McKownville Improvement Association
Documents Archive of the Association - 2001
scanned from documents preserved and provided by Don Reeb; all
document links are to scan image pdf files
2001-02 - McKownville
Improvement Association officers list
2001-08-07 -
Town of Guilderland Comprehensive Plan 2000 - McKownville
2001-10 -
Capital District Transportation Committee Request for Proposals -
McKownville Corridor Study
2001-09-16 -
letter from D Hartzell (10 Glenwood St) to neighbors -
Glenwood-Parkwood alley
2001-10-01 -
letter from M and S Harausz (1445 Western Ave) to neighbors -
Glenwood-Parkwood alley
2001-10-02 -
McKownville Improvement Association public meeting announcement
2001-10-11 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to SUNYA President
- thanks for presentations to MIA meeting
2001-10-16 - letter
from McKownville Improvement Association to Town Zoning Board of
Appeals - 1206-1210 Western Ave
2001-11-08 - letter
from McKownville Improvement Association to Capital District
Transportation Committee - McKownville Corridor Study
2001-11-08 -
memo from McKownville Improvement Association to McKownville
residents - ZBA hearing on 1206-1210 Western Ave
2001-11-09 - memo
from D Reeb to MIA board members - actions on McKownville Corridor
Study, and ZBA hearing on 1206-1210 Western Ave
2001-11-16 - MIA
flyer to McKownville residents - McKownville Corridor Study and
potential widening of Western Avenue
2001-11-27 -
letter from McKownville Improvement Association to SUNYA VP -
1206-1210 Western Ave
2001-12-12 -
agenda for McKownville Improvement Association public meeting
2001-12-12 -
McKownville Improvement Association public meeting flyer
[2-page meeting
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