McKownville - Waverly

McKownville Improvement Association

- Announcements 2021
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This page includes content and/or links to pages of announcement emails sent to subscribers by the Association in 2021. [Recent announcements]

27 December 2021 - Kn95 masks and Covid-19 home testing kits
*Update* -  All Covid-19 test kits that were made available to Guilderland residents have been distributed.
Please click on [link removed] for the most recent update. I will update you when I receive further information regarding test kits and masks.
You may also want to check the Town's website from time to time for the most current information
County Legislator Mickey Cleary just let me know that the Town of Guilderland has a limited supply of Kn95 masks and Covid-19 tests available for for pick-up today, December 27, from 1-4, and Tuesday, December 28, from 10-4. The items may be picked up at EMS Station One, 200 Centre Drive, adjacent to the Westmere Fire House. Proof of Guilderland residency is required in order to receive a test kit.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

26 December 2021 -  Tree removal on the University at Albany campus
Several neighbors have noted the removal of a large number of mature trees on the UAlbany campus.  Luke Rumsey, Interim Director of Community Relations at the University, responded to my request for information.  A total of 120 trees are being removed to make way for the CDTA Bus Rapid Transit line that will run through campus.  All of the trees will be replaced, and a total of 230 trees will be planted on the campus over the next year. 
For further information about the project please click on this link.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

15 December 2021 - McKownville-Country Club Highlands Historic District approved by the New York State Board of Historic Preservation
Dear McKownville neighbors: The officers and board of the McKownville Improvement Association are very pleased to announce that the proposal to establish a Historic District for the Country Club Highlands residential area was approved on the 9th of December by the New York State Board of Historic Preservation. Our Historic District is now listed on the New York State Register of Historic Places, and the nomination will be forwarded to the National Park Service for review in the near future for listing on the National Register.
McKownville-Country Club Highlands is the area on the north side of Western Avenue between Fuller Road and Waverly Place, bounded to the north by the old Corporation line, and contains 94 contributing houses built between 1910 and 1952. In addition to properties along Western Avenue, Waverly Place and portions of Norwood, Glenwood, Parkwood and Elmwood Streets are included in the district. [see this map of the Historic District]
Eligibility for McKownville-Country Club Highlands Historic District particularly depended on the integrity of most of the houses in the District, and the development as a whole, to the original architecture and subdivision design. This residential integrity, especially for the houses fronting on Western Avenue, has been retained, despite episodes of attempted commercial encroachment during the 1960-1990 interval, by the sustained efforts of residents and the McKownville Improvement Association.
The Country Club Highlands comprises only a small part of McKownville, which as a whole remains a residential neighborhood, with 87% of the land occupied for non-commercial uses. We look forward to the inclusion of additional parts of McKownville into an enlarged Historic District, and to continuing to work with the New York State Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO) to achieve this goal. We would like to extend our thanks to SHPO staff members Bill Krattinger and James Carter for all of their hard work and guidance toward making the McKownville-Country Club Highlands Historic District a reality. We were encouraged and supported throughout the process by our elected officials.
Much gratitude is due also to the efforts of many past and present residents of McKownville who have worked hard to preserve the special character of our neighborhood, and to our resident volunteers who spent countless hours researching the area's history and architectural development, and providing photographs of all of the buildings in the District. Without them, the McKownville-Country Club Highlands Historic District would not exist today.
For much more information about the history of McKownville, please explore the History, and Neighborhood sections of our website. See this page for more information on our Historic District proposal and the approval and review process.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

19 November 2021 - McKownville Improvement Association 18 November online meeting summary
    Outgoing Town Board member Patricia Slavick announced that the Board will hold a public hearing today at noon to consider proposed funding to improve our water district, including installation of a greensand filtration system at the Town's three drinking water wells.
Councilwoman Slavick and Councilman Paul Pastore were present for the last MIA meeting that they will attend in their official capacities.  They expressed appreciation for the work of the McKownville Improvement Association, and we thanked them for their years of service to Guilderland residents.  However, they assured us that they plan to remain engaged with the community, and we look forward to seeing them in the future. 
    Biagio DelVillano, representing Delaware Engineering, updated us on the stormwater drainage improvement project.  Except for a short piece at the end of Mercer Street, storm drain piping is installed under all streets west of Fuller Road, and on Waverly Place and Knowles Terrace. Bids will be solicited in February or March for installing the storm water pipes under Elmwood, Parkwood, Glenwood and Norwood Streets, and we may expect the work to begin in May.  When the work is completed the Town will repave the streets. 
 Albany County Legislator Mickey Cleary spoke about  how the Legislature has been functioning during the pandemic.  Among other activities, the Legislature has allocated $500,000 for small grants for local businesses.  To date, 132 grants in amounts up to $5,000 have been issued.  Of those, nine business are located in Guilderland, one of them in McKownville.  The Albany County Sheriff's Office call center in Clarksville is undergoing a major upgrade, and major improvements have been made at the County nursing home.  Several other County funded construction projects are planned or underway.  Mickey encourages you to reach out to him by emailing him at [], or by calling him at (518) 858-2200.
    Yesterday afternoon, an additional speaker was added to the agenda.  For the past several years, Nellie Goutos and her husband have hosted international students through the OvECS Homestay Program.  Most of the students are already conversant in English, and they come here to improve their skills through an intensive language program at the University at Albany.  The courses are given in two 8 week segments, and most students stay for the full 16 weeks.  There is also a 4 week program for teachers from other countries to study here. The program provides an excellent opportunity for host families and students alike to get to know one another and experience another culture.  Some compensation is paid to the host families.
For more information, click on the following link:  For information specific to hosting a homestay for international students who will take part in the program at Albany, you may contact Nellie and Greg Goutos at [].
    To close off the meeting, Martha Harausz provided a treasurer's report.  Our current balance is $603.35.
Our next meeting will take place in March 2022.  We hope that by then will will be able to meet at the Hampton Inn!
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

30 October 2021 - McKownville Fire Department annual Halloween party
Dear McKownville neighbors: The McKownville Fire Department will host its annual Halloween party tomorrow, October 31, from 4-7 pm.    All neighborhood children are invited to join in the fun.  Due to Covid-19, most activities will take place in the parking lot at 1250 Western Avenue, but the inside of the firehouse will be open for warming, and for viewing a Halloween-themed movie. Bring your children, grandchildren, neices and nephews!
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

15 October 2021 - SUNY Albany events, one of them educational
1. This weekend is Homecoming, and kickoff time for Saturday's football game against Villanova is at 3:30 pm.  Tailgating in the Dutch Quad and SEFCU Arena parking lots will end 15 minutes prior to gametime, and will resume for up to 90 minutes post-game. Neighbors are invited to tailgate!
2. On Sunday evening, a concert will be held at the SEFCU Arena from 6-10pm.  Seating will be at approximately 2/3 capacity.
3. On Tuesday, Oct. 19, President Havidan Rodriguez will interview state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins as part of the University's Leading Questions conversation series.  The event is free and will take place via Zoom.  Registration is required [link removed].
4. On Sunday, Oct. 24, the UAlbany men's basketball team is hosting a children's Halloween costume/trick or treat party from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the SEFCU Arena.  The event is free but advance registration is required [link removed].
message from Jordan Carleo-Evangelist, Director, Media & Community Relations

8 October 2021 - McKownville Volunteer Fire Department boot fundraising drive
Please be advised that the McKownville Volunteer Fire Department is planning to hold a boot drive on Saturday, October 16th, from 11am to 1.30pm.
The boot drive will be held at the intersection of Western Ave (Route 20) and Fuller Road. We hope to see you there!
Your support goes directly towards helping recruit and retain new volunteer members, who are needed to sustain the high level of the service you expect in our community; open houses; and other neighborhood engagement events, such as the annual children's Halloween party and fire-truck-riding Santa.
Thank you for your continued support of the McKownville Volunteer Fire Department!
message from Ben Westerman, Fundraising Committee Co-Chair, McKownville Fire Department

6 October 2021 - Guilderland Central School District $M2.8 Capital Improvement Project Vote
Dear McKownville neighbors: Please be aware that this Thursday, October 7, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., the Guilderland Central School District's $2.800,000 Capital Improvement Project will be put before voters for approval or disapproval.  Voting will take place at the five elementary schools, and you must vote at the school located within your designated Zone.
A great deal of information is available on the GSD website, including details of the budget, a section with answers to frequently asked questions, and a "Thought Exchange".  Here is a link to the website:
An item that has generated a wide variety of opinions in the Altamont Enterprise, and that is addressed in the FAQs section of the GSD website, is the proposed installation of a synthetic turf athletic field.
I hope that you will take the opportunity to inform yourselves on the proposal and that there will be a good voter turnout on Thursday.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

1 October 2021 - Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Day
Tomorrow, October 2, from 8:00 to 2:00, the Town will hold its autumn Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Day.  Town Supervisor Peter Barber would like to remind residents that no one will be admitted before 8:00 a.m., and there is no need to arrive early.  When I participate, I usually arrive in the early afternoon and there never seems to be a wait at that time. 
Please click on the following link for full details:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

30 September 2021 - Altamont Enterprise forum for Town Board candidates
Dear McKownville neighbors: The Altamont Enterprise plans to present a live forum for candidates running for positions on the Guilderland Town Board.
To submit a question for the candidates, please fill out the form found here:
The most commonly submitted questions will be asked of the candidates.
*Update* The candidates forum for Town Board seats hosted by the Altamont Enterprise will begin at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, October 2nd. As I understand it, If you submit a question for the candidates you will receive a link via email so that you may attend the live event.  If you sign up for newsletters from the Enterprise, you will be able to watch the video later on.
**2nd Update** If you would like to view the Altamont Enterprise candidates forum that was held on October 2, click on this link:
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

21 September 2021 - Historic district update and Meeting on September 23rd at 7:00 pm
Dear McKownville neighbors: The September 14th meeting regarding the proposed "McKownville-Country Club Highlands" historic district was attended by 33 people, including our two hosts from the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).  Questions about the nomination and listing process, and the implications of historic district status, were asked and answered.  SHPO staff created a very interesting and informative presentation that is now posted on this website. It is well worth a look; please click on this link to view it.
For additional information, please plan to attend our Association meeting this Thursday, September 23rd.  Also on the agenda, we will hear from Town Supervisor Peter Barber about Town business, and from Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering regarding the storm water drainage improvement project. The evening will end with an election of officers and three board members followed by a period for open discussion. A file linked from the Meetings page containing information for access to the meeting will be posted Thursday morning.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

11 September 2021 - SUNY Albany event notification
Dear campus neighbors; There are two portions of the first home football game program that I wanted to be sure you were aware of in advance:
Pre-game fly-over: At approximately 6:53 p.m., a World War ll-era plane will fly over Casey Stadium to honor two WWll veterans who will be serving as honorary team captains during the pre-game coin flip. Please know that this fly-over is being coordinated with the FAA.
Halftime fireworks: There will be a brief (approx. six minutes) fireworks display at halftime - likely around 8:15 p.m.
message from Jordan Carleo-Evangelist, Director, Media & Community Relations

3 September 2021 - Online public meeting 14 September on proposed McKownville historic district
Dear McKownville neighbors: As many of you know, the McKownville Improvement Association has been working with the New York State Historic Preservation Office  (SHPO) to establish a historic district within a portion of our neighborhood.  SHPO is hosting the public meeting, and will provide information regarding the nomination process, answer questions, and explain the advantages of listing the district on the State and National Registers of Historic Places.  If approved, the district will be called "McKownville-Country Club Highlands Historic District", and will include the following addresses:
1421-1461 Western Avenue (north side only), 1-13 Waverly Place, 1-17 and 19 Norwood Street (#18 is not located within the proposed district),
1-18 Glenwood Street, 1-25 Parkwood Street, 1-22 Elmwood Street.
The proposed historic district comprises the properties built within the 1912 "Country Club Highlands" subdivision.  Over the next few days, a more detailed meeting announcement will be delivered to the addresses listed above, along with instructions for joining the September 14th meeting. 
On the morning of the meeting, a live link will be emailed to subscribers, and also in a file to be posted on the Meetings page on this website. 
A great deal of work has been done by both SHPO staff and volunteers from our neighborhood to bring us so close to our goal of establishing the historic district.
If you live within the proposed district I very much hope that you will attend this meeting.  Other interested parties are welcome to attend as well.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

5 August 2021 - McKownville Fire Department wetdown celebration
Dear McKownville neighbors: At noon this Saturday, August 7th,  the McKownville Fire Department will be joined by neighboring volunteer departments for a dedication and wetdown of MCKFD's recently acquired light rescue truck. The event will take place behind Stuyvesant Plaza, in front of Stuyvesant Tower at Executive Park.  All are invited to join the celebration, which is sure to be a memorable and enjoyable time for all.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

14 June 2021 - Lawn restorations of gas pipe excavations
Weather permitting, the contractor for National Grid expects to complete the lawn restorations on Waverly Place and Knowles Terrace by the end of this week.
In my last email on this subject I included the email addresses for several National Grid employees, along with the number for the customer service telephone line.  Please note that today I was reminded that all concerns and complaints should be directed only to the customer service line: 1 (800) 642-4272
Although it can feel as though calls to this number fall into an abyss, I have been assured that, in fact, the messages are received by the proper National Grid personnel.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

12 June 2021 - Democratic Primary Candidate Forum; early voting information
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Democratic Primary Day is Tuesday, June 22.  Please see below for relevant information.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

Democratic Primary Candidate Forum:
At 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 16, the Albany County League of Women Voters will host an online forum for the four candidates who are on the ballot for the Guilderland Town Board: are Amanda Beedle, Kevin McDonald, Christine Napierski, and Paul Pastore.    Questions for the candidates must be submitted no later than Monday, June 14. 
Please follow these links to register to attend the forum [link removed]
and to submit questions for the candidates [link removed]

Early voting for the June 22 Democratic Primary begins on Saturday, June 12.  Information on voting  dates and hours can be found here:
Early voting sites may be found here:  https://voterlookup.elections.ny.go

19 May 2021 - May 20th meeting
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Please join us tomorrow evening beginning at 7:00 p.m. for our last online meeting before we break for the summer.
Senator Michelle Hinchey will speak about her first term as a member of the New York State legislature, and answer questions from the audience.
James Carter from the State Historic Preservation Office will update us on the status of the National Register nomination for listing a portion of McKownville as a historic district. Town Supervisor Peter Barber will tell us about the Town’s continuing response to COVID-19, and improvements to parks, sidewalks, and the Carman Road/Lydius Street roundabout; and representatives from National Grid and Delaware Engineering will update us on the gas line replacement and storm water projects. Access information to the online meeting is available through a link on the Meetings page.

12 May 2021 - message from SUNYA Director of Media & Community Relations about graduation arrangements
In summary: Commencement will take place at Casey Stadium over seven days starting this coming Saturday, May 15 through May 21. There will be a steady flow of traffic on and off campus and in the area of Casey Stadium for much of next week. There also may be noise associated with the activity at the stadium.
Jordan Carleo-Evangelist's full message to campus neighbors: [pdf file]. University at Albany website commencement page [link removed].

2 May 2021 - Update on McKownville storm water improvement project
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Delaware Engineering has provided an update on the McKownville stormwater improvement project, and it is posted on our website.  Briefly, the installation of the drinking water lines is 100% complete.  As of 2020, the storm water work was 25% complete. The remaining 75% of the storm water work is projected to be completed during the 2022 construction season, after National Grid has finished installing the new gas lines and provided Delaware Engineering with as-built drawings. These drawings should prevent delays similar to those that took place last year when Delaware Engineering's contractor encountered many previously unmapped and mismarked gas lines. Additional information regarding the storm water project is posted on the Town's website  and on the Projects page of our website.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

13 April 2021 - April 14th meeting
Dear McKownville neighbors: I hope you will be able to join our online meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14th.  Representatives from National Grid will update us on the progress of the gas main replacement project; Guilderland Town Supervisor Peter Barber has some announcements to share with us; and members of the McKownville Fire Department will tell us about the search for an alternate site and/or possibilities for upgrading the current structure to suit the department's needs.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

8 April 2021 - upcoming Guilderland EMS Covid-19 vaccination opportunity
Dear McKownville neighbors: Town Supervisor Peter Barber asked me to share information regarding the next COVID-19 vaccination clinic, scheduled for Monday, April 12th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  The clinic will be held at EMS Station 1, 200 Centre Drive, adjacent to the Westmere Fire Department.
350 first doses of the Moderna vaccine will be available; second doses will be provided on Monday, May 10th.
EMS vaccinators will also deliver doses to homebound residents.  Any person who is 18 years or older is eligible.
For full details and directions to sign up for an appointment, click on this link [link removed].
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

1 April 2021 - another Guilderland EMS Covid-19 vaccination opportunity
Dear McKownville Neighbors: This Monday, April 5th, 200 first doses of COVID-19 vaccines will be administered by appointment only at Guilderland EMS Station 1, 200 Centre Drive, adjacent to the Westmere Fire Department. Participants must be pre-registered.  Please click on this link to register [link removed], and for full details about  the event.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

30 March 2021 - Household hazardous waste collection day
Dear McKownville neighbors:
This Saturday, April 3, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., the Town Highway Department will conduct a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day.
You do not need to register in order to participate, but you must show proof of  Guilderland residency.
pdf file which includes more details [link removed], on the Town of Guilderland website
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

23 March 2021 - gas main and lateral pipe replacement update from National Grid
Western Ave main has been completed and energized with the Medium Pressure gas today. We still have 120 feet of gas main to run west of Elmwood to Fuller Road for our final tie in. This will begin tomorrow Wednesday.
Parkwood St was energized today also with Medium Pressure gas. Parkwood house connections will start tomorrow Wednesday.
All house connections are done by appointment. When Parkwood St is completed we will move east one street at a time.
Waverly Place and Knowles Terrace services have been prepped to be upgraded to Medium Pressure.
Elmwood houses are already connected to the Medium Pressure main and the old Low Pressure piping will be retired soon.
Repaving restoration work to excavations made in paved parts of the streets will occur soon; restoration and reseeding of soil areas will be done after the house connections are completed. Restoration of sidewalks disturbed by this project will be like-for like; asphalt where it was asphalt, concrete slab where it was concrete before.
The project, including restorations, is planned to be completed in May. [update from Michael Bates, National Grid]

18 March 2021 - Covid-19 vaccine opportunity for homebound residents
message from Town Supervisor Peter Barber: "The Town EMS received today from County DOH a reallocation of 95 doses of Johnson & Johnson, the one shot vaccine, for administering to homebound residents.  If you are, care for, or are aware of a homebound person, please send an email, with contact information, to <email removed> or call EMS's vaccine program at (518) 579-3737 for more information about eligibility and appointments.  EMS trained vaccinators will administer the vaccine at the homebound person's residence.  Please note that we expect to exhaust this allotment and will maintain a record of names and contact information for future vaccine allocations."

9 March 2021 - gas pipe replacement update from National Grid
All replacement mains have been installed on Elmwood, Parkwood, Glenwood and Norwood Streets.
Preparation for the main service upgrade on Waverly Place and Knowles Terrace will begin in about one week after our work on Norwood is completed.
The new service installations are also going fine:
Elmwood St - all services are completed and the old main needs to be retired.
Parkwood St and Glenwood St - all new service laterals are completed.
Norwood St - new service lateral replacements started on Friday.
For Parkwood, Glenwood, and Norwood, once there is gas on the new main we will return to complete the tie overs and pipefitting.
A reminder to everyone affected: the service transfers to the new main will be done by appointment. Interruption of gas supply to do the fitting is brief, typically about an hour or less for each house.
The Western Avenue main installation is much more complex but is moving in the right direction.  All replacement mains will be installed from Elmwood Street through Knowles Terrace by Wednesday of this week.  We will then continue moving east towards the SUNYA entrance.  We still have work to complete west of Elmwood Street towards Fuller Road due to some design conflicts. We also need to return to install the road crossings at Parkwood and Western, and Norwood and Western. We are currently working on that corridor with the Town of Guilderland and State DOT.
I also want to thank the residents for their cooperation during this construction. It is appreciated.
Michael Bates, National Grid

6 March 2021 - additional Beltrone Center vaccination event
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Due to an overwhelming demand, Colonie Senior Services Center is scheduling an additional Community Covid-19 vaccine clinic for Wednesday, March 10, from Noon to 4:00 pm for those 65 or older.  The event will be held at: The Beltrone Living Center, 6 Winners Circle, Colonie 12205
For further information, call (518) 459-2857, ext. 304.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

5 March 2021 - Covid-19 vaccination opportunity
Dear McKownville Neighbors: I am very pleased to let you know of a new opportunity for eligible participants over the age of 65 to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. On Monday, March 8, between 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon, the Albany County Sherrif's Office and the Guilderland EMS Department will partner in conducting a vaccination clinic at EMS Station 1, located at  200 Centre Drive, to the rear of the Westmere Fire Department building. Please note that participants MUST pre-register. For further information about the clinic and how you may pre-register please click on the following link: [link removed]
Particpants must pre-register by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 7th.  However, vaccine supply is limited and I suggest that you contact the Town of Guilderland to pre-register as soon as possible.  *Update: All appointments have been filled, but vaccination events here may occur in coming weeks.*
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

4 March 2021 - Covid-19 vaccination opportunities
Dear McKownville Neighbors: As of this afternoon the Beltrone Center in Colonie had openings for any  seniors (65 and up) to schedule Covid-19 vaccines at an event that will take place this Saturday.  Colonie residency is not required. For further details, call the Beltrone Center at (518) 459-2857.  This could be an excellent opportunity for people with limited or no access to a computer so please share this information accordingly.
Also, over the past few days I have noticed that local CVS and Hannaford pharmacies are scheduling increasing numbers of appointments for vaccines to be administered to those eligible (over 65's).  Appointment openings can change throughout the day so persistence can really pay off here.  As you know, there are several other options, but here are links to the CVS and Hannaford websites. [links removed]
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

16 February 2021 - March 18th meeting
Our first Association meeting of 2021 will be held on Thursday, March 18, beginning at 7:00 p.m. For the time being we will continue to hold the meetings online.  Details will be delivered to your door and via email a few days ahead of the meeting.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

16 February 2021 - gas pipes installation update from National Grid
From Mike Bates at National Grid: "The weather has been challenging but we are putting our best effort into completing this work as efficiently as possible. We also appreciate the neighborhood's willingness to work with us. Here is an update on each street:
Elmwood - The new gas main has been installed and all new service laterals have been completed.  There are still a few meter hookups to the new main that need to be completed before the old main can be retired.
Parkwood - The new gas main has been installed and the crews are currently at work running the new service laterals.
Glenwood - The new gas main has been installed.  The crews will start the new service laterals after the service laterals on Parkwood are completed.  Approximately 1-2 weeks, weather permitting.
Norwood - The new gas main installation should be completed by week's end weather permitting. 
Western Avenue:  We have started our main installation.  This will be a slow process due to State Permit Conditions and a tight corridor to work in.  We are working from west to east.  We are through the intersection of Elmwood heading towards Parkwood. 
We will update you on the other two streets on this project as the winter calms down and the weather breaks."

25 January 2021 - gas main installation update - Glenwood St and Western Avenue
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Tom Bates, project inspector for National Grid, has let me know that AGI crews will start working on Glenwood Street this Tuesday, January 26, and the Western Avenue portion of the project is scheduled to commence on Monday, February 1, weather permitting.
If you have questions about the project, please email Tom Bates at: <email removed>
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

21 January 2021 - gas main installation update from National Grid
"The main installation on Elmwood should be completed Friday by the main crew. We plan on energizing the new main early next week.  Once that is completed we will start running new service laterals to each house with service crews. This will involve a conversation with each homeowner to discuss location and other options.  After the service lateral is installed an appointment will be made with each homeowner to discuss location and other options.  After the service lateral is installed an appointment will be made with the homeowner to transfer their meter to the new main.  It's important to remember the meter transfer is done by appointment with the customer.  This main installation crew will then move to Glenwood Street.
The main installation on Parkwood is also going fine.  We plan to continue the installation of the new gas main on the street all of next week and into the first week of February before it is completed. This timeframe is weather permitting."

20 January 2021 - Placement of new gas mains and the street trees
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Until the commencement of the gas main replacement project that is now underway on Elmwood and Parkwood Streets, it was our understanding that the new lines would be installed under the paved areas of the streets.  It was, therefore, an unpleasant surprise when over the past two days Natioinal Grid's subcontractor (AGI) began to excavate along the tree lines, severing roots from all of the trees passed in the course of the work to that time.
On Tuesday morning we met with Michael Bates and Tom Bates from National Grid, and we were told that the original design plan was changed because it would be unsafe to install the new gas lines in close proximity to the other utility lines that are in place under the paved area of the right-of-way.  The National Grid and AGI employees have agreed that, where possible, the gas lines will be installed below the tree roots using a boring method rather than trenching, thereby giving the trees as much a chance of survival as possible under the circumstances.
We have been told that: "To avoid conflicts, National Grid's gas replacement main will be installed along a combination of grass, sidewalks, lawn and street surfaces that will minimize the impact to existing infrastructure, tree roots and other obstacles."
And, further, that: "National Grid has years of experience excavating near trees and other similar vegetation with minimal long-term impact."
We hope that turrns out to be the case here. Both the Town arborist and National Grid's forester are assessing the potential long-term impacts on our trees.  I will send an update when I have further information.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

18 January 2021 - Town Police Reform and Reinvention Survey
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Town Supervisor Peter Barber's daily update for today includes a link to an online Police Reform and Reinvention Survey.  The results will be used in preparing the final report of the Town's Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Committee. If you haven't already responded to the survey, you may find it by following this link [link removed].  I believe that significant citizen input will assist the committee in formulating and meeting its goals.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association

12 January 2021 - Installation of new gas lines to begin - message from National Grid
National Grid and its Gas Contractor are preparing to start the Gas Main Replacement project on the side streets. We plan on starting this week or the beginning of next week. The start date will depend on the progress of the markout (811) crews that are locating all existing utilities. The first two streets we are going to be working on are Elmwood and Parkwood St. We will continue to work on the streets (north of Western Ave, east of Fuller Rd) heading east towards SUNY.  We plan on working on two streets at a time. All streets will be open to local traffic during construction. We will first install the new gas main. After that is completed we will work on the individual service laterals to each house. Once the service laterals are completed we will begin our pipe fitting activities which will involve us transferring each house gas meter to the newly installed gas line. This work is completed by appointment.  All gas service interruptions will be scheduled.
 Tom Bates [email removed] will be providing our contractor oversight on this project.
The Western Ave portion of this project will be completed by another National Grid Contractor. This portion of the project will begin in a few weeks, weather dependent.

Older announcements from March-December 2020

Past meeting announcements

Fall 2020 -     10 September 2020  19 November 2020
Spring 2020 - 21 May 2020
Fall 2019 -     19 September 2019  17 October 2019  21 November 2019
Spring 2019 - 14 March 2019   11 April 2019   16 May 2019   12 June 2019 
Fall 2018 -     20 September 2018   17 October 2018   15 November 2018
Spring 2018 - 15 March 2018   11 April 2018  17 May 2018  
Fall 2017 -     19 October 2017   8 November 2017
Spring 2017 - 16 March 2017   20 April 2017   18 May 2017

meetings in years prior to 2017

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