McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 1974

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files

1974-75 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list     
1974-01-xx - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1974-01-14 - letter inviting Questor Group to speak at McKownville Improvement Association meeting
1974-01-14 - letter from Mckownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - SUNYA office use of Waverly Place residence
1974-01-14 - letter from Town Supervisor to John Esler - appointment to McKownville Water Advisory Board
1974-01-15 - Town Board resolution for public hearing - Normanskill Improvement area sewage system
1974-02-04 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association public meeting
1974-02-05 - letter from McKownville Doctor's Committee to Town Supervisor - use of residences as medical offices
1974-02-08 - Altamont Enterprise clip - report of Chamber of Commerce request to delay Town Board zoning law decision
1974-03-xx - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1974-04-02 - New York times clip - US Supreme Court decision on laws restricting residential occupancy by multiple unrelated persons
1974-04-xx - letter from Norma Levens (4 Elmwood St) to Town Supervisor - professional offices in residences zoning law
1974-04-xx - Knickerbocker News clip - Guilderland Chamber of Commerce recommends change to professional offices in residences zoning law
1974-04-09 - McKownville Improvement Association announcement - professional offices in residences zoning law; Town Board meeting 
1974-04-23 - letters from Mr Cohan to Gov. Malcolm Wilson - consolidation of Guilderland sewer districts
1974-04-28 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting - consolidation of Guilderland sewer districts
1974-05-xx - Knickerbocker News clip - date to be set for referendum on proposed zoning law change
1974-05-02 - letter from Margaret McKinley (Knowles Terrace) to Town supervisor - commercial use of residential zoned property
1974-05-05 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association special meeting - referendum on proposed zoning law change
1974-05-09 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1974-05-13 - Town Crier clip - public notice of referendum - proposed zoning law amendment on use of residences as medical offices
1974-05-15 - announcement of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1974-05-15 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1974-05-17 - public notice of referendum - proposed zoning law amendment on use of residences as medical offices
1974-05-xx - draft for Association leaflet - referendum on proposed zoning law amendment for medical offices
1974-05-22 - McKownville Improvement Association leaflet - referendum on proposed zoning law amendment for medical offices
1975-05-23 - Knickerbocker News clip - report on result of referendum on proposed zoning law amendment for medical offices
1974-05-23 - Times-Union clip - report on result of referendum on proposed zoning law amendment for medical offices
1974-06-30 - McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda
1974-06-30 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1974-08-13 - McKownville Improvement Association announcement - Town Board hearing on rezoning application for 7 Fuller Road
1974-08-13 - Town Board meeting agenda
1974-08-14 - letter from lawyer for Mrs. Levens (4 Elmwood St) to Town Supervisor - summary of arguments submitted to public hearing
1974-08-14 - letter from Mr Carpinello lawyer for Mrs. Levens (4 Elmwood St) to John Esler
1974-08-29 - Knickerbocker News clip - report of court action pending over residential zoning violation 1461 Western Avenue
1974-09-10 - letter from Guilderland Police chief to John Esler - parking restriction enforcement on Parkwood and Elmwood Streets
1974-09-24 - draft letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - rezoning application for 7 Fuller Road
1974-10-16 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1974-11-08 - Town of Guilderland Zoning Board of Appeals special use permit 33-74 - A Domenico property (now) 344 Fuller Road
1974-12-11 - letter from John Esler to Fred Abele - McKownville Water Advisory Board
1974-12-11 - letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - Harrington's Pond dam failure
1974-12-30 - Questionaire and outline of proposed study of development policy for McKownville

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