McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 2014
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
Association meeting announcements, minutes, reports, public
hearing announcements
2014-2015 - McKownville
Improvement Association officers list
2014 - McKownville
Improvement Association statement on the Common Alleys north of
Western Avenue
2014-04-03 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2014-04-03 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2014-04-22 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2014-05-01 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2014-05-05 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda
2014-06-05 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2014-06-18 -
McKownville Improvement Association Sidewalk Celebration Committee
2014-06-24 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda
2014-09-02 -
Town ZBA public hearing notice - 15 October on 1422-24 Western Ave
demolition/conversion/enlargement of dentist office
2014-09-10 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2014-09-20 -
McKownville Improvement Association Sidewalk Celebration
announcement [flyer] [invitations]
2014-10-22 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
Association correspondence
2014-03-15 - NY
DOT email to D Reeb - Western Avenue sidewalk project status
[map of planned
sidewalk improvements]
2014-04-03 - NY
DOT email to D Reeb - Western Avenue sidewalk project bid status
2014-06-20 - D
Csaposs email reply to messages concerning McKownville banners
2014-06-24 - D
Reeb email to residents and others - Loughlin Street
"blockbusting" reported
2014-08-27 -
List of utility poles approved by National Grid for McKownville
banner locations
2014-10-03 -
McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - Town
Planning Board 8 Oct meeting item 1422-24 Western Ave
2014-10-15 -
M Macomber email to Town Zoning Officer - objection to plans for
1422-24 Western Avenue
2014-10-15 -
McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - 15 Oct
ZBA meeting; objections to plans for 1422-24 Western Ave
2014-11-14 -
McKownville Improvement Association email to K Johnson - comments
on proposed building at 1424 Western Ave
2014-11-14 - D
Reeb memo to K Johnson - comments on proposed building at 1424
Western Ave
2014-12-03 - H
Temps email to Town Zoning Officer - comments on proposed building
at 1424 Western Ave
2014-12-16 -
McKownville Improvement Association petition to Town Board -
request to rezone three McKownville properties to residential
2014-12-16 - D
Reeb notes for presentation to Town Board - request to rezone
residential houses at 8 McKown Rd, 28-30 Schoolhouse Rd, 1420
Western Ave
Newspaper clippings and other documents
2014-xx -
McKownville street banner draft sketch
2014-01 - CDTA
Washington-Western bus rapid transit project survey
map Alt 1] [route
map Alt 2] [route
map Alt 3] [current
and plan alternative timetables] [region route map]
[Western Ave route
map preferred] [SUNYA preferred
bus route map] [Crossgates
Bus terminal and road rearragements]
2014-07-01 - Times Union - Loughlin Street houses purchaser
2014-09-19 - Times-Union - Mckownville celebration for Western
Avenue sidewalk completion
2014-11-06 - Altamont
Enterprise - Pyramid claims it has no plans for hotel
2014-12-11 - Altamont
Enterprise - Zoning Board approves plans for 1424 Western
Avenue dentist office
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