McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 2008

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files

Association meeting announcements, minutes, reports, public hearing announcements
2008-09 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list
2008-01-27 - McKownville Improvement Association board meeting minutes
2008-02-28 - McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda, news items  
2008-03-27 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement

2008-03-30 - McKownville Improvement Association street tree planting program flyer
2008-04-10 - McKownville Improvement Association board meeting minutes
2008-05-21 - Town ZBA public hearing notice - 1436 Western Avenue continuation of non-conforming use as garage business [ZBA agenda]
2008-05-22 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2008-05-22 - McKownville Improvement Association candidates
2008-08-05 - Town Highway Dept survey form - drainage and sidewalk problems in McKownville
2008-09-05 - McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda  
2008-09-18 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2008-09-30 - McKownville Improvement Association street tree planting program flyer  
2008-10-23 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement

2008-10-23 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2008-11-13 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2008-11-13 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda 

Association correspondence
2008-02-11 - McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - March public meeting agenda
2008-02-12 - Town Board meeting minutes (first page) - public comments by D Smith, and by D Reeb in support of Town officials
2008-02-15 - Town ZBA document for variance request - reconstruction of Mangia restaurant, Stuyvesant Plaza
                      [picture pre-dating changes]  [pictures after reconstruction] [new interior]
2008-03-01 - D Reeb email to board members - draft of letter to Altamont Enterprise defending Town Assessor 
2008-03-04 - D Reeb statement to Town Board meeting - tax assessments, political posturing, and unfounded criticisms of the Town tax assessor
2008-03-11 - D Reeb email to S Townsend - plans for Mangia restaurant at Stuyvesant Plaza
2008-03-12 - Town Planning Board meeting agenda - includes Mangia restaurant reconstruction
2008-03-13 - D Reeb email to McKownville residents - Mangia restaurant reconstruction 
2008-03-14 - E Swyer letter to Town Supervisor - McKownville Reservoir and Western Avenue flooding
2008-04-21 - D Reeb email to D Bosworth - storm drains, water pipe renewal; other neighborhood items  
2008-04-28 - D Reeb email to T Gordon - local Thruway tolls and plans for highway rearrangements 
2008-05-19 - D Reeb email to R Brustman - Fuller Road reconstruction project and Interstate highway connections
2008-05-26 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to Town ZBA - 1436 Western Ave 
2008-05-28 - McKownville Improvement Association email to Albany County Dept of Highways - plans for Fuller Road reconstruction
2008-07-02 - McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - Barber's Farm stand operating from today 
2008-07-14 - D Reeb memo to McKownville Improvement Association board members - McKownville storm drains, blockages and collapse holes 
2008-08-07 - McKownville Improvement Association memo to residents - Town drainage survey, storm and ground water flooding  
2008-08-26 - D Reeb letter to editor Guilderland Spotlight - appreciation of Town of Guilderland efforts to remediate storm drain problems
2008-09 - Summary of 232 responses to neighborhood survey of drainage and sidewalks
2008-09-30 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to Assembly member J McEneny - McKownville storm and groundwater
2008-10-03 - McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - Thruway noise barriers and reconstruction plans 
2008-11-08 to -13 - messages to D Reeb concerning parking regulations on Parkwood, Glenwood, Norwood Streets
                    [P Slavik] [D Doak] [L Stanziano] [R Irvin] [J Carr] [J Robinson] [A Behn] [H Temps] [A Dugan] [M Hoyle]
2008-11-12 - McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - meeting reminder, agenda, 13 November 
2008-11-20 - D Reeb email to D Hartzell - reply to message on McKownville house insulation improvements 
Newspaper clippings and other documents  
2008-04-02 - Guilderland Spotlight - Assembly bill to make local Thruway toll-free  
2008-04-03 - Altamont Enterprise - Town Planning Board approve McKown Road subdivision (Strassburg lot)
2008-05-08 -  Albany County DPW announcement of public meeting - plans for Fuller Road reconstruction
2008-07-02 - Barber's Farm leaflet 
2008-08-01 - leaflet from E Potter memorial plaque dedication at Union College - contains SUNYA Potter Club information
2008-11-27 - Altamont Enterprise - report of SUNYA plans presented at McKownville Improvement Association meeting 
2008 - outline plan for restaurant on former L'Ecole site at Stuyvesant Plaza (not implemented)
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