McKownville Improvement Association
- Announcements in 2020
Local history
This page includes content and/or links to pages of announcement
emails sent to subscribers by the Association in 2020. [Recent announcements]
15 December - Town declares State of
Emergency; tonight’s Town Board meeting agenda
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Due to the increasing numbers of
Covid-19 cases in our area, the Town declared a State of Emergency
For the next 30 days, or until further notice, Town offices will be
closed to the public and and all meetings will be held remotely
online. [Town
announcement - pdf file]
Click on this link [pdf
file - 6MB, 80 pages] to see the agenda for tonight's Town
Board meeting. One agenda item of possible interest to all
Guilderland residents is the conversion of street lights to LED
lighting. If you have any questions for the Town Board members
on this topic, please call in during the public comment period.
I have been told that the public access television channels will not
be available tonight. However, you may view public meetings
online via the Town website, and call in during the public comment
period by dialing (518) 579-3721. For further instructions see
page 1 of the agenda.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
5 December - Attempted burglary from garage
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. on Friday a
resident on Parkwood Steet spotted someone in his garage and went
outside to see who it was. He found there a man wearing a ski
mask and shining a flashlight into the car that was parked inside
the garage. When discovered, the intruder ran off.
Happily, no one was hurt and no property damage or theft occurred.
Episodes of items being stolen from unlocked vehicles are not
uncommon in our neighborhood. However, yesterday's incident
goes beyond the more common crimes of opportunity. Please take this
as a reminder to keep your cars and doors locked, and pass this
information along to your neighbors as many do not subscribe to
receive these emails. As always, report any suspicious activities to
the Guilderland Police by calling 911.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
19 November - Online meeting tonight
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Please remember to join us for our
November meeting this evening at 7:00. If you have not yet
received the meeting announcement , it's posted on the Meetings page of our website.
Instructions for joining the meeting are included on the
announcement distributed to houses in McKownville; a link for this
access information will be posted on Meetings page of the website
this afternoon.
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
30 October - Halloween Party at the
McKownville Fire Department
Dear McKownville neighbors: Here is some additional information
about the Halloween party at the McKownvillle firehouse. The party
will be held in the parking lot on Saturday from 6-8 pm. In
addition to socially-distanced activites, the evening will include a
photobooth and Halloween movies. The event has been planned to
be both enjoyable and COVID safe. Anyone who has questions or
concerns may call Molly Maguire at (414) 628-8638 or email her at:
[mcguire.molly at gmail dot com]
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
27 October - Halloween Party at the
McKownville Fire Department; Town Planning Board public hearing on
proposed development on Rapp Road
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Annual Halloween
Party at the McKownville Fire Department. Covid-19 need not
prevent our neighborhood children from enjoying Halloween this year,
and the Fire Department is providing a safe alternative to
door-to-door trick-or-treating. Bring your Trick-or-Treaters
to the firehouse parking lot this Saturday from 6-8 pm for some
contactless Halloween fun.
Proposed Rapp Road Residential Development: At 7:00 p.m.. on
Wednesday, October 28, the Guilderland Town Planning Board will hold
a public hearing on the proposed 222 unit development on Rapp Road.
For details about the project, and information on how to join the
meeting, follow this
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
13 October - Online meeting; storm debris
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Please remember to join us for our
October meeting this Thurday at 7:00. If you have not yet
received the meeting announcement, it's posted on the Meetings page of our website.
Instructions for joining the meeting are included on the
announcement distributed to houses in McKownville; a link for this
access information will be posted on Meetings page of the website
this Thursday afternoon.
If your property sustained damage from last week's storm and you
still have the resultant debris, Town Supervisor included the
following information in his October 8 online update: "To help
the Highway Department with its storm clean-up, please keep your
storm debris separate from your leaf piles. Also, there is
no need to tie or bundle storm debris. Please place your
storm debris and leaf piles at the edge of your lawn and not on
the road. You can help Highway workers by keeping stormwater
drains clear of storm debris and leaf piles." The first
of the annual leaf collection dates for McKownville is scheduled for
October 27th; the second date is November 25th.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
29 Sept - Campaign Signs and Cars
Dear McKownville Neighbors: In what seems to be an annual
occurrence, I learned recently that items have been stolen from a
number of unlocked cars in our neighborhood. Additionally,
campaign lawn signs have been stolen, and others have been
Please be sure to lock your cars, especially overnight. If you
see any suspicious activity call the Guilderland Police Department
at (518) 356-1501. Of course, in an emergency call 911.
It will be very helpful if you will share this information with your
neighbors, as many still do not subscribe to our email distribution
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
22 September - Summary of September 10
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Forty-six people participated in our
September 10 Zoom meeting. For those of you who were not able
to join us, here is a brief summary:
Supervisor Peter Barber started off the meeting by telling us about
the procedures for turning in materials for the hazardous waste
collection day that was held on September 19th. For future
events, please keep in mind that cans of latex paint should be
allowed to dry out and then placed in your household trash. He
also reminded us that until further notice a watering ban remains in
effect except for hand-watering of flower and vegetable
gardens. However, residents who need to use sprinklers to
water lawns that were restored as a part of the drainage improvement
project should contact Tim McIntyre, Superintendent of the Water
Department, at (518) 356-1980.
The Supervisor went on to stress that contactless school tax
payments may be made by mail, or by placing the payments in a secure
green mailbox located in front of Town Hall. Receipts will be
mailed to you. He also reminded us that our schools are
running on staggered schedules, so we can expect to see buses on the
roads throughout the day. Never pass buses when flashers are
on, even on school grounds.
Following a presentation from Martha Harausz showing existing
conditions in the environs of 1230 Western Avenue, we heard
from Mitchell Korte about Collegiate Development Group's proposal to
construct a five-story residential and retail structure on that
site, now occupied by the Days Inn and the closed Dunkin Donuts
property. If approved, the project would consist of 152 units,
with a total of 420 bedrooms and 172 below-grade parking
spaces. Students would be the most likely tenants, but
occupancy would not be limited to students. However, we were told
that the space would not be designed for family living. The building
would be fully secure, with management on-site 24 hours a day.
Monthly rents would range from $800 to $1,300 per bedroom, and
parking spaces would rent for $43.00 per month. As would be
expected, many questions and concerns were raised regarding how such
a large project would impact neighboring property owners, traffic,
and parking along Arcadia and Upper Hillcrest. I don't know if
Collegiate Development Group (CDG) is going to pursue this
project. If they do, it is important that all concerned
residents stay informed and involved from the outset. Please
see GDG's summary description of the proposed project [5.5MB pdf
file] that is posted in this website.
Toward the end of the meeting, Biagio DelVillano of Delaware
Engineering provided an update on the drainage improvement
project. National Grid is still awaiting permits from NYS DOT
to install new gas lines on some of the streets in
McKownville. It is still possible that could be completed this
year. Installation of the new storm water lines cannot begin
until the gas lines are in. We can expect work on the storm water
lines to commence sometime during the 2021 construction
Many thanks to Delaware Engineering for hosting the Zoom meeting
again this month!
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
22 September - Cat found on Elmwood Street
Dear McKownville Neighbors: A week
or two ago Emily Garbenis found a very friendly cat living under her
porch and hanging around in her yard at 21 Elmwood Street.
Short brown hair with tabby (M shaped) marking on forehead, and
characteristic darker tabby stripes, smallish in size; very
If you have any leads on where this cat belongs please get in touch
with Emily:- [garbee dot rpi at gmail dot com] (610) 235-7354
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
9 September - online meeting 10 September
Dear McKownville Neighbors:
If you can, please join us for tomorrow evening's meeting of the
McKownville Improvement Association.
Information for joining the Zoom meeting will be posted on the
Meetings page as a separate PDF file tomorrow.
A marketing brochure from the developer who is proposing to build
student housing at 1230 Western Avenue can be accessed through a
link on the Meetings page
The presentation at the meeting by the developer will provide an
excellent opportunity to see and respond to the proposed plan.
This, along with the other items on the agenda, will make for an
important and informative meeting.
I hope to see you online. Ellen Manning, President, McKownville
Improvement Association
29 August - Update 29 August - lawn watering
Dear McKownville Neighbors:
Today the Town of Guilderland announced an emergency outdoor
watering ban for all purposes except for hand-held watering of
flower and vegetable gardens.
Please note, however, that Town Supervisor Peter Barber sent me an
email asking that I let you know that residents whose lawns are
being restored by Bast Hatfield's subcontractor may hand-water the
newly planted lawns as needed. In special situations where
hand-watering is not practical, please call Water Superintendent Tim
McIntyre at (518) 456-6474 on weekdays between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm.
Additionally, County Legislator Mickey Cleary stopped by my house
this evening with the same information, and he requested that those
residents with the newly planted lawns supplement the evening
waterings that are being done by the subcontractor with a morning
watering. The new lawns are beginning to grow now, and
consistent watering is essential until they are well established.
Finally, because there are still many residents who do not subscribe
to receive these email notifications it will be very helpful if you
will share this information with your neighbors.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
20 August - Update 20 August; lawn watering; little free
library; neighborhood disturbances; September 10 online meeting
Dear McKownville Neighbors:
Lawn watering: If you live on a street affected by the water
line and drainage improvement projects you have probably noticed the
Mazurowski Hydroseeding truck on its nightly watering rounds these
past few days. Today I was notified by Bast Hatfield that a
notice with detailed watering recommendations would be delivered to
each affected household. The notice
[pdf document] is posted in this website. Please note
that it is important that the newly seeded areas be kept
consistently moist, especially with the anticipated return of hot
weather over the next several days, and homeowners will need to
supplement the nightly waterings until the new lawns are well
Little Free Library: Since my last email Jenika Conboy has
noticed an uptick in visits to the Free Little Library in front of
her house at 25 Brookwood Avenue. For those of you on
Facebook, Jenika would like you to know that she posts occasional updates on available books,
and literary events in our area. Jenika also invites emails
regarding her Free Little Library at [brookwoodfllibrary at gmail
dot com].
Neighborhood disturbances: Last weekend, in the early morning
hours, some residents were awakened by a noisy and crowded party in
the neighborhood. In addition to disturbing the peace, gatherings
like the one that occurred over the weekend pose a potential for
spreading the Covid-19 virus. If any such event is repeated, please
call the Guilderland Police Department. The non-emergency number is
(518) 356-1501. In an emergency, dial 911.
Online meeting September 10: The next meeting of the
McKownville Improvement Association is scheduled for September 10,
beginning at 7:00 p.m. Due to Covid-19, for the foreseeable future
all Association meetings will be conducted online via Zoom. I have
learned that a private developer has an interest in building student
housing on the former TraveLodge/Dunkin' Donuts site on Western
Avenue. The proposed plan will be presented at this meeting.
Other speakers on September 10 will include representatives from
Delaware Engineering, who will update us on the drainage improvement
project; and representatives from UAlbany, who will speak to us
about on-campus activities and construction projects, among
other topics. You may expect full details on the meeting
agenda to be delivered to your homes and via email during the week
prior to the meeting. I hope you will join us. In the meantime, I
hope you are all well.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
3 August - Update 3 August; lawn restoration; little free
library; future online meetings
Dear McKownville neighbors: I hope you are all well. The following
is a brief update from the Association.
Lawn restoration:
Bast Hatfield has prepared a notice regarding restoration of lawns
that were disturbed during the course of work performed in our
neighborhood over the past two years. The notice will be
hand-delivered to the affected households later this week, but you
can view and print the pdf document here: [link].
If you wish to discuss details of the work that is to be performed
on your lawn please contact Mr. A.J. Lomnes, Executive Vice
President of Bast Hatfield, by email: [AJLomnes at BastHatfield dot
Little Free Library:
McKownville has a new Little Free Library.! It is located in
front of 25 Brookwood Avenue, and all are welcome to stop by to
select your next great read, or to drop off a book for others to
enjoy. The library makes a very nice destination for a walk
around the neigbhorhood. I stopped by there this evening and I can
attest first hand that there are some excellent books to choose
from. Many thanks to Jenika Conboy for providing this lovely
resource for our community.
Future meetings online:
Our May 21 Zoom meeting was well attended, with 50 participants
taking part. As we won't be able to meet at the Hampton Inn for the
foreseeable future, the Association will resume online meetings in
September. As soon as we have confirmed the date we will let
you know the particulars. In the meantime, I hope that you
enjoy the remainder of the summer.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
23 July - Update 23 July for the water/storm drainage project;
and for gas lines replacement
Dear McKownville Neighbors: I hope you are staying well and enjoying
this very different summer season.
Bast Hatfield has largely wound down their work on the water and
storm sewer projects but that does not mean that they have been
released from responsibility for any work that remains incomplete or
unsatisfactory. If you have outstanding issues please contact
Biagio DelVillano at Delaware Engineering and he will liaison with
Bast Hatfield. His contact info is: Office: (518) 452-1290,
ext. 100; Cell: (518) 610-2447; Email: bdelvillano at
delawareengineering dot com
I know that many of you are frustrated about the conditions of the
lawns that were affected by the construction work that has taken
place in our neighborhood over the past two years. Biagio continues
to assure me that Delaware Engineering has a subcontractor
working on a plan to restore the lawns, and we can expect further
information on that later in the summer.
The latest update from National Grid on the installation of the new
gas lines on streets north of Western Avenue, and east of Fuller
Road, indicates that work will start in August, at the earliest. I
have requested that we be given some prior notification.
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
3 July - Update 1 July for the water/storm drainage project
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Best wishes for a happy and healthy
Independence Day.
The latest update from Delaware Engineering regarding the cleanup
and restoration work now being performed by Bast Hatfield is below.
Also: [printable
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
Update from Delaware Engineering: July 1, 2020
Due to the recent rain, Covid 19 risks, and other Bast Hatfield
related delays, the contractor will not be finished until next week,
July 9th, 2020. The remaining restoration work includes some small
areas of sidewalk replacements and landscape plantings.
However, this new completion date does not mean that Bast Hatfield
is being released from their contractual obligations to establish
acceptable lawn restorations at all properties affected by the Water
and Storm Sewer Projects. This work will be scheduled for a later
date and the schedule for this work will be sent forward once we
have a solid plan. For the lawn restorations, Bast Hatfield has now
hired a subcontractor that specializes in lawn renewals to analyze
lawns in the project area and then prepare a plan that should
establish hearty, healthy, acceptable turf. The lawn restoration
plan will include the removal of weeds that have grown were lawns
should be. Delaware Engineering will review the proposed plan and
respond accordingly.
To help ease concerns a bit we would like everyone to know that from
an engineering perspective, Delaware has taken composite samples of
the soils that were placed by Bast Hatfield. These samples were
taken from all streets in the project area. The samples were
collected a few weeks ago and were submitted to a laboratory for
analysis. Prior to Delaware commenting on Bast Hatfield’s
subcontractor’s plan for recreating turf, we will examine the data
from the topsoil analysis in an effort to help determine the best
path forward. Unfortunately, again due to Corona 19, the soil
laboratory’s work log is backed up so we are still awaiting the
soils analysis.
We will provide additional information as soon as we have a solid
plan for the final portions of lawn restorations.
Hope you and all of the residents of McKownville are well and have a
safe, healthy and enjoyable holiday weekend. Best regards, Biagio.
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware
Engineering, D.P.C.
12 June - Update 12 June for the water/storm drainage project;
and for gas lines replacement
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Water and Storm drainage project
The projected completion date for Bast Hatfield's remaining contract
work is now July 2, 2020.
Asphalt restorations will continue through Tuesday, June 16th. This
includes all driveway restorations.
Remaining catch basin and manhole internal work will begin
Wednesday, June 17, and continue through July 2. No
excavations will be required.
Lawn restorations continue, and will be monitored. Please note
that Delaware Engineering now recommends that in the absence of
sufficient rainfall, lawns that have been hydroseeded as part of the
restoration work for the Water and Storm Sewer project be thoroughly
watered at least once daily until the new lawns are well
established. Although the Town's usual seasonal watering
restrictions went into effect on May 1, those lawns restored as part
of this project may be watered daily. Morning watering is most
effective, but early evening watering will also be allowed. If
possible, please adhere to the recommended hours of 6:30 am to 8:00
am and 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm if you use sprinklers to water your lawn.
Hand-held watering devices may be used at any time.
New gas lines - National Grid continues to work on drawings
in preparation for installing new gas lines on: the north side of
Western Avenue east of Fuller Road, Elmwood, Parkwood, Glenwood,
Norwood, Waverly Place, and Knowles Terrace. On site work is
expected to commence no earlier than July, and the start date may
not be until sometime in August.
I hope you are well. Sincerely, Ellen Manning, President,
McKownville Improvement Association
31 May - Absentee Ballot Applications; vote by mail
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Memorial Day has just passed but we
can always find ways to respect our war dead. Perhaps the most
fundamental way is to vote. If you are not going to cast your
vote at your polling place this year please be sure to vote by
absentee ballot.
The Albany County Board of Elections has mailed Absentee Ballot
Applications for the upcoming June 23rd primary to all eligible
voters. Applications sent by mail must be postmarked no later
than June 16th.
If you have not received an application, or for information about
other ways to submit your application, please visit the Albany County Board of Elections website.
Please remember that every election is important and every vote
counts. Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement
29 May - restoration grass seed watering
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Yesterday I received an email from
Biagio Delvillano regarding the proper care of lawn areas that have
been recently hydroseeded as part of the clean up and restoration
work that is being performed by Bast Hatfield. Best wishes,
Ellen Manning, President, McKownville Improvement Association
Good afternoon Ellen,
I’ve spoken with Jessie Fraine who is one of our environmental
engineers. Jessie stated that new grass is most susceptible to
drying right after it germinates. We suggest that the newly
hydro-seeded lawns be thoroughly watered at a minimum of every other
day but if possible, every day during either early morning, or late
afternoon. The watering should be kept up until a substantial growth
has taken root.
We are having Bast Hatfield water the lawns now but at some point
they will be gone so help watering from McKownville property owners
is greatly appreciated and will no doubt help to keep the
neighborhoods green. Jessie will be touring the neighborhoods today
or tomorrow to get a better feel for the conditions. If he feels
something different than what I have explained here is necessary
then we’ll be sure to pass that information forward. Thanks to you
and to all the McKownville folks for asking about, and helping with
the watering. Best regards, Biagio.
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Delaware
Engineering, D.P.C.
21 May - online meeting summary
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Fifty people participated in our online
Zoom meeting tonight. Here are some of the items that were
County Legislator Mickey Cleary announced that the County has a
large number of washable masks available to the public, in packets
of two. If you are interested, Mickey will be in the parking lot of
the Across the Street Pub this Saturday from 11:00 a.m to 12:00
noon. He will also have some spray bottles of hand santizer
available. If you can't pick up the items on Saturday you can
arrange to get them from Mickey at another time.
You can reach him at (518) 858-2200 or by email at [mickeycleary1 at
gmail dot com]
Town Supervisor Peter Barber told us that Town Hall may reopen on a
limited basis on or around June 15, but access will be by invitation
or appointment only. He expects that it will be some time before
open public meetings will be held at Town Hall. However, residents
can participate in the public meetings via telephone, and the
meetings are televised live. Information about public meetings,
other activities throughout the Town, including summer programs, and
the Supervisor's daily updates can be found on the website:
Biagio Delvillano from Delaware Engineering told us that all of the
new drinking water lines are in, with the exception of 500' along
the alley that runs from Fuller Road to Parkwood Street. Storm water
lines have been installed on McKown Road, Waverly Place and Knowles
Terrace. Clean up and restoration work continues throughout the
affected area. Delivery of hydroseed and asphalt restoration is
expected to start on Wednesday, May 27. A new contractor will be
hired for the installation of storm water lines on the remaining
streets, and that phase of the project will take place next year.
Michael DiAcetis and Michael Bates from National Grid spoke about
the installation of new gas lines. At the soonest, work will
commence in early July. The affected streets are Elmwood, Parkwood,
Glenwood, Norwood, Waverly, Knowles Terrace, and a portion of the
north side of Western Avenue. The plan is to begin work on the most
westerly streets, and continue eastward. Until Covid-19 restrictions
are relaxed, workers will not enter any homes, and then entry will
be by appointment only. There will be no costs for National Grid
customers with existing gas service.
**Anyone who does not now have gas service but who is considering
getting it, this will be the most cost effective time to do so.**
National Grid will put together a fact sheet on the project. When
completed, it will be posted on the Town website, and on this
Questions about the gas line project should be directed to Michael
DiAcetis at [Michael.DiAcetis at nationalgrid dot com]
Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President McKownville Improvement
12 May - Upcoming meetings
Dear McKownville Neighbors: On Wednesday, May 13, beginning at 6:00
p.m., the Town of Guilderland Planning Board will commence a public
hearing on the proposed Rapp Road development project. The meeting
will be held electronically. For instructions on how to participate
in or view the meeting, please link to the meeting agenda on the
Town's website:
Additionally, beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 21, the
McKownville Improvement Association will hold an electronic Zoom
meeting hosted by Delaware Engineering. The agenda will include
remarks from Guilderland Town Supervisor Peter Barber, updates on
the clean up and restoration work being performed by Bast Hatfield
as it phases out of the drainage and water improvement projects, and
the upcoming installation of new gas lines by National Grid.
Participants can join the meeting by computer or cell phone. Further
details about the agenda and how to log into the meeting will be
provided in a flyer that will be hand delivered to McKownville homes
over the next several days. In the meantime, if you have any
questions or concerns about the clean up and restoration work that
is being done on your property or along your street, please contact
Dale Nunamann, Construction Inspector for Delaware Engineering:
[dnunamann at delawareengineering dot com] Cell: (518)
I hope you are well, and that you will
join us in the meeting. Best wishes, Ellen Manning, President,
McKownville Improvement Association
7 May 2020 - WellNow facility starting Covid-19 testing
Dear McKownville Neighbors: The Times Union reported on Wednesday
that the WellNow urgent care facility at 1438 Western Avenue will be
testing for COVID-19 during regular business hours: 8:00 a.m. to
8:00 p.m. For further details please go to this page at the
Times-Union website: (link).
Ellen Manning, President McKownville Improvement Association
18 April 2020 - Update 18April for the water/storm drainage
Dear McKownville Neighbors: A new update from Delaware Engineering
on the McKownville drainage and water improvement projects is posted
on our website.
The following is an excerpt from the document:
"We would like to provide clarification as to what is presently
taking place in the way of lawn restorations for McKownville
properties. The work that is currently occurring is cleanup only and
is not final lawn restoration. Once the properties are cleaned and
graded, then the topsoil, seed, and mulch installations will
Next week we are scheduled to begin removing the large concrete
structures from the McKownville neighborhoods with clean-up at those
locations directly following. Then of course, appropriate
restorations will occur in these locations as well."
If you have concerns about the manner in which the the cleanup and
restoration work is being conducted on your property I encourage you
to contact the following Delaware Engineering employees
directly. Calling their cell phone numbers is usually the best
way to reach them.
Biagio DelVillano, Senior Construction Manager, Cell: 518-610-2447;
[bdelvillano at delawareengineering dot com]
Dale Nunamann, Construction Inspector, Cell: (518) 231-3050;
[dnunamann at delawareengineering dot com]
Please pass this information on to your neighbors who do not yet
subscribe to to this list, and encourage them to sign themselves up
to receive our emails at this page
Ellen Manning, President McKownville Improvement Association
10 April 2020 - Update for weeks 13 and 20 April for the
water/storm drainage project
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Delaware Engineering has forwarded Bast
Hatfield's work plan for their clean
up and restoration work for the weeks of April 13 and April 20,
now posted on this website. It will be very helpful if you will
share this with neighbors who do not yet subscribe to our email
list. I expect it will be some time before the Town mails out
the recent FAQ#6
sheet (Frequently Asked Questions) so perhaps you might direct
non-subscribers to the website for that as well.
Best wishes. Ellen Manning, President McKownville Improvement
4 April 2020 - COVID-19 testing on the UAlbany campus
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April
6, the Colonial Quad parking lot in the northwest corner of the
University campus will be utilized by New York State as a COVID-19
testing site. The tests will be administered by appointment
only; there will be no walk-up testing. For more details,
including the hours of operation and the traffic restrictions on
campus, please go to this page on
our website
Best wishes. Ellen Manning, President McKownville Improvement
4 April 2020 - Meeting scheduled for April 23 is cancelled
Due to the continued COVID-19 outbreak the April 23rd meeting
of the McKownville Improvement Association is cancelled.
Please check our website (www.mckownville.org) from time to time for
updates about future meetings and other subjects that are important
to our neighborhood.
I wish you good health. Ellen Manning, President McKownville
Improvement Association
31 March 2020 - Guilderland Food Pantry, and supporting local
Dear McKownville Neighbors: Last week we posted on our website
(mckownville.org) links to COVID-19 informational pages on the
Albany County and Town of Guilderland websites. There is a great
deal of valuable information on those sites.
Last night I spent some time reading several of Supervisor Peter
Barber's thoughtful daily updates on the situation. In several of
these he mentions that the Guilderland Food Pantry is in need of
monetary donations. I realize that there are countless organizations
that need and deserve our support, especially now. If you are able
to add the food pantry to the list of organizations that you
support, your donation will provide much needed food to neighbors
who need our help. You can read about the food pantry and make an
online donation by using this link: www.guilderlandfoodpantry.com
Of course, our local businesses need our help now, too. If you're
inclined to order a take out meal for pick-up or delivery, or if you
need some household or automotive items, please consider ordering
from one of our local suppliers. When we get through this
challenging time we hope that all of our businesses will be here as
As always, I wish you the best of health.
Ellen Manning President McKownville Improvement Association
31 March 2020 - Water and storm sewer projects
Dear McKownville Neighbors:
Delaware Engineering and the Town of Guilderland have prepared a new
informational document regarding the McKownville water and storm
sewer projects.
It is posted on this website - water/storm
drain construction project FAQ#6 - 30 March 2020
If you live on one of the streets where the water and storm sewer
projects are taking place you will receive a copy of the FAQ sheet
in the mail.
Plans for completing the projects have changed quite a lot since
last fall. In summary:
1. Bast Hatfield employees will no longer be working on the
construction of the water and storm sewer lines. Their role
going forward will be limited to cleanup and restoration work.
That work is scheduled to commence this week.
2. Beginning in June, National Grid will install new gas lines
throughout the project area, and provide "as built" drawings and
maps identifying the locations of all of the gas lines. With
these documents in hand workers excavating in this area will be able
to avoid the difficulties that arose during past construction
seasons. The installation of the gas lines is expected to take
three to five months.
3. This fall, the Town will solicit bids for the installation of
storm sewers on those streets where the work has not yet been
completed. A new contractor will be hired, and the final phase
of the project will commence next spring.
4. As they were during the 2018 and 2019 construction seasons,
Delaware Engineering personnel will be on the job, inspecting Bast
Hatfield's work and monitoring the progress of the gas line
installation project.
Please refer to the new FAQ document for a more detailed
I know that the project has been disruptive for many of you, and at
times frustrating. It has not been easy on the contractors
either. However, I am confident that in the end, the benefits
will far outweigh the inconvenience.
We are fortunate that our elected Town and State officials have
provided the funding to effect much needed solutions to the
long-term drainage issues that we have experienced here in
McKownville for many years now, and Delaware Engineering has proved
to be a patient and resourceful partner in solving the many
difficulties that have arisen over the past two years.
I hope that you are all in good health. Ellen Manning, President
McKownville Improvement Association
Past meeting announcements
Fall 2019 - 19 September 2019
17 October 2019
21 November 2019
Spring 2019 - 14
March 2019 11 April 2019
16 May 2019
12 June 2019
Fall 2018 - 20 September 2018
17 October 2018
15 November 2018
Spring 2018 - 15
March 2018 11 April 2018
17 May 2018
Fall 2017 - 19 October 2017
8 November 2017
Spring 2017 - 16
March 2017 20 April 2017
18 May 2017
meetings in years prior to 2017
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