McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 1945 to 1962

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files
[1925-1941<1945 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1962  [>1963-1972

1945-04 - Water District engineering proposal Smith & Associates 
1946-06-01 - Water and Sewer District proposal summary for residents
1947-06-18 - Knickerbocker News clip - McKownville petition for water and sewer districts filed
1948-06-08 - NY Water Power and Control Commission Decision on Water Supply Application 1839 (transcription) (scan of original)
1949-02-28 - NY Senate bill 2811 - to transfer McKownville sewers to Town of Guilderland
1949-03-01 - NY Assembly bill 3226 - to transfer McKownville sewers to Town of Guilderland
1949-04-25 - NY Governor's Office press release - disapproval of Senate bill 2576 - McKownville sewers transfer
1949-04-27 - Knickerbocker News clip - Governor Dewey kills McKownville sewer bill
1948-04-29 - Knickerbocker News clip - McKownville considers water filtration plant 
1949-04-01 - Deed of sale Pitkin-Witbeck Realty Company to McKownville Water District
  [map parcel 1] [map parcel 2]
1950-03-16 - Knickerbocker News clip - McKownville sewer district bill sent to Governor
1952-10-10 - Guilderland Central Schools newsletter (including school construction costs)
1954-05-26 - Meeting announcement - Sewer District hearing
1954-05-26 - Meeting report - Sewer District hearing
1954-09-29 - letter from Town Clerk to Gerald Hamme - Norwood Street tree planting 
1954-10-05 - letter to Town Supervisor - McKownville Reservoir
1954-10-05 - letter to Town Supervisor - McKownville Reservoir dredging 
1954-12-27 - letter to Town Highway Superintendent - street maintenance 
1954-12-27 - letter to Town Supervisor - water system improvements; reservoir dredging 
1955-02-01 - letter to Town Supervisor - proposed Schoolhouse Road extension
1955-02-15 - letter to Town Supervisor - pedestrian safety and Western Avenue lighting
1955-02-15 - letter to Town Supervisor - old water main maintenance
1955-02-21 - letter to Mayor, City of Albany - proposed Schoolhouse Road extension 
1955-02-21 - letter to NYS Dept of Public Works - proposed Schoolhouse Road extension
1955-03-06 - McKownville Improvement Association newsletter and meeting announcement
1955-03-12 - letter reply to NYS Dept of Public Works - proposed Schoolhouse Road extension
1955-03-18 - letter from Fred Abele to Times-Union newspaper - response to Roseberry article advocating annexation
1955-56 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list 
1955-06-26 - McKownville Improvement Association special meeting announcement - Simmons shopping center 
1955-06-29 - Deed of sale of Parkwood Street West and East development roads to Town of Guilderland
1955-07-01 - letter to Kiwanis Club
1955-07-01 - letter to Town Supervisor - water issues; proposal for Town building code
1955-07-25 - Altamont Enterprise - legal notice for rezoning from Residential to Business of future Stuyvesant Plaza land 
1955-08-27 - minutes of the 9th meeting of the McKownville Water District Citizen's Advisory Committee

1955-12-01 - McKownville Improvement Association newsletter 
1955-12-07 - letter from Kiwanis Club - re petition for Town planning board
1956-01-11 - memorandum of Mr Moore (NYS Dept of Health) - shallow water well supply for McKownville
1956-01-17 - McKownville Improvement Association special meeting announcement - proposed Town planning board
1956-04-18 - minutes of the 10th and last meeting of the McKownville Water District Citizen's Advisory Committee
1956-05-03 - letter to the Town Board from Mr Henry, chairman McKownville Water District Citizen's Advisory Committee
1956-05-03 - Final Report of the McKownville Water District Citizen's Advisory Committee
1956-05-15 - Annual meeting announcement
1956-05-15 - Report of the President of the McKownville Improvement Association
1956-05-15 - minutes of the Annual Meeting
1956-05-24 - letter to Town Supervisor - McKownville Estates street signs, road conditions, street lighting  
1957-02-27 - letter from Business Manger, Guilderland Central Schools - meeting presentation
1957-02 - McKownville Improvement Association program committee
1957-03-21 - published meeting announcement - school building program 
1957-05-21 - Report of the President of the McKownville Improvement Association
1957-58 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list   [Program Committee 1957]
1957-11-12 - Meeting announcement - Schoolhouse Road extension; water supply
1958-59 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list
1958-12-09 - NY Water Power and Control Commission Modifying Decision on Water Supply Application 1839 (transcription) (scan of original)
1959-02-19 - McKownville Water District Easement to Stuyvesant Plaza 
1960-04-27 - notes from deed of sale McKown Farm Realty Corp to A Domenico - lots comprising present 340-344 Fuller Road property
1960-10-26 - letter from Town Supervisor to John Feldman (President, McKownville IA) - discontinuance of old McKownville water connections
1961-01-23 - letter from J Manning to A Lux - zoning restrictions and lawsuit filing on Domenico plan for diner
1961-04-17 - Deed of sale McKown Farm Realty Corporation to McKownville Water District
1961-05-16 - Annual meeting announcement
1962-05-15 - Knickerbocker News clip - announcement of McKownville Improvement Association meeting
1962-05-15 - Annual meeting announcement
1962-63 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list 
1962-06-01 - Memorandum to the Town Board - release of some McKownville Water District land to Stuyvesant Plaza 
1962-06-06 - Times-Union article on Town Board decision for referendum on sale of McKownville Water district land
1962-11-08 - letter to the Town Board requesting reconsideration of the decision to sell McKownville Water District land 
1962-11-15 - Knickerbocker News clip - Town Planning Board studies, water supply, sewer district, Western Avenue zoning 
1962-11-26 - copy of letter to Town Board from J Kenneth Fraser - drainage on Quadrini property (Western Avenue at Upper Hillcrest)
1962-12-07 - Notice of public hearing on proposal to sell a portion of McKownville Water District land

>Documents Archive 1963 - 1972
<Documents Archive 1925 - 1941
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