McKownville Improvement Association
- plaques for the contributing houses of the 1912 Country Club Highlands subdivision Historic District

Houses in Historic Districts customarily may display a plaque on the facade, giving some information about the house. The building date is commonly prominent, and the name of the house based on the name(s) of the first owner(s) may be included. The sponsoring organization, or the name of the Historic District may also be shown. Some may include an indication of the profession, or some distinctive achievement, of the first or an early occupant.
Here are examples from the City of Albany, where the Historic Albany Foundation has sponsored a house plaque program.
Historic Albany house
      plaqueHistoric Albany house
      plaqueHistoric Albany house plaque

The McKownville Improvement Association is considering sponsoring a house plaque program for the McKownville - Country Club Highlands Historic District. Two draft plaque designs are shown below, based on the more recent Historic Albany example.
Sponsorship would be just for the design, and coordinating the orders; this would reduce by 15% the price charged by the manufacturer to an individual homeowner who wishes to install one.
For the smaller (7" by 5½") design shown below, a recently quoted price would be $203 in bronze, or ~$164 in aluminium.
For the larger (9" by 7") design shown next below, prices would be about $238 in bronze, or $191 in aluminium.
The smaller design requires some abbreviation of the Historic District title, because a minimum lettering height (¼inch) is required for the text to be legible from the casting process.
house plaque
        draft design McKownville CCH
A larger oval 9 by 7 inches across would permit more text and information to be shown, but would cost more, and is perhaps too large in scale for houses in our Historic District. Here is one example:
        plaque draft design McKownville CCH
The two designs above are each linked to a letter-size pdf page which will show the plaque at full size when printed (click on either image).

Differently colored backgrounds are possible.
house plaque
      draft design McKownville CCH - grey groundhouse plaque draft
      design McKownville CCH - blue groundxx
Sets of images using the smaller draft design for plaques for each of the contributing houses in the McKownville - Country Club Highlands Historic District are shown on these pages:
Western Avenue | Waverly Place | Norwood Street | Glenwood Street | Parkwood Street | Elmwood Street
Sets of images using the larger draft design for plaques for each of the contributing houses in the McKownville - Country Club Highlands Historic District are shown on these pages:
Western Avenue | Waverly Place | Norwood Street | Glenwood Street | Parkwood Street | Elmwood Street
A list of the occupancy and date information used to make these designs
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