McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 1985
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
1985-86 - McKownville
Improvement Association officers list
1985 - MIA meeting
flyer distribution list
1985-01-03 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - F Abele McKownville news and comment
1985-01-17 -
McKownville Improvement Association announcement - McKown Park
informational public meeting
1985-01-24 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - L Childs McKownville news and comment;
zoning, new Town Park; death of F Abele
1985-02-04 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting minutes
1985-02-08 -
letter from Town Supervisor to DEC Commissioner - McKownville
Reservoir siltation
1985-02-21 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - article by L Childs on proposed
Guilderland zoning law changes
1985-02-21 -
McKownville Improvement Association dinner meeting announcement
1985-03-12 -
letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association
- DEC letter on McKownville Reservoir
1985-03-20 -
letter from Norstar Bank for McKownville Improvement Association
paper drive 18-19 May
1985-03-0x -
Knickerbocker News clip - report on Town Board meeting on rezoning
1985-03-27 -
Knickerbocker News clip - report on Town Board and Planning Board
Route 20 rezoning proposals
1985-04-15 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting minutes
1985-04-17 -
Town ZBA public hearing notice - McKown Grove/ 12 McKown Road
variance and special use permit request
1985-04-23 - draft
letter McKownville Improvement Association to NY DEC - McKown
Grove stream diversion
1985-04-25 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - article on proposed rezoning of
properties on south side of Western Avenue in McKownville
1985-04-25 -
Knickerbocker News clip - article on proposed rezoning of
properties on south side of Western Avenue in McKownville
1985-05-02 -
Knickerbocker News clip - ZBA decision reserved on office building
at McKown Grove
1985-05-07 -
McKownville Improvement Association announcement for Town Board
meeting - Route 20 rezoning
1985-05-07 -
Town Board meeting - Route 20 rezoning listings
1985-05-1x -
Times-Union clip - report of Town Board rezoning decisions
1985-05-13 -
Knickerbocker News clip - report of Town Board rezoning decisions
1985-05-14 -
Knickerbocker News clip - effect of Town ZBA rezoning decision for
proposed Wolanin office building
1985-05-14 -
Knickerbocker News clip - article on Mary Strassburg; rezoning of
1 McKown Road
1985-05-14 -
letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association
- thanks for support in rezoning work
1985-05-xx -
draft letter from McKownville Improvement Association to Town
Supervisor - rezoning achievements
1985-05-15 -
Knickerbocker News clip - report of Town Board proposed rezoning
Church Road to Johnston Road section of Route 20
1985-05-16 -
Knickerbocker News clip - McKown Road property rezoning dispute
1985-05-17 -
Knickerbocker News clip - Route 20 properties rezoning dispute
1985-05-21 -
McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting announcement
1985-05-21 -
McKownville Improvement Association president's report
1985-05-21 -
McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting minutes
1985-06-08 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to SUNYA President
O'Leary - Fuller Road sidewalks and pedestrian safety
1985-10-21 -
letter from Albany County Dept of Health to P Benjamin (25 Wood
Street) - odors from sewage pumping station
1985-11-15 -
Albany Student Press clip - SUNYA field house and Chapel House
proposed land swap
1985-11-xx -
Knickerbocker News clip - McKownville concerns over SUNYA field
house plans
1985-12-04 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting minutes
1985-12-16 -
letter from D Reeb to SUNYA President O'Leary - proposed field
house sites
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