McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 1978

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files

1978-79 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list     
1978-xx - traffic crash yearly statistics for NY Route 20 from Albany city line to Rte 155 (1974-1977)
1978-01-05 - letter from NY DOT to McKownville Improvement Association - Western Avenue widening project 
1978-01-20 - letter from R Lawlor, Town of Guilderland to McKownville Improvement Association - regulations for trespass on public reservoirs
1978-01-29 - NY Assembly bill 2176 and supporting memorandum - legal standing of neighborhood associations in zoning matters
1978-01-31 - letter from  McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - ice skating on McKownville Reservoir
1978-02-02 - McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement
1978-02-07 - Schenectady Gazette clip - recreational use of McKownville Reservoir
1978-02-23 - letter from US DOT (NY Div.) to McKownville Improvement Association - Western Avenue widening project 
1978-03-02 - letter from Town Supervisor to Albany County Health Dept - recreational use of McKownville Reservoir
1978-03-22 - McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement
1978-03-27 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DEC - Western Avenue widening project 
1978-03-29 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Zoning Board - application by Kotlow to enlarge dentist building at 7 Fuller Road
1978-03-31 - notes for ZBA hearing on Kotlow application; also used [SU permit 1974] [property map c.1974] [property map 1971] [notes on 1960 deed]
1978-04-08 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Zoning Board - application by Fiato for restaurant at 1246 Western Avenue
1978-04-14 - letter from M McKinley to G Perlee (Town Zoning Board member) - application by Kotlow to enlarge dentist building at 7 Fuller Road
1978-04-14 - notice of public hearing - application by Fiato for variance and special use permit to construct restaurant at 1246 Western Avenue
1978-04-17 - McKownville Improvement Association announcement and request for opinion - Western Avenue widening project 
1978-04-22 - Knickerbocker News clip - report on McKownville Improvement Association opinion survey of Western Avenue widening project
1978-04-24 - letter from N Levens (4 Elmwood St) to Town Zoning Board - application by Fiato for restaurant at 1246 Western Avenue
1978-04-25 - McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement - application by Fiato for restaurant at 1246 Western Avenue
1978-04-26 - Knickerbocker News clip - McKownville Improvement Association meeting opposed to restaurant at 1246 Western Avenue  [also picture]
1978-04 - sample petition form McKownville Improvement Association - disapproval of restaurant at 1246 Western Avenue
1978-05-03 - memo from Town Clerk to McKownville Improvement Association - draft transcript excerpt of Town Board hearing on zoning changes
1978-05-17 - letter from N Levens to McKownville Improvement Association - thanks for support in matter of 7 Fuller Road
1978-05-18 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DEC commissioner - Western Avenue widening project 
1978-05-19 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DOT commissioner - Western Avenue widening project
1978-05-21 - Times-Union clip - report on Western Avenue widening proposal and zoning in McKownville  [picture used in article]
1978-05-22 - letter from K LeRoux to McKownville Improvement Association - service as Association secretary
1978-05-25 - McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement
1978-05 - certificate of appreciation to McKownville Improvement Association - participation in creation of Westmere Elementary School playground
1978-06-01 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY Governor H Carey - Western Avenue widening project 
1978-06-09 - letter from A Torda (1257 Western Ave) to Town Planning and Town Zoning Boards - application by Fiato for restaurant at 1246 Western Avenue
1978-06-13 - letter from  McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - proposed Town zoning law changes
1978-06-13 - Knickerbocker News clip - report on deletion of Western Avenue widening in McKownville
1978-06-21 - letter from NY DOT to McKownville Improvement Association - Western Avenue widening project 
1978-06-25 - letter from D Robinson (6 Arcadia Ave) to McKownville Improvement Association - thanks for support in matter of 1246 Western Avenue
1978-06-30 - letter from NY Governor's office to McKownville Improvement Association - Western Avenue widening project 
1978-06-30 - Altamont Enterprise clip - picture from opening of new playground at Westmere Elementary School
1978-07-07 - letter from Champagne Associates to McKownville Improvement Association - traffic study for proposed restaurant at 1246 Western Avenue
1978-08-10 - McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement - proposed Crossgates mall
1978-09-08 - notice of public hearing - application by Fiato for variance and special use permit to construct restaurant at 1244-46 Western Avenue
1978-09-19 - McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement - restaurant applications 1244-46 and 1508 Western Avenue
1978-09-26 - report by H Prytherch to McKownville Improvement Association - Town Board meeting on recreation and Town park provision
1978-09-26 - letter from  McKownville Improvement Association to Town Board - petition for Town Park in McKownville
1978-09-xx - letter from  McKownville Improvement Association to Dr Paul Troidle - compliments on renovations at 1484 Western Avenue
1978-10-09 - letter from Champagne Associates to McKownville Improvement Association - traffic study for proposed restaurant at 1244-46 Western Avenue
1978-10-11 - Schenectady Gazette clip - Town Board hearing on Denny's restaurant proposed for 1508 Western Avenue
1978-10-13 - letter from A Torda (1257 Western Ave) to Town Zoning Board - application by Fiato for restaurant at 1244-46 Western Avenue
1978-10-18 - letter from Crossgates Group to Town of Guilderland Supervisor - reclassification of Krumkill and McKownville Reservoir; creation of Town park
1978-11-14 - letter from Town Supervisor to Albany County chapter of NYSARC - establishment of community residence at 1457 Western Avenue
1978-xx-xx - Schenectady Gazette clip - establishment of NYSARC community residence at 1457 Western Avenue

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