1438 Western Avenue as Huck
      Finn's Pottery store in late 1960's
1438 Western Avenue converted to Huckleberry Finn's Pottery store, photo taken in late 1960's; view southeast from Western Avenue.
[contributed by Don Reeb and The Warehouse at Huck Finn]

This Queen Anne-style house was probably built in 1890, for Thomas Helme, the doctor. It was to the same design as the house built in 1887 for William McKown on the other side of McKown Road at the Western Avenue intersection.  In 1900 this house was bought by George and Ida Manville; the photo below shows the house about 1917 with the two Manville daughters posed in front. Nicholas and Florence Crouse bought the house in 1920 and sold to the Huckleberry Finn business in 1964. After being used by the Huckleberry Finn housewares and furniture business, the house was destroyed in 1981 and replaced by a utilitarian paint store. This in turn met the same fate in 2019, demolished and replaced by a medical "urgent" care building.
McKown's house, moved a short distance and now 1 McKown Road, is still standing.
1438 Western Avenue
      in 1917
1438 Western Avenue seen from the corner of McKown Road. The home of George and Ida Manville when the picture was taken, about 1917; the children are probably Helen and Jeanette Manville. [picture from the files of the Guilderland Historical Society]

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