Grave site location of James H McKown and Julia Campbell in Mountain View Cemetery, Castleton NY

James McKown inscription on Campbell
      memorial, Castleton NY
James H McKown (1824-1872) was a grandson of Robert McKown of Cherry Valley.
James married Julia Campbell, who was the step-daughter of Robert's brother James McKown (1745-1812)

  James H McKown inscription on Campbell memorial, Mountain View Cemetery, Castleton NY.
  He was originally buried in Albany Rural Cemetery in the lot where his parents lie;
  his remains and his gravestone were moved to Castleton in 1909.


Google Earth image of the Mountain View Cemetery, Castleton NY
showing location of James McKown's gravestone and the Campbell memorial  [Google Earth kml file for this point]
location of McKown grave in
      Mountain View Cemetery

James H McKown's mother-in-law and stepfather-in-law (James McKown) are buried in the Greenbush Reformed Church Cemetery, East Greenbush NY.
William McKown and descendants who lived in McKownville are mostly in Prospect Hill Cemetery
Some others, related through Robert McKown, are in Albany Rural Cemetery.

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