Grave site locations of McKowns and some other McKownville families at Prospect Hill Cemetery, Guilderland, NY

William Mckown memorial at Prospect
The McKownville McKowns are, most of them, now buried in the Prospect Hill Cemetery in Guilderland.
Some of them were originally interred in a family burial plot behind McKown's hotel in McKownville. Those remains and gravestones were moved in 1865 and the remains were reburied at Prospect Hill. New stones and two adjacent memorial columns were installed, one for the family of William McKown, the other for the family of his brother Absalom McKown. The old gravestones did not complete the journey and, it was revealed in 1973, were used to improve the floor of the cellar of an old house near Prospect Hill.

 William McKown's family memorial at Prospect Hill.

Google Earth image of the area of Prospect Hill Cemetery, Guilderland, NY
showing locations of the graves of the McKown and some other families who lived in McKownville [Google Earth kml file for these points]
Grave site
      locations of McKowns and some other McKownville families at
      Prospect Hill Cemetery, Guilderland, NY

McKowns who moved into the city of Albany ended up, many of them, in Albany Rural Cemetery.
A few others are in Oakwood Cemetery in Troy, Greenbush Reformed Church Cemetery, and Mountain View Cemetery in Castleton NY.

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