McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 2003
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
Association meeting announcements, minutes, reports, public
hearing announcements
2003-04 - McKownville
Improvement Association officers list
2003-01-13 - D
Reeb email to McKownville Improvement Association board - board
meeting agenda
2003-01-30 -
McKownville Improvement Association Action Committees lists
2003-01-30 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2003-01-30 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2003-01-30 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting notes
2003-03-13 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2003-03-14 -
McKownville Improvement Association treasurer's report
2003-04-29 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2003-04-29 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting - pond committee
2003-05-03 -
McKownville Improvement Association Bicentennial celebration
2003-05-06 - D
Reeb email to McKownville Improvement Association board - election
2003-06-05 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2003-09-25 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2003-09-29 - D
Reeb email to board - McKownville Improvement Association meeting
2003-10-01 -
Zoning Board of Appeals public hearing notice - 1434 Western
Avenue special use permit/variance application
2003-10-23 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2003-10-23 -
McKownville Improvement Association pond park resident survey
2003-11-20 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
Association correspondence
2003-01-21 - D
Reeb outline memo on event for Guilderland bicentennial
2003-01-22 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to Town Supervisor -
invitations, and appreciation for improvements
2003-01-22 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to NY Senator Breslin -
appreciation for assistance (1257 Western Avenue)
2003-02-04 -
letter from S and K Quinn (8 Elmwood) to Town Supervisor -
petition to repair Elmwood Street sidewalks petition with
2003-02-28 -
emails between D Bosworth and D Knight - Proposal for Mercer
Street pocket park
2003-03-26 - J
White email to D Reeb - invitations to bicentennial celebration
2003-03-29 - D
Reeb email to board members - April meeting, bicentennial
2003-04-24 - D
Reeb email to J White - invitation list to bicentennial
celebration; sample invitation
2003-05-07 - L
Berl (1443 Western Ave) letter to neighbors - paving of
Glenwood-Norwood alley
2003-06-10 - D
Reeb email - Mercer St Park committee
2003-06-10 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to Albany County DPW -
appreciation for Fuller Road signage
2003-06 -
Petition from McKownville residents to NY Thruway Authority to
abandon plans for Western Avenue flyover
2003-07-22 - N
Dover (12 Knowles Terrace) letter to Town supervisor - 1257
Western Avenue property
2003-08-11 - K
LeRoux (106 Arcadia Ave) letter to A Quadrini - 1257 Western
Avenue property
2003-08-15 - A
Quadrini letter to K LeRoux - 1257 Western Avenue property
2003-10-02 -
Town Supervisor email to McKownville Improvement Association -
support of opposition to Western Avenue flyover proposal
2003-10-17 - NY
Thruway letter to McKownville Improvement Association - Albany
Corridor Study and Western Avenue flyover
2003-10-23 - D
Reeb memo to W Meehan - attendees and procedure at McKownville
Improvement Association meeting
2003-12-02 - NY
Thruway letter to McKownville Improvement Association - FOI
requests for information on Albany Corridor Study
Documents concerning the McKownville Planning Group and
McKownville Corridor Study
2003-01 -
McKownville Corridor Study - Summary of Findings Presentation
2003-01-xx -
McKownville Improvement Association Western Avenue proposal
petition announcement
2003-01-10 -
email comments on draft McKownville Study Report
2003-01-13 -
additional comments on draft McKownville Study Report
2001-01-13 -
CME comments received and responses for McKownville Corridor Study
2003-01-18 -
McKownville Improvement Association comments on CME comments and
responses document
2003-01-29 -
summary of items in the draft CME McKownville Corridor Study
2003-03 - Project
Justification - McKownville/Western Avenue sidewalk construction
2003-05-29 -
CME letter to Guilderland Town Planner - cover for final report
McKownville Corridor Study
2003-06-17 - NY
Thruway Authority meeting agenda - Albany Corridor Study
2003-08-19 -
McKownville Improvement Association draft letter to Town Board -
endorsement and summary of CME McKownville Corridor Study
Newspaper clippings and other publications
2003-05-08 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - McKownville celebration for Guilderland
200th anniversary picture
2003-06-17 -
NY Thruway Authority public meeting announcement
2003-10-16 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - McKownville Improvement Association
2003-10-16 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - Stuyvesant Plaza L'Ecole restaurant
replacement plans
2003-10-16 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - Thruway flyover plans
2003-11-19 -
Times-Union clip - Thruway flyover plans; impact on McKownville
2003 - Town of
Guilderland - Town bicentennial brochure
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