Information on signage variance request for 1438 Western Avenue
- WellNow medical building
The property is zoned LB (local business).
Section 280-26 of the Town Code sets forth the following signage
restrictions for properties located in LB districts:
"The following signs may be permitted:
(1) A maximum of two signs per business shall be allowed.
(2) The maximum total area for allowed signage shall be the lesser
of 50% of the lot width or 50 square feet in the LB, GB, I and IP
District, or 30 square feet in the BNRP District."
In addition to a free-standing sign, the applicant proposes to place
signs on three sides of the building.
Instead of the maximum permissible size of 50 square feet, the
applicant proposes a total of 308 square feet of signage.
To view the application and renderings please visit the Town's
website at:
The request will be presented at the Wednesday January 15 meeting of
the Zoning Board of Appeals.
This public meeting will take place at 7:00 pm at Guilderland Town
Hall, in the Town Board meeting room on the first floor.
Letters on ZBA items should be sent to: Thomas Remmert, Chairman of
the Zoning Board of Appeals, Town Hall, Route 20 P.O. Box 339
Guilderland, NY 12084-0339
Phone: (518) 356-1980, ext. 1069
Fax: (518) 357-2859
(Jacqueline Coons - Chief Building and Zoning Inspector)
The board members of the McKownville Improvement Association
strongly and unanimously oppose this request.
If allowed, this enormous amount of signage would damage the
predominantly residential character of our neighborhood and set an
unacceptable precedent for current and future establishments along
Western Avenue, our “Main Street”.
See below for pictures illustrating the signage on WellNow
facilities, and their situation in commercial neighborhoods
elsewhere in the NY Capital Region.

WellNow building at 1438 Western Ave - present condition

Signage on a WellNow building like that proposed

Freestanding lighted sign at Clifton Park

Building sign at Clifton Park

Views from WellNow facilites at Balltown Road, and in Clifton Park -
wholly commercial districts
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