McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 2006

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files

Association meeting announcements, minutes, reports, public hearing announcements
2006-07 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list
2006-01-12 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2006-02-09 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2006-02-09 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2006-03-09 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2006-03-09 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda 
2006-03-14 - McKownville Improvement Association flyer for NYThruway Authority public meeting
2006-03-16 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda  
2006-04 - invitation list for reunion lunch - participants in resistance to Crossgates
2006-04-06 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2006-05-11 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement 
2006-05-17 - McKownville Improvement Association flyer for Barber Farm stand opening
2006-05-17 - McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda 
2006-09-14 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2006-10-19 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2006-11-16 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement

Association correspondence
2006-01 - P Sweeney (16 Hillcrest) letter to neighbors - Across the Street Pub zoning variance application 
2006-02 - notes for ZBA hearing for variances requested for proposed dentist offices 1422 and 1424 Western Avenue  
2006-01-06 - W Lotz email to neighbors - Thruway sound barriers 
2006-01-10 - County Legislators F Commisso and M Connolly letter to McKownville Improvement Association - Schoolhouse-Russell Road improvements
2006-01-10 - D Bosworth email to McKownville Improvement Association - McKownville Neighborhood Master Plan
2006-01-16 - McKownville Improvement Association petition to Zoning Board of Appeals - variance request for Across the Street Pub 
2006-02-15 - Letter from County Legislator F Commisso to Assemblyman J McEneny - lack of coordination for traffic/road planning in Campus area
2006-02-22 - D Reeb email to McKownville Improvement Association board members - meetings upcoming; Crossgates papers placed at Guilderland Library
2006-02-23 - D Smith email to D Reeb - meetings; sidewalks
2006-03-16 - B Best email to L Whalen - Farm stand and Regional Farmer's Market
2006-03-24 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to Picotte Co - enquiry for locating farm stand in 1450 Western Ave parking lot 
2006-03-28 - Picotte Co letter to McKownville Improvement Association - refusal for farm stand in 1450 Western Ave parking lot
2006-04-06 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to manager of Passonno Paints - thanks for allowing farm stand in parking lot on McKown Road 
2006-04-30 - M Gnacik email to D Reeb - Harriman campus, Nanotech parking/traffic plans
2006-05-07 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to president of Passonno Paints - thanks for allowing farm stand in parking lot on McKown Road
2006-06-29 - County Legislators F Commisso and M Connolly letter to NY DOT Commissioner - flooding on Western Avenue at Fuller Road
2006-08-24 - minutes of meeting at CNSE-SUNYA - trails for neighborhood use south of CNSE; environmental health and safety at CNSE
2006-08-26 - letter from S Skladzinski (9 Elmwood) to Town Supervisor - Elmwood Street sidewalk disrepair
2006-10-16 - letter from Assemblymember J McEneny to NY DEC Commissioner - request to investigate continuing stench from Albany landfill 
2006-10-25 - D Reeb email to Association board members - plans for community Halloween party at the Fire House
2006-11-09 - L Jackson email to McKownville Improvement Association - call-in request to get Albany mayor to explain low commercial landfill charges
Documents of the McKownville Zoning Committee and related matters  
2006 - Land use development along McKownville major roads [D Reeb 2005-08-27]  
2006 - draft vision statement for McKownville
2006-01-08 - draft master plan statement for McKownville
2006-02-09 - notes of McKownville vision items from public meeting   [same notes in 2-page format]
2006-02-23 - D Reeb email to McKownville Improvement Association board members - items for consideration for Zoning Committee report
2006-02-24 - draft resident's vision for McKownville 
2006-02-24 - D Bosworth email to D Reeb - McKownville Zoning Committee and Master Plan
2006-02-28 - J Weston email to McK Zoning Committee - report outline and scope
2006-03-03 - D Reeb 33 page document compilation for March 9 meeting presentation
2006-03-04 - plan of McKown Road with sidewalk right-of-way and encroachments 
2006-03-16 - Accomplishments of the Association since September 2001
2006-05-07 - McKownville Zoning Committee executive summary
2006-06 - McKownville Zoning Committee list of recommended zoning changes
2006-08-10 - Report of the McKownville Zoning Committee - Western Avenue Corridor

Documents of the SUNYA CNSE - McKownville Improvement Association liason committee
2006-06-15 - Meeting agenda; meeting minutes; CNSE building addition environmental review; map of HP gas line relocation
2006-07-27 - Meeting agenda; meeting minutes 
2006-08-24 - Meeting agenda; meeting minutes
2006-11-08 - Meeting minutes 
2007-03-28 - Meeting agenda 

Documents concerning the Albany Corridor Study; NY Thruway and County Roads improvements; Harriman campus 
2006 - Traffic volume statistics summary - Washington Avenue and Fuller Road
2006 - NY Harriman office campus occupancy information  
2006 - Employment totals for major institutions located within a mile of Fuller Road
2006-02-24 - Harriman campus redevelopment plan summary list    [map of Harriman campus proposal plan 4]
2006-03-14 - NY Thruway Authority public meeting announcement
2006-10-16 - NY Thruway Authority EIS Statement of Findings - Interchange 23 to 24 reconstruction 
2006-11-03 - cover letter from NY Thruway Authority - EIS Statement of Findings 

Newspaper clippings and other documents  
2006 - City of Albany Neighborhood Associations listing (CANA)
2006-02 - Neighborhood Resource Center - Neighborhood Associations contacts and boundaries listing
2006-01-05 - Altamont Enterprise clip - Guilderland Town officers installation ceremony and appointments 
2006-01-12 - Times-Union clip - Thruway and Northway sound barriers
2006-01-18 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - report on McKownville Improvement Association meeting; zoning concerns 
2006-01-18 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - Providence St burglaries
2006-01-19 - Altamont Enterprise clip - Providence Street burglaries 
2006-01-25 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - Guilderland ZBA rejects variance for Across the Street Pub deck, parking 
2006-01-25 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - another Providence St burglary 
2006-02-15 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - Schoolhouse-Russell Road reconstruction approved
2006-02-16 - Times-Union clip - Thruway sound barriers recommended by Thruway Authority 
2006-02-22 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - Thruway sound barriers recommended by Thruway Authority
2006-03-01 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - County legislator F Commisso requests coordination of construction projects
2006-03-02 - Altamont Enterprise - Public presentation of Harriman campus redevelopment concept plans 
2006-03-08 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - NY Thruway authority public hearing announcement
2006-04-12 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - Harriman campus plans presented at McKownville Improvement Association meeting
2006-04-26 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - Barber's Farm stand to be located on McKown Road
2006-04-26 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - SUNYA VP to speak at May 11 McKownville Improvement Association meeting
2006-07-27 - Altamont Enterprise clip - Barber's Farm stand in McKownville
2006-09-28 - Altamont Enterprise - McKownville Zoning Committee study submitted to Town Board 
2006-12-21 - Altamont Enterprise - Town to apply for NY Parks & Recreation grant to convert McKownville Reservoir into Town Park 
2006-12-27 - Guilderland Spotlight clip - Town Board authorizes contract with NY Parks Office for McKownville Reservoir Park
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