McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 2002
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
Association meeting announcements, minutes, reports, public
hearing announcements
2002-03 - McKownville
Improvement Association officers list
2002-03-25 -
Public meeting announcement for McKownville Corridor Study
2002-04-27 -
Guilderland Chamber of Commerce Gateway clean-up day announcement
2002-05-21 -
McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting anouncement and
"needs" survey draft
2002-06-01 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to residents - Western
Avenue Study, and "needs" survey
2002-06-02 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting notes -
McKownville Reservoir and Stuyvesant Plaza
2002-09-28 - D
Reeb memo to McKownville Improvement Association board members -
Association expenses, donations, running costs
2002-09-29 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda
2002-10-01 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting anouncement
2002-10-02 -
notes for D Reeb remarks at Town ZBA meeting - Stuyvesant Plaza
2002-12-05 - list
of questions for Town officials attending at Association meeting
2002-12-05 -
McKownville Improvement Association treasurer's report
2002-12-05 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting anouncement
Association correspondence
2002-02-14 -
letter from Town Zoning Enforcement officer to A Quadrini -
unsatisfactory condition of property at 1257 Western Avenue
2002-02-18 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Building
Inspector - unsatisfactory condition of property at 1257 Western
2002-03-20 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to J Giarusso,
SUNYA - request for plantings to screen Knowles Terrace from ring
2002-03-20 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor
- street tree planting City of Albany
street tree program brochure
2002-05-01 -
letter from D Ellinwood to Albany County DPW Commissioner -
request for pedestrian-audible signal at Fuller Road crossing
2002-05-21 -
letter from Town Zoning Enforcement officer to A Quadrini -
instruction to remedy condition of property at 1257 Western Avenue
2002-06-03 -
draft letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town
Supervisor - McKownville Reservoir and its utility for a Town Park
2002-06-19 -
letter from Vollmer Associates to Town Zoning Administrator -
review of plans for Stuyvesant Plaza restaurant and Executive Park
office buildings
2002-07-21 -
letter from J Holdren to Town Zoning Officer - fencing installed
at 1461 Western Avenue
2002-08-02 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to SUNYA President
- proposed University purchase/use of 1257 Western Avenue
2002-08-08 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY Senator
Breslin - proposed University purchase/use of 1257 Western Avenue
2002-09-10 -
letter from Vollmer Associates to Town Zoning Administrator -
comments on revised plans for Stuyvesant Plaza restaurant
2002-12-02 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY
DOT Commissioner - remediation of Northway traffic noise
2002-12-02 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to SUNYA President
- thanks for stopping purchase of 1257 Western Ave
2002-12-20 -
letter from NY DOT to McKownville Improvement Association -
traffic noise remediation
Documents concerning the McKownville Planning Group and
McKownville Corridor Study
2002-02-12 - List
of residents who volunteered to be involved in the Planning Group
2002-03-11 -
buffer strip measurements for Western Avenue in McKownville
2002-03-11 -
McKownville Improvement Association Planning Study draft
2002-03-25 -
Public meeting announcement for McKownville Corridor Study
2002-04-18 -
Announcement for Planning Group meeting 2002-04-23
2002-05-04 -
McKownville Improvement Association Planning Group Report
2002-05-04 -
McKownville Improvement Association Planning Group Report summary
2002-05-16 -
Creighton-Manning Engineering early status report for McKownville
Corridor Study email cover document
2002-06-02 - M
Gnacik observations on conditions around McKownville Reservoir
2002-06-06 - D
Knight email to D Reeb - McKownville Reservoir Pond
2002-07-07 -
minutes of Pond/Park Action Committee meeting
2002-07-15 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor
and Board - Western Avenue Study; McKownville Reservoir
2002-10-18 -
email from Creighton-Manning Engineering - status of McKownville
Corridor Study
2002-11-14 -
letter and project justification from Town Supervisor to CTDC
Director - McKownville/Western Ave sidewalk construction
2002-12-09 -
cover letter from Creighton-Manning Engineering - McKownville
Corridor Study draft report
2002-xx-xx -
notes on possible pedestrian and sidewalk improvements around
Stuyvesant Plaza
Newspaper clippings
2002-01-03 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - Town Hall official induction ceremony
2002-10-31 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - proposed University purchase/use of
1257 Western Avenue
2002-11-30 - Times-Union clip - lack of notification and effect of
Sematech development on adjacent residential areas
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