McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 1979
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
1979-80 -
McKownville Improvement Association officers list
1979-01-18 -
notice of public hearing - special use permit application of
Wolanin for racquetball and handball club in old McKown Grove site
1979-01-22 -
letter from Don Reeb to Saratoga Associates - review of draft Pine
Bush Environmental Study
1979-02-02 -
notice of public hearing - special use permit and variances
application for Denny's Restaurant at 1512 Western Avenue
1979-02-06 -
McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement
1979-02-23 -
notice of public hearing - special use permit and variances
application for L'Ecole Restaurant at 44 Fuller Road
1979-02-23 -
special use permit amended application of Wolanin for racquetball
and handball club in old McKown Grove site
1979-03-18 -
McKownville Improvement Association public newsletter (help stop
Crossgates) and meeting announcement
1979-03-xx -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor
- McKownville street parking regulations
1979-05-01 -
Pine Bush Intermunicipal Study Comprehensive Evaluation (90%
1979-05-01 - maps accompanying Pine Bush Intermunicipal Study [Summary map]
composite map] [Development capability
composite map]
1979-05-25 -
transmittal letter from Pine Bush Steering Committee for draft
Pine Bush Comprehensive Evaluation report
1979 - Pine
Bush Intermunicipal Study executive summary brochure [accompanying
Summary color map]
1979-05-11 -
notice of public hearing - special use permit and variances
application for vehicle repair business at 1240 Western Avenue
1979-05-23 -
McKownville Improvement Association public annual meeting
1979-05-23 -
minutes of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1979-05-23 - list
of candidates for McKownville Improvement Association annual
1979-05-23 -
McKownville Improvement Association treasurer's statement
1979-05-31 -
excerpt from Crossgates draft environmental impact statement vol.
1979-06 - items
from Albany County Chapter NYSARC on Community Advisory Board
1979-06-01 -
Schenectady Gazette clip - Crossgates Mall proposal
1979-06-02 -
Schenectady Gazette clip - report of interview of Crossgates Mall
1979-06-05 -
Helderberg Sun clip - report of McKownville Improvement
Association annual meeting
1979-06-06 -
letter from L Boomhower to McKownville Improvement Association -
deterioration and hazards in old McKown Grove property
1979-06-08 -
letter from Town Supervisor to NY DOT - removal of traffic light
at McKown Road-Western Avenue intersection
1979-06-11 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Zoning
Board of Appeals - hazards in old McKown Grove property
1979-06-11 -
McKownville Improvement Association announcement to residents -
removal of traffic light at McKown Road-Western Avenue
1979-06-12 -
letter from McKownville Board of Fire Commissioners to NY DOT
Commissioner - traffic light at McKown Road-Western Avenue
1979-06-12 -
letter from Town Water superintendent to L Swyer - storm water
discharge into McKownville Reservoir
1979-06-14 - letter
from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DOT Commissioner -
traffic light at McKown Road-Western Avenue intersection
1979-06-14 -
letter from W Barhydt to NY DOT - traffic light at McKown
Road-Western Avenue intersection
1979-06-14 -
Times-Union clip - report on McKownville Improvement Association
views on traffic light at McKown Road-Western Avenue intersection
1979-06-17 - Troy
Record article - Malls and the predicted impact of Crossgates on
others in the region
1979-06-19 -
letter from Town Water superintendent to McKownville Improvement
Association - storm water discharge into McKownville Reservoir
1979-06-27 -
letter from NY DOT to Town Supervisor - replacement of traffic
light at McKown Road-Western Avenue intersection
1979-07-09 - letter
from NY DOT to McKownville Improvement Association - replacement
of traffic light at McKown Road-Western Avenue intersection
1979-08-09 -
letter from Albany County Dept of Health to McKownville
Improvement Association - water quality and status of McKownville
1979-08-10 -
McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement
1979-08-12 -
Concerned Citizens against Crossgates meeting and action
1979-08-12 -
Concerned Citizens against Crossgates project information sheet,
map, sample letter text
1979-08-24 -
notice of public hearing - special use permit and variances
application for shoe shop in motel at 1234 Western Avenue
1979-08-29 -
McKownville Improvement Association member list
1979-09 - page
from Guilderland Democratic party election campaign material -
position statement on Crossgates
1979-09-11 -
statement of Carl Walters, Town Supervisor, at Town Board meeting
- Crossgates Mall proposal
1979-09-11 -
Times-Union clip - report on lawsuit against planned Pine Bush
1979-09-14 -
notice of public hearing - special use permit and variances
application for construction of office building at Stuyvesant
1979-09-28 -
notice of public hearing - special use permit and variances
application for addition to shops at Stuyvesant Plaza
1979-10-01 -
Times-Union clip - report on support and opposition to Crossgates
1979-10-09 -
McKownville Improvement Association announcement of public
1979-10-11 -
letter from J Whitcraft (Arcadia Ave) to McKownville Improvement
Association - appreciation and contribution
1979-10-22 -
Times-Union clip - report on Albany Council of Neighborhood
Associations resolution opposing Crossgates
1979-10-23 -
Knickerbocker News clip - editorial opinion on actions to thwart
Crossgates mall
1979-10-25 -
Knickerbocker News clip - report on revised Crossgates road plan
1979-10-30 -
letter from F Abele to Town Supervisor - resignation from
McKownville, and Town Water Advisory Boards
1979-11-01 -
Knickerbocker News clip - report on Guilderland Democratic
candidate for Supervisor
1979-11-07 -
Knickerbocker News clip - Guilderland Town Board elections results
1979-11-07 -
Knickerbocker News clip - election of first Democrat in more than
100 years to Guilderland Town Board
1979-11-07 -
Knickerbocker News clip - letter from P Crans responding to Oct 23
1979-11-08 -
Times-Union clip - report on Town Board election gain of seat by
1979-11-08 -
Schenectady Gazette clip - report on election of Democrat V Horan
to Guilderland Town Board
1979-11-14 -
Times-Union clip - letter from K Zuckerman discussing Nov 8
1979-11-14 -
Times-Union clip - Crossgates managing partner resigns [Knickerbocker
News clip]
1979-11-14 -
Knickerbocker News clip - letter from J Yavonditte responding to
Oct 23 editorial
1979-11-23 -
Utica Daily Press clip - report on large campaign contribution by
Crossgates developers to election campaign of NY Governor Carey
1979-11-27 -
Concerned Citizens against Crossgates meeting announcement
1979-12-01 -
McKownville Improvement Association paper drive announcement
1979-12-24 -
Times-Union clip - articles on McKownville Reservoir, Crossgates,
and Pine Bush development
1979-12-26 -
Knickerbocker News clip - Guilderland-Bethlehem water systems
1979-12-31 -
Concerned Citizens against Crossgates announcement and appeal for
return to 1973-82 archives page
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