McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 1980

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb;
all document links are to scan image pdf files, except [1980-07-07 - J Esler letter of resignation] which is a text pdf, transcribed

1980-81 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list     
1980-01-01 - Concerned Citizens against Crossgates announcement and appeal for contributions
1980-02-15 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to J Shea, attorney - NY Governor's office meeting 10 October 1979
1980-02-15 - press release on summons served to Town Board and Pyramid Crossgates - claim that rezoning of 8 August 1978 invalid
1980-02-17 - cover page of D Reeb analysis of 1978 market report (Crossgates) - no expected overall growth
1980-02-19 - letter from S Harausz to McKownville Improvement Association - resignation 
1980-02-28 - fact sheet on Watervliet Reservoir hydroelectric project
1980-02-29 - advertisement flyer for concert at Page Hall to benefit the Help Stop Crossgates campaign
1980-03-12 - Knickerbocker News article - report on question of village incorporation for McKownville
1980-03-12 - Times-Union article - report on question of village incorporation for McKownville
1980-03-12 - Times-Union article - report on Crossgates environmental impact hearing session - Western Avenue flooding; McKownville Reservoir pollution
1980-03-13 - letter from A Gaffney to Guilderland Town Supervisor - lack of testing of McKownville Reservoir waters since 1973
1980-03-13 - letter from NY Dept of State to Don Reeb - information on the process for incorporation of a village
1980-03-14 - notice of public hearing - variance and special use permit request for demolition and replacement of 1438 Western Avenue (Passonno Paint Corp)
1980-03-18 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement and news sheet
1980-03-19 - letter from J Vanstone (Parkwood St W) to NY DEC administrative law judge - Pyramid-Crossgates hearing
1980-03-19 - Schenectady Gazette clip - report of McKownville Improvement Association meeting (Crossgates, village incorporation)
1980-03-19 - Times-Union clip - report of McKownville Improvement Association meeting (Crossgates, village incorporation)
1980-03-19 - document describing procedures and requirements for incorporation of a village in New York State
1980-03-20 - letter from A Gaffney (Albany County Legislator) to Albany County Attorney - requirement to test McKownville Reservoir water
1980-03-27 - Schenectady Gazette clip - estimated costs to restore McKownville Water District treatment plant
1980-03-27 - letter from Town Supervisor to A Gaffney (Albany County Legislator) - agreement to monthly testing of McKownville Reservoir water
1980-03-28 - McKownville Improvement Association announcement and information sheet for ZBA meeting on 1438 Western Ave
1980-03-28 - notice of public hearing - special use permit request for serving of alcoholic beverages at McKown Road racquetball club (V Wolanin)
1980-04-xx - Concerned Citizens against Crossgates information document on Pyramid Crossgates Mall proposal and DEC hearing
1980-04-07 - planning map and prospective views for McKownville Development Corp (Kermani development later called Woodscape)
1980-04-18 - letter from McKownville Board of Fire Commissioners to NY DEC administrative law judge - Pyramid-Crossgates hearing
1980-04-25 - notice of public hearing - variance and special use permit request for real estate and rental offices 142 Western Avenue (R P Smith)
1980-04-30 - letter from K Felsen (Mercer St) to NY DEC administrative law judge - Pyramid-Crossgates hearing
1980-05-16 - letter from NY DEC to McKownville Improvement Association - water supply from Westmere to McKownville Water Districts
1980-05-16 - notice of public hearing - variance and special use permit request for construction of bank building at 1450 Western Ave
1980-05-17 - letter from McKownville Fire Commissioners to Town Supervisor - resolutions supporting merger of Westmere and McKownville Water Districts
1980-05-19 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Guilderland Planning Board - Kermani development (later called Woodscape)
1980-05-27 - letter from McKownville Fire Department to McKownville property owners - merger of Westmere and McKownville Water Districts
1980-05-29 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
1980-05-29 - summary by Don Reeb of consequences of village incorporation for McKownville
1980-05-29 - McKownville Improvement Association treasurer's report
1980-05-xx - outline and sample text for letters to DEC on proposed merger of Westmere and McKownville Water Districts
1980-06-xx - McKownville Improvement Association announcement -street picnics, meetings
1980-06-05 - letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association - water supply from Westmere to McKownville Water Districts
1980-06-08 - letter from D McKinley (Knowles Terrace) to NY DEC - water supply from Westmere to McKownville Water Districts
1980-06-08 - letter from D McKinley (Knowles Terrace) to Town Supervisor - McKownville Fire Department letter and water supply questions
1980-06-08 - McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda
1980-06-09 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DEC - water supply from Westmere to McKownville Water Districts
1980-06-15 - letter from J Esler (Elmwood St) to NY DEC - water supply from Westmere to McKownville Water Districts  
1980-06-16 - letter from W Sharkey to D Reeb - proposal for village incorporation
1980-06-17 - letter from NY DEC to McKownville Improvement Association - water supply from Westmere to McKownville Water Districts
1980-06-18 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement - discussion on village incorporation  [press release]
1980-06-18 - Document by Don Reeb - presentation on village incorporation proposal
1980-06-18 - Don Reeb's notes for presentation giving questions and answers about incorporated villages and implications for McKownville
1980-06-18 - postcard for resident responses to village incorporation proposal 
1980-06-19 - Schenectady Gazette clip - report on McKownville Improvement Association meeting on village incorporation
1980-06-24 - letter from A Torda (Knowles Terrace) to SUNY Albany - request to help stop destruction of trees and vegetation screen
1980-06-24 - letter from  McKownville Improvement Association to SUNY Albany - request to help stop destruction of trees and vegetation screen
1980-06-27 - McKownville Improvement Association notice and statement on zoning board public hearing - construction of bank at 1450 Western Avenue
1980-07-08 - statement flyer by "Common Sense" group of residents on Water District consolidation
1980-07-07 - J Esler letter of resignation from Water Advisory Boards (read out at Town Board July 8 meeting)  [original handwritten letter]
1980-07-08 - Town board meeting agenda
1980-07-08 - statement by Town Board for hearing on proposed consolidation of McKownville and Westmere Water Districts
1980-07-09 - Knickerbocker News clip - report on Guilderland Town Board meeting; residents to seek referendum on Water district merger decision  
1980-07-09 - Times-Union clip - report on Guilderland Town Board meeting vote to consolidate McKownville and Westmere Water Districts
1980-07-xx - McKownville Improvement Association statement on Water District consolidation
1980-07-10 - notes on McKownville Improvement Association board meeting - village incorporation
1980-07-10 - letter from Town Clerk to Town Lawyer - enquiry on requirements for referendum petition
1980-07-16 - letter from Town Lawyer to Town Clerk - requirements for referendum petition and election
1980-07-16 - sample referendum petition signature and affadavit forms
1980-07-17 - Knickerbocker News clip - residents views on proposal for McKownville village incorporation
1980-07-22 - letter from United Bank to Guilderland Zoning Board - revision of proposal for bank building at 1450 Western Avenue
1980-07-24 - notes on McKownville Improvement Association board subcommittee meeting - village incorporation
1980-07-25 - McKownville Improvement Association notice and statement on zoning board public hearing - Stuyvesant Plaza office building next to Providence St
1980-08-05 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Clerk - submission of petition for referendum on consolidation of Water Districts
1980-08-05 - totals and listing of number of petition signatures by street and district 
1980-08-05 - Helderberg Sun clip - report of referendum petition drive
1980-08-07 - Knickerbocker News clip - report of referendum petition submission, Water District consolidation issues
1980-08-11 - Times-Union clip - article on proposal for McKownville village incorporation
1980-08-12 - notice of special election - referendum on consolidation of McKownville and Westmere Water Districts
1980-08-13 - letter from NY DEC to McKownville Board of Fire Commissioners - McKownville Reservoir reclassification questions
1980-08-15 - McKownville Improvement Association notice and statement on zoning board public hearing - revised plans for bank at 1450 Western Avenue
1980-08-xx - document from "Common Sense" group of residents in response to McKownville Improvement Association statement on Water District consolidation
1980-08-15 - Altamont Enterprise clip - article by F Abele on McKownville Reservoir and water supply
1980-08-22 - Altamont Enterprise clip - article by F Abele on consolidation of McKownville and Westmere Water Districts
1980-08-23 - McKownville Improvement Association community picnic announcement
1980-08-23 - Concerned Citizens against Crossgates statement and information on Water District merger referendum
1980-08-25 - notes by J Esler from files of the NYS Dept of Health on McKownville Water District and Reservoir, and number of households now supplied
1980-08-26 - McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement (includes F Abele Altamont Enterprise article of 15th August)
1980-08-xx - Guilderland Water Dept informational document for meeting - Town Water Department and District consolidation
1980-08-26 - leaflet from Concerned Citizens against Crossgates - referendum on consolidation of Water Districts
1980-08-26 - Helderberg Sun clip - opposing positions in referendum on consolidation of Water Districts
1980-08-26 - letter to voters from McKownville Fire Dept chief - referendum on consolidation of Water Districts
1980-08-27 - statement by McKownville Fire Department for Water Districts consolidation referendum
1980-08-27 - McKownville Improvement Association open letter to voters on consolidation of Water Districts
1980-08-27 - McKownville Improvement Association - voter calling instructions and answers to anticipated questions
1980-08-27 - leaflet from Concerned Citizens and Taxpayers of Westmere - referendum on consolidation of Water Districts
1980-08-27 - Schenectady Gazette clip - referendum on consolidation of Water Districts
1980-08-28 - Knickerbocker News clip - report on result of and reaction to Water district consolidation referendum vote
1980-08-28 - letter from Town Planning consultant to L Childs - residential zoning adjacent to Providence Street
1980-09-11 - notes on McKownville Improvement Association board subcommittee meeting - village incorporation
1980-09-16 - closing memorandum from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DEC hearing on Crosssgates
1980-09-17 - Newsday clip - report on petition to form village of Islandia
1980-09-20 - Knickerbocker News clip - poor traffic conditions predicted on Western Avenue from Crossgates
1980-09-26 - letter from NYSARC Community residence director to McKownville Improvement Association - village incorporation committee
1980-10-21 - Knickerbocker News clip - report of pending lawsuit to prevent water district consolidation
1980-10-23 - McKownville Improvement Association announcement for bike rodeo event and 3 November public meeting
1980-12-12 - Altamont Enterprise clip - Village taxes and Albany County sales tax revenue allocations
1980-12-17 - letter from Town supervisor to N Levens - return of Stuyvesant Plaza checks found littering property across Fuller Road

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