McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 1975
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
1975-76 -
McKownville Improvement Association officers list
1975-01-14 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor
- Fuller Road sidewalks snow removal
1975-01-14 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor
- enforcement of residential zoning 1461 Western Avenue
1975-01-14 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor
- McKownville Reservoir
1975-02 -
draft lists of items for improvement in McKownville
[Transport; Utilities; Zoning; Recreation]
1975-02-05 -
McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement
1975-02-05 -
minutes of McKownville Improvement Association public meeting
1975-02-07 -
Times-Union clip - report of McKownville Improvement Association
public meeting
1975-03-02 -
minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1975-03-10 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DEC - public
hearing on classification of surface waters
1975-03-11 -
statement from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DEC -
public hearing on classification of surface waters
1975-03-21 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Water Dept
- McKownville Reservoir valve pit vandal damage
1975-03-27 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to USDA Soil
Conservation Service - resources to repair Harrington's Pond dam
1975-03-31 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Stuyvesant
Plaza - compliments on Fuller Road sidewalks snow clearing
1975-05-xx -
Times-Union clip - special use permit application non-resident
doctor's office 1461 Western Avenue
1975-05-09 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor
- opposition to special use permit application 1461 Western Avenue
1975-05-09 -
McKownville Improvement Association announcement Town public
hearing - special use permit application 1461 Western Avenue
1975-05-09 -
notes on occupancy and map of Domenico property 1465, 1467 Western
Avenue [1971
map referenced in notes]
1975-05-09 - map
of property of Domenico - 1465, 1467 Western Avenue and (now)
340-344 Fuller Road (map date July, 1974 or previous)
1975-05-09 -
legal notice public hearing - special use permit application 1461
Western Avenue
1975-05-21 -
announcement of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1975-05-21 -
attendance list at McKownville Improvement Association annual
1975-05-21 -
minutes of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1975-05-21 -
McKownville Improvement Association report of annual meeting
1975-05-22 -
Times-Union clip - report of McKownville Improvement Association
annual meeting
1975-05-22 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Golden Krust
Bakery - thanks for donation
1975-05-22 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor
- classification of surface waters
1975-05-30 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Planning
and Zoning Administrator - violations of special use permit 7
Fuller Road
1975-06-05 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DEC - public
hearing continuation on classification of surface waters
1975-06-10 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Cranston RI
City Housing Authority - request for copy of house exterior
painting ordinance
1975-08-11 -
minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1975-08-12 -
Helderberg Sun clip - report on Mill Pond, Guilderland
1975-08-14 -
Times-Union clip - report on request to Town for enforcement of
non-related occupant limit in residences in McKownville
1975-08-27 -
McKownville Improvement Association notice on non-related occupant
limit in residences
1975-08-27 -
Town of Guilderland notice on non-related occupant limit in
residences and boarding houses
1975-09-24 -
announcement of McKownville Improvement Association public meeting
1975-09-24 -
questions for candidates for public office at McKownville
Improvement Association public meeting
1975-09-26 -
announcement of Capital District Regional Planning Commission
public meeting 17 November
1975-10-xx -
Times-Union clip - report of Town Board meeting - rezoning request
for medical office on Schoolhouse Road
1975-10-20 -
Knickerbocker News clip - rezoning request for medical office on
Schoolhouse Road
1975-10-29 -
letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association
- lighting on Knowles Terrace and Waverly Place
1975-11-08 -
Knickerbocker News clip - report on Town Board budget meeting
1975-11-08 -
minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1975-11-12 -
Capital District Regional Planning Commission report on Town of
Guilderland and Village of Altamont
1975-11-12 -
letter from Cranston RI City Housing Authority to McKownville
Improvement Association - city ordinances
- Knickerbocker News clip - report on Town Board meeting -
including Schoolhouse Road rezoning, McKownville Lighting District
1975-12-02 -
Times-Union clip - Town Planning Board approval of Schoolhouse
Road rezoning
Times-Union clip - Town Board approval of Schoolhouse Road
Knickerbocker News clip - Town Board approval of Schoolhouse Road
1975 - Town of
Guilderland pocket reference guide
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