Grave site location of Catherine McKown and children in Carlisle
Rural Cemetery, Carlisle NY

Catherine McKown (1797-1881) was the youngest child of William
McKown of McKownville.
Catherine married Samuel Colclough, who died before 1843 and
has no visible stone or inscription at Carlisle.
Catherine Colclough (nee McKown) inscription on Bergh
memorial, Carlisle Rural Cemetery, Carlisle NY.
The inscription is on the back of the memorial; the front
commemorates her younger daughter Elizabeth (1837-1922) and husband
William D Bergh.
Her eldest child, Catherine Colclough (1833-1894), who did not
marry, has a small gravestone next to her mother in this plot.
Her son William Colclough (1835-1914) and his wife Elvira Young have
a separate memorial in this cemetery.
Google Earth image of the Carlisle Rural Cemetery, Carlisle NY
showing location of Catherine McKown's gravestone and the William
Colclough memorial [Google Earth kml file for this place]

Catherine's older brothers, John A McKown (1787-1870) and Absalom
McKown (1788-1831), and her father William McKown (1763-1843) and
mother Catherine Sprung (1756-1841) are now buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery,
Guilderland NY.
Other cousins, related through her uncle Robert McKown, are in Albany Rural Cemetery,
and her uncle James McKown is in the Greenbush Reformed Church
Cemetery, East Greenbush NY.
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