Improvement Association
- Association Meetings; email subscription, and contact
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Spring 2025 Meetings
Wednesday, March 19
Thursday, April 24
Thursday, May 22
all 7pm, at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
During the week prior to a public meeting, a flyer with
details on the meeting agenda will be delivered to McKownville
homes, and posted in this website, and notice sent to email
to Association email list
Contact information
Fall 2024 Meetings
Thursday November 21- 7pm, at the
Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Town Supervisor Peter Barber spoke on a number of topics,
including highlights of the 2025 Town Budget, first responder
investments (EMS, Fire, Police), improvements to sidewalks and
parks, next steps in the Comprehensive Plan Update, and trees in
common alleyways. UAlbany Director of Community Relations Luke
Rumsey told us about upcoming activities and developments on campus.
The new Guilderland Public Library Director Peter Petruski,
introduced himself and spoke on programs and events at the library.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Thursday October 17th - 7pm, at the Hampton Inn, 1442
Western Avenue
The meeting provided the opportunity to hear and meet several
candidates who are running for office in our area, followed by a
social hour for mingling with neighbors and candidates. Among
those attending were Assemblymember Patricia Fahy, who is running
for NYS Senate; Alicia Purdy and Gabriela Romero, candidates for NYS
Assembly; Lee Kindlon and Ralph Ambrosia, candidates for Albany
County District Attorney; and Family Court Judge Ricja D.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Thursday September 19th - 7pm, at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western
Rachel Ferluge, General Manager of Stuyvesant Plaza, told us
about new shops and activities coming to the plaza.
Additionally, representatives from the McKownville Fire Department
spoke on the progress toward the building of the new firehouse, as
well as upcoming activities and the duties of our volunteer
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Spring 2024 Meetings
Wednesday May 15th - 7pm at the
Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Guilderland Superintendent of Schools Marie Wiles spoke about the
District’s proposed budget for the 2024-2025 school year and Town
Supervisor Peter Barber provided information on various topics. Our
Assembly member Pat Fahy spoke about the State budget and other
current items in the ongoing legislative session. Kate Brittenham
told us about the importance of native plantings in our ecosystem,
and plans for the garden that will be installed on the grounds of
Unity Lutheran Church beginning this spring. Following this
presentation, candidates for positions on the Guilderland school and
library boards introduced themselves and answered questions from the
audience. At the end of the meeting there was an election for
all officers of the McKownville Improvement Association and for a
position on the Board of Directors.
[Meeting announcement flyer - pdf file]
Thursday April 11 - 7pm,
at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Town Supervisor Peter Barber began the meeting with announcements on
a variety of topics, including Drug Take Back Day, and the biannual
Recycling Extravaganza at Farnsworth Middle School. Pastor Jim
Dorner spoke about plans for the garden that will be installed on
the grounds of Unity Lutheran Church beginning this spring. Kate
Brittenham, landscape designer and owner of Front Stoop Gardens in
Troy, was unable to be at this meeting but will speak about this
project at a future meeting.
[Meeting announcement flyer - pdf file]
Thursday March 14th - 7pm, at the McKownville Firehouse
The meeting started with announcements from Town Supervisor Peter
Barber. Melissa Hale-Spencer told us about her experiences as editor
of the Altamont Enterprise and the importance of local journalism.
Mickey Cleary, our County Legislator, filled us in on activities and
recent accomplishments at the Albany County Legislature.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Fall 2023 Meetings
Wednesday, November 29 - 7pm., at the Hampton
Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Town Supervisor Peter Barber provided updates on the new
Town website, the 2024 budget, and park and sidewalk improvements,
as well as information about the Comprehensive Plan Update and the
tree preservation committee. Luke Rumsey, Director of
Community Relations, State University of New York at Albany,
informed us about activities and projects underway on campus, and
answered questions from the audience.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Thursday, October 26 - 7pm., at the
Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Our October meeting began with announcements
from Town Supervisor Peter Barber on various topics, including: the
Town’s intentions to enlarge exemptions from Town taxes for eligible
seniors and persons with disabilities on limited incomes; updates on
the Comprehensive Plan Update; the 2024 budget; the Highway
Department’s leaf pickup schedule; the opening of the new EMS
station, and coming parks improvements. The remainder of the
evening was devoted to a “Meet the Candidates” segment, during which
candidates for Town offices introduced themselves and answered
questions from the audience.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Wednesday, September 20th - 7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442
Western Avenue
Town Supervisor Peter Barber began the meeting with announcements on
a variety of topics; including Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Day, the Farnsworth Middle School recycling event, improvements at
our Town parks, the Town's 2024 budget process, and the Guilderland
Comprehensive Plan Update.
Amanda Beedle, founder of Caring
Closet - Guilderland, spoke to us about how the organization
helps Guilderland school students in need and a special event coming
up on October 21st;
Representatives from the McKownville Fire Department updated us on
progress that is being made toward modernizing and expanding the
Two MIA volunteers (Ellen Manning, and Laura Barry) are serving on
subcommittees for the Guilderland
Comprehensive Plan Update: the Neighborhoods and Housing
subcommittee, and the Environment, Climate Change, and Resiliency
subcommittee. They made a presentation of ideas being considered for
inclusion in planning Guilderland’s future in these important areas,
and discussion and contributions were invited on these topics and
any others which might particularly affect McKownville.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Spring 2023 Meetings
Thursday, May 25 - 7pm., at the Hampton Inn,
1442 Western Avenue
Speakers at our May meeting included Town Supervisor Peter
Barber, and Heather Murphy, who told us about financial aid
opportunities available for adult learners and first generation
college students through the federal University at Albany TRIO EOC
program. There was an election for the Association officers and two
board members.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Wednesday, April 26 - 7pm.,
at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Town Supervisor Peter Barber made announcements on a variety of
topics. Assemblymember Patricia Fahy spoke about the 2023
legislative session and other matters affecting McKownville
residents, and Superintendent of Schools Marie Wiles provided
details about the proposed 2023-2024 school budget and answered
questions from the audience. Two candidates running for seats
on the Board of Education were introduced. Finally, Biagio
DelVillano and Dale Nunamann from Delaware Engineering updated us on
the remaining work needed to complete the storm water drainage
improvement project and, to celebrate the end of the project,
Delaware Engineering provided refreshments at this meeting.
announcement flyer - pdf file] [Meeting
Thursday, March 23 - online Zoom
meeting, 7pm.
Town Supervisor Peter Barber made announcements on a variety of
topics, including the Comprehensive Plan Update, construction of the
Northway roundabout scheduled to begin on April 5, and planned
improvements at Town parks. Town Planner Ken Kovalchik spoke about
the planning process, and about development projects now underway or
under consideration. Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering
updated us on the final stages of the storm water drainage
improvement project.
announcement flyer - pdf file] [Meeting summary]
Fall 2022 Meetings
Wednesday, November 16 - online Zoom meeting, 7pm.
Due to scheduled maintenance at the Hampton Inn our November meeting
was held online. Following updates from Town Supervisor Peter
Barber and Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering, Guilderland
Highway Superintendent Gregory Wier spoke to us about his
department’s responsibilities and answered questions from the
audience. Special thanks to Delaware Engineering for kindly
hosting the meeting for us.
announcement flyer - pdf file] [Meeting summary]
Thursday, October 27 - 7pm., at the Hampton Inn,
1442 Western Avenue
At our October meeting, County Legislator Mickey Cleary reminded us
that Albany County residents are invited to respond to the American
Rescue Plan Act Funding Survey. Responses are due by November 16th.
Supervisor Peter Barber described the improvements at Abele Park and
told us that the project to install new sidewalks in Town is nearly
complete, and that we now have close to nine miles of sidewalks
extending from the eastern end of Western Avenue all the way to the
new roundabout on Carman Road. The continuation of the public
hearing on the proposed law intended preserve native trees that was
scheduled for November 1was postponed, and will most likely be added
to the agenda for the December 6 Town Board meeting. Delaware
Engineering told us that the contractor expects to complete all of
the storm sewer installation work this year, weather permitting.
Lawn restoration will be finished in the spring, and the Town will
pave the affected streets sometime next year. Storm sewer work
has since begun on Norwood Street.
The shorter business portion of the meeting allowed time after it
for the attendees to mingle with neighbors and enjoy some seasonal
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Wednesday, September 21 - 7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442
Western Avenue
At our September meeting guest speaker Jeremy Smith, Director of
Facilities for the Capital District Transportation Authority, told
us about the construction of the BusPlus Purple Line that is going
to run through the Harriman and UAlbany campuses, and answered
questions from the audience. Town Supervisor Peter Barber spoke
about many activities that the Town is working on, including capital
projects, the 2023 preliminary Town Budget, the proposed Tree
Preservation Committee, a new Conservation Easement Program, and
updates on Costco and the Guilderland Comprehensive Plan. Biagio
DelVillano from Delaware Engineering provided an update on the
status of the storm water drainage improvement project. [Meeting
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Spring 2022 Meetings
Thursday, May 19,
7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Supervisor Barber spoke on a number of current Town matters; Biagio
DelVillano from Delaware Engineering gave a status update on the
storm water drainage construction project. Additionally, Luke
Rumsey, Interim Director for Community Relations of the University
at Albany, told us about ongoing and upcoming construction projects
on campus. An election of all Association officers, and of three
board members was held; all officers and the three board members
were reelected.
announcement flyer - pdf file] [Meeting summary]
Wednesday, April 20, 7pm., at the
Hampton Inn, 1442 Western Avenue
Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering
gave an update on the status of the storm water drainage improvement
Thirteen candidates are running for three open seats on the
Guilderland Board of Education. The election will take place
on Tuesday, May 17. Five candidates briefly introduced
themselves and told us why they wish to serve on the BOE.
Our last speaker was MIA secretary Laura Barry. As many of you
know, Laura has compiled lists of trees and shrubs
appropriate for planting in McKownville. She gave a
presentation that she has created highlighting the advantages of
incorporating native plants into our environment.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Wednesday, March 23, 7pm., at the Hampton Inn, 1442 Western
Town Supervisor Peter Barber made announcements regarding
recent activities in the town, and answered questions from the
Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering updated us on the status
of the storm water drainage improvement project.
Amanda Beedle, one of our newly serving Town Board members, spoke
about a program that she has initiated in her private life called
The Caring Closet Guilderland.
The State Historic Preservation Office has approved the 'Country
Club Highlands' section of McKownville for listing on the NYS
Register of Historic Places, and we anticipate that listing on the
National Register will occur soon. With that in mind, Bill Kidd
spoke to us about plaques that residents of this section might
purchase and place on their houses.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Fall 2021 Meetings
Online meeting: Thursday, November 18 - 7pm.
Retiring Town Board member Pat Slavick reported on upcoming Town
Board business. Our neighbor and County Legislator Mickey Cleary
told us about what the Legislature is doing these days, and what is
planned for 2022. Also, Biagio DelVillano, representing
Delaware Engineering, updated us on the status of the McKownville
drainage improvement project. Nellie Gontos gave a presentation on
the opportunity for home hosting of foreign students attending the
University at Albany's English Language program. Delaware
Engineering is thanked for hosting our meeting again this month.
announcement flyer - pdf file] [Meeting summary]
Online meeting: Wednesday, October 20 - 7pm.
Town Supervisor Peter Barber made announcements regarding recent
activities in the Town. Tim Wiles, Executive Director of the
Guilderland Public Library, told us about the reopening of the
library, and programs that are available to residents. Five
candidates are running for two open positions on the Guilderland
Town Board. All were invited to the meeting; four attended and
introduced themselves with brief statements, and answered questions
from the audience. Once again, Delaware Engineering is thanked
for kindly hosting the meeting via the Zoom platform.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Online meeting: Thursday,
September 23 - 7pm.
announcement flyer - pdf file]
Town Supervisor Peter Barber made announcements regarding
recent activities in the Town, and answered questions from the
Biagio DelVillano from Delaware Engineering provided an update on
the stormwater drainage improvement project.
The President summarized information presented at the September 14
meeting hosted by the State Historic Preservation Office regarding
the proposed McKownville - Country Club Highlands historic district.
file of the SHPO slide presentation at the 14 Sept meeting - 3.5MB]
An election of all officers and three members of our Board of
Directors took place.
Members of the audience were invited to make suggestions as to
future projects that the Association might work on to improve our
Online meeting: Tuesday, September 14 -
7.00pm. - meeting specifically on the McKownville historic
district nomination, led by staff from the State Historic
Preservation Office. [pdf file
of the SHPO slide presentation - 3.5MB]
announcement flyer - pdf file] See also
the item on the Announcements
Spring 2021 Meetings
Online meeting: Thursday, May 20,
annnouncement flyer - pdf file]
Town Supervisor Peter Barber told us about the arrangements for
the imminent
reopening of Town offices.
Senator Michelle Hinchey spoke about legislative and other
highlights of her first term as a member of the New York State
Michael DiAcetis and Michael Bates from National Grid gave a summary
on the gas line replacement project. All old gas lines are retired
and all supplies in the project area north of Western Avenue are now
on the new medium-pressure lines.
Biagio DelVillano summarized the state of the the water (project
fully complete) and storm drain (about 25% complete) projects in
McKownville. He discussed the plan to rebid the remaining part of
the storm drain project late this year, with the intention of storm
drain construction occurring and being completed in 2022. FAQ#7 of 28
April 2021 explains the significant issues.
James Carter from the State Historic Preservation Office gave a
presentation on the status of the nomination for listing a portion
of McKownville as a historic district in the New York State, and the
National, Registers of Historic Places. The required extensive
documentation is nearly complete; a public meeting to present the
nomination to homeowners in the proposed district is planned for
September. Letters formally notifying the property owners and
explaining how to object (if they wish) to the proposal would be
sent out not later than the end of September. The nomination should
be ready for presentation to the State Review Board in December. [More
detail on the Historic District proposal, the nomination
procedures, etc.]
Online meeting: Wednesday, April 14, 7.00pm
annnouncement flyer - pdf file]
Town Supervisor Peter Barber gave us information on the summer
recreation program, the Town's continuing response to the
COVID-19 pandemic, the Guilderland PD prescription
drug take-back event 24 April, and summarized some issues to
which the Town must respond regarding legalization of marijuana.
Mike DiAcetis from National Grid updated us on the progress of the
gas main replacement project. If you have complaints about the
grass/lawn restoration, use the National Grid customer service
number 1-800-642-4272.
Members of the the Fire Department (Jim White and Mike Costabile)
spoke on the options and present status of determining whether to
stay in the current location and modify the present building, or to
relocate partly or entirely to another site in McKownville, if one
suitable could be found. Open discussion also included the
repeated problem of noise at unsociably late hours coming from
rental accommodation in 1234 Western Avenue, as well as associated
vehicle intrusions and parking. If in future you are disturbed
by this noise, etc, do not hesitate to call the Guilderland Police
Online meeting: Thursday, March 18, 7.00pm
annnouncement flyer - pdf file]
Guilderland Town Supervisor Peter Barber updated us on the Town's
response to COVID-19, including vaccination opportunities,
described the next steps in the the reopening process, and outlined
tentative plans for the summer recreation program and the
Guilderland Performing Arts Center.
Michael Burgess and Tony Cortese described services and programs
that Community
Caregivers provide to many of our older neighbors despite the
pandemic. They also discussed the status of the "Village"
that some volunteers in our town are working to form that will
enable seniors to remain in their homes and continue to be engaged
with their community.
Michael DiAcetis, and Tom Bates, representing National Grid, updated
us on the progress of the gas main replacement project now underway
in McKownville, followed by an open discussion.
Subscription to Association
announcements email list
You can add your email address to the Association email list (or
remove it - unsubscribe) by using the
form on the webpage linked here.
To change your subscription email address, unsubscribe the old
address, then add the new one.
Your email address would be used only to communicate Association
business, and occasional neighborhood announcements approved by the
President of the Association.
The content of recent announcement
emails sent by the Association.
Contacting the Association
If you wish to suggest an issue and/or a speaker to be included in
a future meeting, please contact the President or the Secretary of
the Association by using the phone numbers listed on the home page, or you can send email
to [mailbox at mckownville dot org]. Postal mailing addresses are
in the About page.
Past meeting announcements
Fall 2020 - 10
September 2020 19
November 2020 [meeting
summaries and links]
Spring 2020 - 21
May 2020 [text
summary] [zoom video
segments: National Grid gas line replacement presentations;
questions and answers]
Fall 2019 - 19 September 2019
17 October 2019
21 November 2019
Spring 2019 - 14 March
2019 11
April 2019 16
May 2019 12
June 2019
Fall 2018 - 20 September 2018
17 October 2018
15 November 2018
Spring 2018 - 15 March
2018 11
April 2018 17
May 2018
Fall 2017 - 19 October 2017
8 November 2017
Spring 2017 - 16 March
2017 20
April 2017 18 May 2017
meetings in years prior to 2017
return to index page