McKownville history - compiled data

For properties in McKownville, area north from Western Avenue, east of Fuller Road; census tabular summary also available for south side.

Table of houses with inferred building dates, first owners, and some other later owners. Also lot numbers, deed book reference numbers.
(pdf file); (ods file) open document spreadsheet format

Table of houses with inferred building dates, as above, with addition of town assessor's building dates for comparison.
(pdf file); (ods file) open document spreadsheet format

Census tabular summary file for 1910-1940, showing owners, or renters, arranged by street and house
Area from the North side of Western Avenue:
(pdf file); (ods file) open document spreadsheet format
area from the South side of Western Avenue:
(pdf file); (ods file) open document spreadsheet format

List of owners or/and renters, by house and street, with date ranges of occupation.
Also the building dates, both from the town assessors list, and revised from the deed, census and city directory information.
(pdf text file); (odt text file) open document text format

Table of owners and renters/boarders with job descriptions given in the 1910-1940 censuses
(pdf file); (ods file) open document spreadsheet format; includes separate sheet for each street

List of houses with occupant job descriptions given in the 1910-1940 censuses
(pdf file) (odt text file)

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