McKownville Improvement Association

Documents Archive of the Association - 2016

scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all document links are to scan image pdf files

Association meeting announcements, minutes, reports, public hearing announcements
2016-2017 - McKownville Improvement Association officers list
2016-03-02 - Town ZBA public hearing notice - SU Permit for deck at 1238 Western Ave (Across the Street Pub)  
2016-03-10 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2016-03-10 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda 
2016-04-14 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement  [revised announcement]  
2016-05-10 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement

2016-06-20 - Albany Common Council public hearing - rezoning of Loughlin Street
2016-06-21 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2016-06-21 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2016-09-15 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement
2016-09-15 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting agenda
2016-09-26 - McKownville Improvement Association board meeting agenda
2016-09-28 - Town ZBA public hearing notice - variance request for storage containers at McKown Grove (12 McKown Rd)   
2016-10-20 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement 
2016-11-07 - Albany Common Council public hearing - rezoning of Loughlin Street
2016-11-17 - McKownville Improvement Association meeting announcement 
Association correspondence
2016-01-07 - P Fahy email to D Reeb - forwarded email from SUNYA on provision of tour of former Holt-Harris property
2016-01-07 - University at Albany Foundation letter to McKownville residents - meeting on purchased Holt-Harris property
2016-01-19 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to NY Deputy Commissioner Historic Preservation - Holt-Harris property
2016-02-02 - Town of Guilderland resolution on future use of former Holt-Harris property 
2016-02-02 - McKownville Improvement Association statement in support of Town Board resolution on Holt-Harris property
2016-02-02 - McKownville residents statements in support of Town Board resolution on Holt-Harris property  
2016-02-02 - McKownville Improvement Association position statement on use of former Holt-Harris property
                        [position statement signature form]
2016-02-22 - HinmanStraub letter to McKownville Improvement Association - denial of applicability of FOIL request for UA Foundation records
2016-02-22 - McKownville Improvement Association email to residents - Across the Street Pub application to ZBA for deck SUPermit 
2016-03-14 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to Albany County Executive - SUNYA use of former Holt-Harris property 
2016-03-14 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to University Council chair - SUNYA use of former Holt-Harris property  
2016-03-16 - UA Foundation letter to McKownville residents - McKownville Fire Dept training using houses in former Holt-Harris property 
2016-03-24 - Independent Benevolent Society president email to D Reeb - Jewish cemeteries on Fuller Road and SUNYA, SUNY Poly encroachments
2016-03-31 - SUNY General Counsel letter to McKownville Improvement Association - receipt of letter on use of former Holt-Harris property
2016-04-xx - D Reeb email to McKownville Improvement Association board members - meeting with Columbia Development president
2016-06-08 - D Reeb letter to Senior Planner, Albany County DPW - land use and rezoning of Loughlin Street 
2016-06-16 - L Schechter (president Independent Benevolent Society) letter to Albany County DPW - land use and rezoning of Loughlin Street
2016-06-16 - D Reeb notes for Albany County Planning Board hearing - considerations required under State law
2016-06-16 - McKownville Improvement Association statement to Albany County Planning Board hearing - proposed rezoning of Loughlin Street  
2016-06-20 - D Reeb statement to Albany Common Council public hearing - proposed rezoning of Loughlin Street
2016-07-xx - email to D Reeb (author not named) - comments on the expanded environmental assessment for Sandidge Way Apartments  
2016-07-07 - McKownville Improvement Association statement to Albany Common Council public hearing - proposed rezoning of Loughlin Street  
2016-07-21 - Albany County Planning Board notification - disapproval of Loughlin Street/Sandidge Way Apartments rezone
2016-07-23 - Guilderland Food Pantry letter to McKownville Improvement Association - arrangements for donations 
2016-08-13 - McKownville Improvement Association letter to Assemblyman F Commisso - Loughlin/Sandidge rezoning 
2016-08-29 - E Manning email to D Reeb - plaque for Sue Brown memorial rock  [picture of rock installed at McKownville Reservoir Park 2016-03-14]
2016-09-08 - J Carleo-Evangelist email to McKownville Improvement Association - UA Foundation transfers ownership of Holt-Harris land to SUNYA
2016-09-13 - J White email to D Reeb - Fire House renovation public meeting; special election for funding approval
2016-09-20 - NY DOT letter to D Hershberg - access design and lane closure time/date restrictions for 1206-1210 Western Avenue
2016-09-xx - D Reeb statement to Albany County Planning Board - Loughlin St rezoning
2016-10-xx - Say NO to rezoning of Sandidge Way flyer - contact Albany mayor and Common Council president 
2016-10-15 - D Reeb email to MIA board and invited participants - arrangements for meet the candidates meeting 
2016-11-07 - McKownville Improvement Association statement to Albany Common Council - rezoning of Sandidge Way property
2016-11-07 - T Lieberman letter to Albany Common council president - sample letter of 23 from Albany residents submitted requesting no zoning change
2016-11-07 - notes (author not named) for remarks to Albany Common council hearing on Sandidge Way rezoning
2016-11-09 - P Barber email to D Reeb - amounts and sources of grants for McKownville Drainage improvements
2016-12-04 - D Reeb emails to Gazebo committee/group - meeting to discuss design  [Vorheesville design plans] [images of gazebos near and far]
2016-12-19 - Guilderland Town Supervisor letter and document sent to Albany County DPW Planner - comments on Sandidge Way property rezoning proposal
2016-12-20 - D Reeb statement to Albany County Planning Board hearing - Sandidge Way property rezoning proposal
Newspaper clippings and other documents  
2016-xx-xx - Times-Union - private dorm proposed on Washington Ave across from SUNYA next to I-90 exit ramp
2016-01-13 - Times-Union - report on UA Foundation meeting with McKownville residents concerning former Holt-Harris property   
2016-01-14 - Altamont Enterprise - UA Foundation meeting with McKownville residents and tour of former Holt-Harris property
2016-01 - CD Spotlight - LaGrange Farm in Slingerlands and LaGrange family history 
2016-01-28 - Altamont Enterprise - fire destroys 7 Ayre Drive; family saved by volunteer firemen  [AE 2016-02-18 - started as kitchen fire]
2016-02-04 - Altamont Enterprise - Town Board meeting report, including resolution passed on future use of former Holt-Harris property
2016-03-29 - Times-Union - property tax assessment dispute by out-of-state owners of new apartment block in Harriman Campus area 
2016-04-07 - Times-Union - 170 apartments planned at Loughlin St in Columbia Development land sale to Dawn Homes  
2016-04-19 - Albany Student Press - Fuller Road Jewish cemeteries and adjacent land acquisitions 
2016-04-20 - D Reeb manuscript on the history of the four houses once existing on the Holt-Harris property
                            [Holt-Harris site plan] [tax map lots] [2015 picture of Nicholas Lane house exterior] [1966 Tpk Record article1; article 2]
2016-04-27 - Site plan of proposed building replacement at 1210 Western Avenue
2016-05-xx - minutes of Town Planning board public hearing on replacement of building on 1206-1210 Western Avenue
2016-05-04 - Times-Union - State Attorney General probing SUNY Poly dorm project
2016-05-05 - NY Post - article text on State Attorney General investigating possible bid-rigging in SUNY Poly dorm project
2016-05-05 - Times-Union - State Attorney General investigating possible bid-rigging in SUNY Poly dorm project
2016-05-05 - Altamont Enterprise - University demolishes Holt-Harris houses; future plans for property unclear 
2016-05-27 - Times-Union - SUNY Poly offices searched by investigators of the State Attorney General
2016-05-31 - Expanded full environmental assessment - Sandidge Way Apartments (extracts on: water; storm water; traffic, operation/maintenance) 
2016-06-21 - Times-Union - report on Common Council meeting on proposed rezoning of Loughlin Street (renamed Sandidge Way) 
2016-06-23 - Altamont Enterprise - report on Albany Common Council meeting - proposed rezoning and Sandidge Way apartments
2016-07-24 - Times-Union - Loughlin Street land use; need for apartments in Albany 
2016-08-01 - Times-Union - Columbia Development sells Sandidge Way property to Tri-City Rentals for $4.5M; about $1 million profit 
2016-08-22 - City of Albany zoning map covering the area adjacent to McKownville 
2016-09-08 - C Waterman letter to editor - Loughlin/Sandidge apartments unlikely to raise much revenue for the City  
2016-09-11 - Times-Union - D Reeb letter to editor - Albany Planning Board right to recommend against Loughlin St rezoning [text as submitted]
2016-10-02 - Times-Union - editorial on ominous large debt of SUNY Poly
2016-10-04 - McKownville Fire Dept proposed addition/renovations plan and budget brochure for public meeting      
2016-12 - Special Use Permit application for Promenade assisted living facility at 1228 Western Avenue (former Best Western hotel)

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