McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 2009
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
Association meeting announcements, minutes, reports, public
hearing announcements
2009-10 - McKownville
Improvement Association officers list
2009-02-24 - D
Reeb memo to board members - Fuller Road and Nanotech site
2009-03-16 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting
2009-03-16 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2009-03-30 -
McKownville Improvement Association street tree planting program
2009-04-16 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2009-04-16 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2009-05-08 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement - Town
Traffic Safety Committee, parking rules [maps of
existing signage]
2009-05-28 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2009-05-28 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2009-06-02 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda
2009-09-23 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2009-09-23 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2009-09-30 -
McKownville Improvement Association street tree planting program
2009-10-01 -
McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda
2009-10-22 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2009-10-22 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2009-11-19 -
McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2009-11 - list of
accomplishments of McKownville Improvement Association since 2000
Association correspondence
2009-01-12 - Save
the Pine Bush email to subscribers - Albany Common Council meeting
on rezoning proposed hotel site
2009-01-29 - D
Reeb email to McKownville residents - area food pantries
2009-02-06 - D
Hershberg letter to SUNYA FRMC director - drainage conditions of
Freedom Quad and CNSE
2009-02-06 -
McKownville Improvement Association letter to NY DOT - drain
collapse on Rt. 20 adjacent to 1445 Western Avenue
2009-02-12 -
McKownville Improvement Association email to SUNYA VP Facilities
Management - drainage from Freedom Quad and CNSE
2009-02-23 - NY
DOT letter to McKownville Improvement Association - drain collapse
on Rt. 20 adjacent to 1445 Western Avenue
2009-03 - D Reeb
letter to McKownville residents - Stimulus funds and funding for
McKownville storm drain replacement
2009-03-19 - D
Reeb observations on stormwater runoff from SUNY nanotech site
2009-03-31 - J
Kavaney email to D Reeb - groundwater situation in McKownville
2009-04-01 - D
Reeb email to J Burger - Stuyvesant Plaza stormwater
2009-04-28 - A
Parsons email to D Reeb - board meeting; parking
2009-05-03 - A
Behn email to D Reeb - parking on side streets
2009-05-03 - J White
email to D Reeb - parking, emergency vehicle access on side
2009-05-05 -
Assemblymember J McEneny letter to NY Governor Paterson - stimulus
funding for McKownville storm drain project
2009-05-05 - NY
DOT email to McKownville Improvement Association - restoration
next to pedestrian crossing installations at Norwood and Parkwood
2009-05-14 -
Senator N Breslin letter to EFC Director - support for Stimulus
funding for McKownville storm drain project
2009-06-05 -
McKownville Improvement Association email to residents -
newsletter and request for funds
2009-06-08 - D
Reeb email to MIA board members - unresolved issues and questions
2009-06-08 -
McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - burglary
on Westlyn
2009-06-09 - D
Reeb email to MIA board members - Outstanding Citizen Awards
[T Delaney]
[K Taboro and
M Hoffman]
2009-06-25 -
EFC Director letter to D Czaposs - McKownville storm sewer funding
2009-07-06 - D
Reeb email to MIA board members - Town Board meeting agenda items
Town Board agenda]
2009-07-08 -
Stuyvesant Plaza president letter to Town Supervisor - MOUA for
McKownville Reservoir drainage improvements
2009-08-01 -
McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - flooded
with robocalls
2009-08-19 -
Dormitory Authority of NY letter to D Czaposs - Grant disbursement
for McKownville Reservoir park construction
2009-09-22 -
McKownville Improvement Association memo to SUNYA president -
public meeting held 17 September
2009-10-14 - D
Reeb email to J Cuniff and others - proposed new SUNYA dormitory
Newspaper clippings and other documents
2009-01-14 -
Guilderland Spotlight - overview of proposed Glass Works Village
2009-02-26 - Altamont
Enterprise - Rapp Road Historic District and history
2009-02-26 - NY
DEC Consent Order - violations found by DEC inspection of CNSE
2009-02-26 - Times-Union - Nanotech chip packaging research center
2009-03-04 -
Guilderland Spotlight - Stimulus fund Albany County infrastructure
2009-03-12 - Altamont Enterprise - McKownville surface water runoff,
2009-03-18 -
Guilderland Spotlight - SUNYA public meeting report - planned
developments, traffic, drainage, neighborhood effects
2009-03-22 -
Times Union - Nanotech expansion (Kaloyeros joking?)
2009-03-22 - Times-Union - Crossgates mall after 25 years
2009-04-02 - Altamont
Enterprise - NY infrastructure stimulus funds - includes item
on McKownville flooding and storm drains
2009-04-02 -
Altamont Enterprise - S Cummings letter to editor - Albany
landfill stench and extension
2009-04-05 - Times-Union - funding sought for extended studies of
Colonie NL site depleted uranium contamination
2009-04-08 -
Guilderland Spotlight - Stimulus funds sought for Guilderland
stormwater projects
2009-04-15 -
Guilderland Spotlight - D Reeb letter to editor - McKownville
flooding and stormwater drainage
2009-05-14 -
Altamont Enterprise - M Harausz letter to editor - Traffic Safety
Committee meeting on side street parking
2009-06-24 -
Guilderland Spotlight - bids sought for McKownville Reservoir
flood remediation contract
2009-07-01 - Guilderland
Spotlight - Albany landfill expansion
2009-07-02 - Altamont
Enterprise - Guilderland landfill choices
2009-07-02 - Altamont
Enterprise - Town Zoning code review committee appointed
2009-07-08 -
Guilderland Spotlight - Town stormwater projects
2009-07-22 -
Guilderland Spotlight - Engineering studies approved for
McKownville and Curry Road stormwater projects
2009-09-27 - Times-Union - Stuyvesant Plaza 50th anniversary
2009-10-10 - D
Trees meeting announcement for Ayre Drive neighbors - meet the
Town election candidates
2009-11-25 -
Guilderland Spotlight - SUNYA dormitory location
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