McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 1983

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files

1983-84 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list     
1983-01-03 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1983-01-05 - statement of McKownville Improvement Association to Town ZBA hearing - variance request 50 Fuller Road
1983-01-07 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - zoning line anomaly near Providence Street
1983-01-11 - letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association - zoning line anomaly near Providence Street
1983-02-07 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1983-02-15 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - polling place relocation
1983-03-03 - letter from J Lane (McKownville Improvement Association vice-president) to Albany Co Engineer - Fuller Road safety
1983-03-04 - letter from Albany Co Engineer to J Lane (McKownville Improvement Association vice-president) - Fuller Road safety
1983-03-10 - letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association - polling place retention
1983-03-15 - McKownville Improvement Association announcement of DOT Exit 24 hearing; paper drive
1983-03-15 - NYDOT Exit 24 rebuilding project summary and public hearing presentation; maps [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]
1983-03-15 - notes for L Childs presentation at DOT Exit 24 public hearing
1983-03-16 - letter from Town Supervisor to L Childs - presentation at DOT Exit 24 public hearing
1983-03-16 - letter from Town Supervisor to NYDOT Regional Director - DOT Exit 24 public hearing
1983-03-23 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting; map showing "SUNYA loop"
1983-03-25 - letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville residents - parking problems on Elmwood Street from Coco's Restaurant
1983-03-31 - notice of town Board public hearing - zoning change of south parts of south Providence Street residential lots
1984-04-01 - lawyers letter (on behalf of D Reeb) to NYDOT Regional Director - FOI request for documents on "SUNYA loop"
1984-04-05 - Town Supervisor's statement on future Town Park development and policy
1983-04-11 - memorandum from Town Planning-Zoning Coordinator to Town Board - environmental impact of Providence St rezoning proposals 
1983-04-17 - Times-Union clip - Wither McKownville? - Hamlet lives with boom or doom dilemma
1983-04-18 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1983-05-04 - Knickerbocker News clip - proposed SUNYA field house and relocation of chapel house
1983-05-04 - Times-Union clip - proposed SUNYA field house, and inflated "bubble" sports facility
1983-05-19 - McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting announcement; Knowles Terrace garage sale
1983-05-19 - McKownville Improvement Association president's report
1983-05-19 - McKownville Improvement Association treasurer's report
1983-05-19 - McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting minutes 
1983-05-25 - Town Parks Director's report to Town Supervisor on residents' concerns on proposed McKownville Park
1983-05-30 - letter from Town Parks Director to McKownville Improvement Association - location map of proposed McKownville Park
1985-05-30 - Helderberg Sun clip - report of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1983-06-01 - letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association - appreciation for Association activities
1983-06-xx - Knickerbocker News clip - Guilderland Town Board requests Western Avenue sidewalks and safety improvements
1983-06-29 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association vice-president to Albany Co Engineer - Fuller Road safety
1983-07-01 - letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association - Fuller Road safety
1983-07-06 - letter from Albany Co Engineer to McKownville Improvement Association - Fuller Road safety
[1979-06-08] - DOT Fuller Road 19-26 March 1979 traffic survey data; re-edited summary data table
1983-07-11 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1983-08-04 - Altamont Enterprise clip - McKownville news, including proposed Fuller Road changes
1983-08-08 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Albany Co Engineer - Fuller Road safety
1983-08-08 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Stuyvesant Plaza President - Fuller Road safety
1983-08-31 - letter from Stuyvesant Plaza President to McKownville Improvement Association - Fuller Road safety
1983-09-19 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1983-09-19 - letter and indemnity from Norstar Bank to McKownville Improvement Association - 22-23 Oct paper drive arrangements
1983-10-03 - McKownville Improvement Association invitation for 27 October "meet-the-candidates" public meeting
1983-10-22 - McKownville Improvement Association announcement - 22-23 Oct paper drive;  27 October "meet-the-candidates"
1983-10-27 - list of local election candidates invited
1983-11-02 - Albany County Traffic Engineering Division proposed projects (includes Fuller Road)
1983-11-13 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1983-11-15 - letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association - transmittal of Albany County road projects document
1983-11-16 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Albany Co Engineer - Fuller Road safety
1983-11-16 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - McKownville Reservoir siltation from Crossgates construction
1983-11-25 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - Fuller Road proposed widening
1983-11-29 - Schenectady Gazette clip - report on Albany County road projects including proposed Fuller Road widening
1983-11-30 - Knickerbocker News clip - report on Albany County road projects including proposed Fuller Road widening
1983-12-06 - invitation letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Assemblyman R J Conners - to speak at dinner meeting
1983-12-28 - Knickerbocker News clip - proposed Albany County Civic Center
1983-12-xx - Knickerbocker News clip - opposition to proposed Albany County Civic Center

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