McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 1968

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files

1968-69 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list     
1968-01-09 - Knickerbocker News clip - report of Town Board meeting - zoning change request 1520 Western Avenue
1968-01-11 - memo to Association board members - public hearing on Birchmont and McKownville Water Districts merger; 1520 Western Ave rezone
1968-01-13 - notice of Town Board decision - extension of McKownville Lighting District
1968-01-18 - Turnpike Record clip - public hearing on Birchmont and McKownville Water Districts merger
1968-01-18 - Turnpike Record clip - zoning change request 1520 Western Avenue
1968-03-13 - Knickerbocker News clip - zoning ordinance change restricting locations of filling stations
1968-03-15 - Altamont Enterprise clips - legal notices of zoning ordinance changes for office buildings, filling stations
1968-04-02 - minutes of McKownville Water Advisory Board meeting
1968-04-02 - outline map of Stuyvesant Plaza and McKownville Reservoir area
1968-04-10 - Turnpike Record clip - Zoning Board approves Executive Park office tower
1968-04-26 - memo to Association board members - notice of annual meeting; notice of Town public hearings
1968-05-02 - Turnpike Record clip - Zoning Board hearing on application for restaurant at 1520 Western Avenue
1968-05-21 - announcement notice of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1968-05-21 - McKownville Water Advisory Board report to residents
1968-05-21 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting
1968-05-21 - report of McKownville Improvement Association annual meeting (including part of clip from Turnpike Record)
1968-05-21 - H Prytherch outgoing president - note of thanks to pastor of Christ Lutheran Church
1968-08-29 - Turnpike Record clip - legal notice public hearing - Stuyvesant Plaza parking
1968-09-13 - legal notice - Town dog leash, noise, nuisance ordinance
1968-09-16 - Knickerbocker News clip - Intermunicipal cooperation agreement, sewage treatment
1968-09-26 - Turnpike Record clip - McKownville Fire Dept annual picnic at McKown Grove
1968-09-26 - Turnpike Record clip - Town agreement with City of Albany on sewage treatment (includes McKownville Sewer District history) 
1968-09-27 - report by Fred Abele to Association board members on McKownville water and fire services
1968-09-27 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association board meeting
1968-10-01 - letter to Town Supervisor from McKownville Improvement Association - support for acquiring Tawasentha Park
1968-10-09 - Knickerbocker News clip - report of Town Board meeting - purchase of Tawasentha Park
1968-10-18 - Times-Union clip - homage for Mrs Jesse Sandige
1968-11-29 - Knickerbocker News clip - Town Board sewer district study authorized
1968-12-11 - Schenectady Gazette clip - report of Town Board meeting - McKownville water tank; Elmwood St one-way restriction hearing
1968-12-11 - notice of McKownville Improvement Association public meeting - sewer lines construction
1968-12-11 - minutes of McKownville Improvement Association meeting
1968-12-12 - Knickerbocker News clip - report of Association meeting on sewer system construction
1968-12-19 - Knickerbocker News clip - Zoning Board hearing - special use permit for restaurant at 1244 Western Avenue
1968-xx-xx - Turnpike Record clip - land between Thruway and Church Road zoning for auction

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