventure offered by Albany County Cornell
Cooperative Extension in Voorheesville. The program was specifically
created for 3 & 4 year olds. It will be held on Tuesday
mornings beginning on April 18 and ending on May 23, 2023. For
further information please send an email to: [albany@cornell.edu]
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
7 March 2023 - Town Comprehensive Plan Update
Dear McKownville neighbors: The Town of Guilderland is embarking on
the process of updating its 2001 Comprehensive Plan, and all
residents are invited to take part. The first opportunity for public
engagement will take place at Town Hall on Monday, March 13, from
7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The Open House and Visioning Workshop will
include maps, blueprints, interactive stations, and an opportunity
to fill out a community survey. This will be an informal
event, and participants are encouraged to come and go as they
please. More information about the Comprehensive Plan Update may be
found at this link:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
18 January 2023 - Winter parking
restrictions on Town streets
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please be aware that the Guilderland
Police have distributed notices reminding residents that parking on
Town streets is prohibited between 2:00 AM to 7:00 AM, from
November 1 through March 31. This reminder is posted here on the
Town website:
Compliance with this policy is important in assisting highway crews
with snow removal, and to ensure the safe passage of school buses
and emergency vehicles along our streets, and violators are at risk
of having their vehicles towed.
Please be sure to park your vehicles off street for the next few
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
11 January 2023 - Spring 2023 meeting dates
Dear McKownville neighbors: Best wishes for a happy and healthy
Our spring meetings have been set
for the following dates:
Thursday, March 23, Wednesday, April 19, Thursday, May 25
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
Older announcements from March-December
2020 January-December 2021
January-December 2022
Past meeting announcements
Fall 2020 - 10
September 2020 19
November 2020
Spring 2020 - 21
May 2020
Fall 2019 - 19 September 2019
17 October 2019
21 November 2019
Spring 2019 - 14
March 2019 11 April 2019
16 May 2019
12 June 2019
Fall 2018 - 20 September 2018
17 October 2018
15 November 2018
Spring 2018 - 15
March 2018 11 April 2018
17 May 2018
Fall 2017 - 19 October 2017
8 November 2017
Spring 2017 - 16
March 2017 20 April 2017
18 May 2017
meetings in years prior to 2017
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