McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 1977
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
1977-78 -
McKownville Improvement Association officers list
1977-01-04 - Town
of Guilderland letter to residents
1977-01-11 -
minutes of McKownville Water Advisory Board meeting
1977-02-02 -
minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1977-02-20 -
minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1977-03-08 -
excerpt from minutes of Town Board meeting - implementation of
McKownville Water District recommendations
1977-03-22 -
announcement flyer for McKownville Improvement Association public
1977-03-22 -
McKownville Improvement Association announcement - water district
consolidation referendum petition signature drive
1977-03-25 -
letter from Town Clerk to McKownville Improvement Association -
law for petitions and voting
1977-04-05 -
sample referendum petition and completed signature and affidavit
1977-04-07 -
public letter from Fred Abele to residents of McKownville -
information and opinion on water district consolidation
1977-04-07 -
Town of Guilderland public memorandum to residents of McKownville
and Westmere - information on water district consolidation
1977-04-22 -
public letter from Town Supervisor to voters of McKownville and
Westmere - information on water district consolidation
1977-05-01 -
announcement from McKownville Improvement Association to voters of
McKownville - water district consolidation referendum vote
1977-05-03 -
public letter from McKownville Improvement Association to voters
of McKownville - water district consolidation referendum vote
1977-05-05 -
Times-Union clip - report on result of McKownville-Westmere water
districts consolidation referendum
1977-05-06 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - report on result of
McKownville-Westmere water districts consolidation referendum
1977-xx-xx -
draft materials for letters to NY DEC - objections to
McKownville-Westmere water district consolidation
1977-05-08 -
notes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1977-05-10 -
notes for remarks by John Esler to Town Board meeting - water
districts referendum and request for information
1977-05-10 - Town
Board meeting agenda
1977-06-03 -
Altamont Enterprise clip - plan for rezoning along Western Avenue
and Carman Road - informal hearing announced
1977-06-06 - J
K Fraser study submitted to Town Water Dept Superintendent -
renovation needs of McKownville Water District facilities
1977-06-16 -
draft of Town zoning law revisions presented at informal public
hearing - professional office zone proposed
1977-06-16 -
notes by John Esler on Town zoning law revisions presented at
informal public hearing
1977-06-28 -
memo from Fred Abele to McKownville Water Advisory board members -
cover letter for study of renovation estimates
1977-08-16 -
invitation for public inspection of existing zoning maps of
Western Avenue and Carman Road
1977-08-24 -
memo from Town Water Superintendent to town Supervisor - Westmere
and McKownville Water Districts production and costs for 1976
1977-08-25 -
letter from Town Supervisor to McKownville Improvement Association
- Westmere and McKownville Water Districts production and costs
1977-09-12 -
memorandum by Don Reeb on water district taxes in McKownville
1977-09-19 -
announcement flyer for McKownville Improvement Association public
1977-09-19 - minutes
of McKownville Improvement Association public meeting
1977-10-04 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to NY DOT
Commissioner - request for information on Western Avenue highway
1977-10-07 -
letter from Albany County Executive to McKownville Improvement
Association - Western Avenue highway project
1977-10-11 -
Helderberg Sun clip - announcement of McKownville Improvement
Association public meeting on Western Avenue highway project
1977-10-11 -
announcement flyer McKownville Improvement Association public
meeting on Western Avenue highway project
1977-10-13 -
Knickerbocker News clip - report of McKownville Improvement
Association public meeting on Western Avenue highway project
1977-10-14 -
memo from Town Director of Recreation to McKownville Improvement
Association - skating on McKownville Reservoir
1977-10-20 -
letter from Senator Howard Nolan to McKownville Improvement
Association - Western Avenue highway project
1977-10-24 -
note from Town Director of Recreation to McKownville Improvement
Association - request for statement of interest in park at McKown
1977-10-26 -
letter from US Rep. S. Stratton to McKownville Improvement
Association - Western Avenue highway project
1977-11-03 -
announcement flyer for McKownville Improvement Association public
1977-11-15 -
letter from Guilderland Conservation Advisory Council to NY DEC -
recreational fishing in McKownville Reservoir
1977-11-18 -
letter from Town Director of Recreation to Attorney L. Dempf -
construction of outdoor skating rink at McKown Grove
1977-11-28 -
memorandum from McKownville Improvement Association (by John
Esler) on Western Avenue highway project
1977-11-30 -
Schenectady Gazette clip - Western Avenue highway project
proposals, public meetings
1977-12-13 -
Helderberg Sun clip - Western Avenue highway widening project
1977-12-13 -
Helderberg Sun clip - opinions on Western Avenue highway widening
1977-12-16 -
letter from Town Supervisor to NY DOT - Western Avenue highway
1977-12-17 -
letter from NY Assembly member Fred Field to NY DOT - Western
Avenue highway project improvements
1977-12-30 -
letter from County Legislator Donald Munn to McKownville
Improvement Association - Western Avenue highway project
1977-12-xx -
Memorandum to residents from McKownville Improvement Association -
Ten reasons to oppose Crossgates
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