McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 1966

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files

1966-67 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list     
1966-01- letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Supervisor - need for lighting, sidewalks, on Fuller Road
1966-02-03 - Turnpike Record clip - water supply, from Watervliet Reservoir; to Three Hills Terrace
1966-02-10 - Turnpike Record clip - Town Board hearing on acquisition of rights by McKownville Water District to Church Pond
1966-02-16 - McKownville Water Advisory Board meeting minutes
1966-03-09 - letter from office of Judge Lawrence H Cooke to McKownville Improvement Association - judgement in firehouse condemnation proceedings
1966-03-10 - Turnpike record clip - Zoning Board decision deferred on Fuller Road apartments
1966-03-14 - letter from NY Fire Insurance Rating Organization to McKownville Improvement Association - fire department rating
1966-03-22 - letter from McKownville Fire Commissioners to NY Fire Insurance Rating Organization - compliance with recommendations
1966-03-28 - letter from NY Fire Insurance Rating Organization to McKownville Fire District Commissioners - acknowlegement of improvements
1966-04-06 - note (from F. Abele) covering copies of McKownville Fire Department documents sent for information to the Improvement Association
1966-04-06 - resume of events during the process of acquiring a site for a new McKownville fire house - written by F. Abele; sent to Town Supervisor
1966-04-13 - Knickerbocker News clip - NY State Health Dept starts legal proceedings to remedy sewage pollution of Krumkill
1966-04-15 - Turnpike Record clip - report of Town Board plans to remedy sewage pollution of Krumkill
1966-04-15 - McKownville Improvement Association memo for Zoning board hearing - special use permit for Old McKownville Schoolhouse property
1966-04-15 - Turnpike Record clip - Zoning board hearing - special use permit for Old McKownville Schoolhouse property
1966-05-06 - McKownville Water Advisory Board report to taxpayers
1966-05-10 - Turnpike Record clip - Town Board hearing on proposed merger of McKownville and Birchmont Water Districts
1966-05-16 - record of meeting of McKownville Improvement Association officers with John Buckhoff, State University Construction
1966-05-17 - nominations for officers and directors McKownville Improvement Association 1966-67
1966-05-17 - McKownville Water Advisory Board report to residents
1966-05-17 - memo to McKownville Improvement Association officers and directors - annual meeting; water districts merger hearing
1966-05-17 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1966-05-17 - notes listing events May 1965 to May 1966 (for president's report to annual meeting)
1966-05-18 - McKownville Improvement Association treasurer's report 1965-66
1966-05-26 - Turnpike Record clip - report of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1966-06-09 - Turnpike Record clip - Colonel Tisdale and his role in the construction of the uptown campus of SUNY Albany
1966-06-20 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to Town Assessor; copy of letter to Association by John D. Havers - Western Ave assessments
1966-06-xx - Times-Union clip - Zoning Board of Appeals; NEBA sandwich shop at Schoolhouse site; special use permit refused
1966-07-14 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to Town Supervisor - request for dead end signs
1966-09-xx - Turnpike Record clip - Town Board hearing, water supply sources
1966-09-30 - Turnpike Record clip - flooding on Hillcrest and Arcadia Avenues
1966-10-28 - Turnpike Record clip - public informational meeting announced for McKownville - sewer district plans
1966-11-03 - Turnpike Record clip - Town sewer plans
1966-11-xx - Turnpike Record clip - report of 10 November Town Board meeting - Fuller Road traffic light; remedy for public hearing omission (McK Water D)
1966-11-17 -  minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1966-11-21 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to Albany County Board of Supervisors - Fuller Road lighting request
1966-11-28 - Knickerbocker News clip - request to Albany County for improved lighting on Fuller Road
1966-12-xx - Turnpike Record article - Joyce Dergerian on old houses near the SUNY Albany campus - Tracey, and Wood Houses
1966 - newspaper clip - Town Historical Committee formed; members named

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