McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 2005
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
Association meeting announcements, minutes, reports, public
hearing announcements
2005-06 - McKownville
Improvement Association officers list
2005-01-21 -
Town legal notice - zoning change withdrawal 1436 Western Ave
2005-01-26 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2005-01-26 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting minutes/notes
2005-02-21 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda items
2005-03-13 -
McKownville Improvement Association street tree planting program
2005-03-30 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2005-04-19 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2005-04-19 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2005-04-27 -
Town Planning Board meeting agenda - includes 1206 Western Ave
proposed Starbucks
2005-05-26 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda items
2005-06-07 -
Town Board meeting agenda - includes McKownville Reservoir Park
2005-06-09 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2005-06-09 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2005-09-08 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2005-09-16 -
McKownville Improvement Association Sept 8 meeting minutes/notes
2005-10-08 -
McKownville Improvement Association Oct 13 meeting arrangements
[D Smith email]
2005-10-13 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2005-12-28 - D
Reeb memo for Zoning Stdy Group - commercial properties for sale
in McKownville
Association correspondence
2005-01-26 -
McKownville Improvement Association email to Town Planning Board -
1206 Western Ave proposed Starbucks
2005-03-01 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to NY Thruway Authority
- proposed exits 23-24 reconstruction
2005-03-04 -
NY Thruway Authority email to McKownville Improvement Association
- response to 2005-03-01 letter/email
2005-03-06 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to Town Zoning Board -
1206 Western Ave proposed Starbucks
2005-03-09 -
letter from Assemblyman J McEneny to McKownville Improvement
Association - NY Thruway reconstruction
2005-03-30 - M
Franchini email to McKownville Improvement Association - Albany
County road projects
2005-04-07 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to NY Governor Pataki -
NY Thruway reconstruction
2005-04-12 - CDTA
letter to McKownville Improvement Association - bus shelter
installation at McKown Road
2005-04-15 - C
Stanford letter to NY Governor Pataki - NY Thruway reconstruction
2005-04-22 - D
Bosworth email to McKownville Improvement Association - 1206
Western Ave proposed Starbucks
2005-05-26 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to E Swyer - thanks for
J Kaplan presentation at 19 April MIA meeting
2005-05-31 - M
Gnacik email to D Reeb - McKownville Reservoir and park
2005-06-06 - E
Swyer letter to McKownville Improvement Association - response to
letter of 2005-05-26
2005-07-26 -
architects rendering of proposed Starbucks at 1206 Western Ave
2005-08-03 - D
Reeb email to committee - observations at the McKownville
Reservoir Pond
2005-08-26 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to J Kaplan -
Stuyvesant Plaza topics discussed at 19 April MIA meeting
2005-08-30 - M
Arduini letter to neighbors - Across the Street Pub proposed
2005-09-08 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to J & C Barber -
thanks for farm stand operation
2005-09-08 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to NY Thruway Authority
- no flyover! [petition
signature list]
2005-09-16 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to Albany mayor G
Jennings - landfill expansion and persistent stink
2005-09-20 - NY
Thruway Authority email to McKownville Improvement Association -
response to 2005-09-08 letter
2005-11-08 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to SUNYA president K
Hall - thanks for meeting
2005-12-09 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to Town Zoning Board -
Across the Street Pub 1240 Western Ave
Documents concerning the Albany Corridor Study; County Roads
2005-02-14 -
Comments by C Klaer for public meeting on proposed Thruway
2005-02-14 -
comments and notes by D Reeb for public meeting on proposed
Thruway reconstruction
2005-02-15 - NY
Thruway Authority announcement public meeting on proposed Thruway
2005-02-15 - NY
Thruway Authority web pages - FAQ and Project scope for proposed
Thruway Exits 23-24 reconstruction
2005-03-17 -
report by W Lotz on meeting with Thruway Authority on sound
barriers between exits 23 and 24
2005-05-10 - NY
Thruway Authority letter to Town Supervisor - transmittal of
reconstruction project final scope and response to public comments
2005-05-31 - NY
Thruway Authority letter to participants - Albany Corridor Study
final version now published
Newspaper clippings and other documents
2005-02-02 -
Guilderland Spotlight clip - proposed Starbucks 1206 Western Ave
2005-02-03 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - Albany County road improvements;
Schoolhouse, Russell, Krumkill Roads
2005-02-03 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - proposed Starbucks 1206 Western Ave
2005-02-08 - Schenectady Gazette clip - NY Thruway improvements
public meeting
2005-02-10 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - NY Thruway improvements public meeting
2005-02-17 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - report on NY Thruway improvements
public meeting
2005-03-02 - Times-Union clip - delay in publication of NY Thruway
Albany Corridor Study
2005-03-10 -
SUNYA letter and SEQR document sent to Town Supervisor -
construction of plastic-covered playing fields
2005-03-25 - Times-Union clip - CTDC TIPlan - Capital District road
improvement projects
2005-04-06 -
Guilderland Spotlight clip - fatal auto crash at McKown
Road-Western Ave intersection
2005-04-21 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - burglar arrested in McKownville
- Guilderland Spotlight clip - burglar arrested in
2005-05-05 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - report of Town Planning Board meeting,
proposed Starbucks 1206 Western Ave
2005-05-17 - Times-Union clip - Albany Nanotech to add another
2005-05-18 - Times-Union clip - Albany County road improvements;
Schoolhouse, Russell, Krumkill Roads
2005-06-02 - Times-Union clip - Albany Corridor Study final version
2005-06-08 -
Guilderland Spotlight clip - Albany Corridor Study final version
2005-06-09 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - Town Board grant applications -
McKownville Reservoir Park; Battle of Normanskill land
2005-06-16 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - McKownville Fire Department
2005-06-23 - Altamont
Enterprise clip - Don Reeb honored by Town of Guilderland for
community leadership
2005-08-03 -
Guilderland Spotlight clip - Barber's farm stand at Stuyvesant
2005-08-24 -
Guilderland Spotlight clip - Don Reeb and being a community
2005-10-02 - Times-Union clip - Albany trash, landfill,
waste-to-energy plants
2005-10-13 - Times-Union clip - McKownville Improvement Association
2005-11-09 -
Guilderland Spotlight clip - McKownville Fire Department receives
equipment grant
2005-12-15 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - Town Zoning Board meeting report
- Across the Street Pub application
2005-12-21 -
Guilderland Spotlight clip - Albany Common Council meeting report
- Residence Inn rezoning approval
2005 - Air photo (vertical) view of McKownville [color]
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