McKownville Improvement Association
- Recommended trees and shrubs for McKownville

      McKownville LogoThe lists below were compiled by Laura Barry, using professional sources and with regard to the local climate zone and soils.
These emphasize trees and shrubs that are native species (marked*) and omit a number of those commonly planted, some of which are now not recommended.
When choosing trees to plant, either along the street verge, or in your garden, it is most important to plant a variety of species, with not more than 10% of the same single species in any area, in order to minimize the chance of infestation and destruction of many trees by some invasive insect or fungus.
An introductory page lists the important practical considerations for making your choices.
We offer references and online resources of some of the sources used to make these selections.
Links in the tables are almost all to pages in the Cornell Woody Plants Database, which show photos of each of these trees.

 - pdf files of these two lists, each formatted for printing on two letter size pages: Trees    Shrubs

Trees and Shrubs for Landscaping: Trees
Scientific Name Common Name Height Width Needs Wildlife Notes/Cultivars
*Acer pensylvanicum Striped maple 20’-30’
Prefers dappled light Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 297 species of Butterflies and Moths Understory tree with red buds and twigs in winter.
*Abies balsamea Balsam fir 15’-40’ 15’-20’ Full sun 6 hrs/partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 117 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars for size, color and form
*Abies concolor White fir 25’-50 15’-20’ Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 117 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars for size and color
*Amelanchier species Serviceberry 8’-25’
Prefers wet soils Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 124 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars, ‘Princess Diana, ‘Prince William’, ‘Autumn Sunset’
*Betula alleghaniensis Yellow birch 60’-75’ 60’-75’ Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 411 species of Butterflies and Moths Needs space
*Betula nigra River birch 25’-40’ 20’ Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 411 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars, mostly for smaller size,‘Shiloh Splash”
*Betula populifolia Gray birch 15’-40’ 10’-20’ Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 411 species of Butterflies and Moths Disease resistant cultivars, smooth white bark
*Betula papyrifera Paper birch, White birch 50’-70’ 20’-45’ Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 411 species of Butterflies and Moths Cultivars for disease resistance, ‘Renci’
*Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud 20’-30’ 25’-35’ 6hrs. daily sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 12 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars for size and color and form, ‘Lavender Twist’ (weeping), ‘Ace of Hearts’ (dwarf)
*Chionathus virginicus Fringe tree 12’-20’ 12’-20’ Partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds Amazing fragrant blooms, good near buildings and for naturalizing
Cornus x rutgersensis Hybrid flowering dogwood 10’-15’ 10’-20’ Full sun 6 hrs/partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds Pink and white cultivars
*Cornus alternifolia Pagoda dogwood 15’-25’ 20’-30’ Partial shade and protection Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 118 species of Butterflies and Moths Four seasons of interest, a few cultivars
*Cornus florida Flowering dogwood 15’-40’ 20’ 6hrs. daily sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 118 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars for size and color, ‘Cherokee Chief’, ‘Cloud 9’, ‘Red Pygmy’, ‘Sweetwater Red’ (red leaves)
Cornus mas Cornelian-cherry dogwood 20’-25’ 15’-20’ Full sun 6 hrs/partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds Non-native early bloomer. ‘Golden Glory’
Crataegus crus-galli var. inermis Thornless cockspur hawthorn 20’-30’ 20’-35’ Full sun Song Birds, Game Birds, Nesting and Migrating Birds None
*Juniperus virginiana Eastern red cedar 15’-40 8’-20’ Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 42 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars, mostly for smaller size and narrow spread.’Glauca’, only females have fruit.
*Malus spp. Crabapples 10’-20’ Variable Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 309 species of Butterflies and Moths Choose disease resistant cultivars, many sizes and colors, ’Adirondak’, ‘Donald Wyman’, ‘Candymint’
*Nyssa sylvatica Black gum 30’-50’ 20’-30’ Full sun 6 hrs/partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 35 species of Butterflies and Moths One of the most beautiful fall trees. Few cultivars, ‘David Odum, ‘Wildfire’
*Ostrya virginiana American hophornbeam, Ironwood 25’-40’ 15’-40’ Sun/Shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 90 species of Butterflies and Moths Few cultivars. Excellent for naturalizing and understory
*Picea glauca White spruce 40’-60’ 10’-20’ Full sun 6 hrs/partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 150 species of Butterflies and Moths Some cultivars, mostly for size and form
*Pinus rigida Pitch pine 40’-70’ Variable Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 201 species of Butterflies and Moths Native to the pine bush.
*Pinus strobus Eastern white pine 50’-80’ 20’-40’ Full sun 6 hrs/partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 201 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars, mostly for smaller size and spread, ‘Nana’ (dwarf)
*Quercus Alba White oak 50’-80’ Wide Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 557 species of Butterflies and Moths Oaks are the most important native trees, many cultivars for smaller size and spread
*Quercus macrocarpa Bur oak 70’-80’ Stately Full sun Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 557 species of Butterflies and Moths Oaks are the most important native trees, cultivars developed for smaller size and with fewer acorns
*Thuja occidentalis Eastern arborvitae 40’-60’ 10’-15’ Full sun 6 hrs/partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 50 species of Butterflies and Moths Multitude of cultivars for size, shape and color

- pdf file of the list below, formatted for printing on two letter size pages:  Shrubs
Trees and Shrubs for Landscaping: Shrubs
Scientific Name Common Name Height Form Needs Wildife Notes/Cultivars
Aesculus parviflora Bottlebrush buckeye 8’-12’ Multi-stemmed, Thicket forming 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds Great for understory planting, amazing 12” or more flower panicles, cultivars available
*Aronia arbutifola Red chokeberry 5’-8’ Multi-stemmed 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 29 species of Butterflies and Moths Good for naturalizing, ‘Brilliantissma’
*Aronia melanocarpa Black chokeberry 3’-8’ Multi-stemmed, Thicket forming, Rounded 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 29 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars, good for a hedge or naturalizing
*Calycanthus floridus Sweetshrub, Carolina allspice 5’-8’ Multi-stemmed, Thicket forming 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds Amazing fragrance, several cultivars
*Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 6’-12’ Arching, Upright, Irregular 6hrs full sun/ partial shade, moist soil Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 19 species of Butterflies and Moths Fragrant with interesting fruit, many cultivars, ‘Sugar Shack’ is 3’-4’
*Cornus sericea subsp. sericea Red-osier-dogwood 5’-8’ Arching, Multi-stemmed, Round 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 118 species of Butterflies and Moths Stunning red stems, Many cultivars for smaller size and color
*Hamamelis virginiana Witch hazel 6’-8’ Irregular, Upright, Round 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 63 species of Butterflies and Moths Fragrant fall flowers, Cultivars, ‘Penula’ (weeping), ‘Little Susie’ ( 4’-6’)
*Hydrangea arborescens Smooth hydrangea 3’-5' Mounded 6hrs full sun/ partial shade, moist soil/dry Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports at least 1 species of Butterfly and Moth Many cultivars, ‘Annabelle’, ‘Incrediball’, ‘Bella Anna’ (pink)
*Hydrangea quercifola Oak-leafed hydrangea 3’-8’ Irregular, Upright, Mounded 4-6hrs light daily Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds Burgundy fall color, many interesting cultivars
*Ilex glabra Inkberry 5’-8’ Multi-stemmed, Thicket forming, Rounded 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 39 species of Butterflies and Moths Need a male and female for fruit, many cultivars
*Ilex verticillata Common winterberry 3’-8’ Multi-stemmed, Thicket forming, Rounded, Upright 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 39 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars, need male pollinator for females to set berries.
Itea virginica Virginia sweetspire 3’-8’ Multi-stemmed, Arching, Rounded, Upright 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds Many cultivars developed for compact size and fall color, fragrant long lasting white flowers
*Lindera benzoin Common spicebush 5’-8’ Multi-stemmed, Thicket forming, Rounded 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 12 species of Butterflies and Moths Early spring bloomer, high fat content in the fruit is valuable to birds, good for naturalizing
*Myrica pensylvanica Bayberry 5’-8’ Dense, Irregular, Round, Thicket-forming 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 108 species of Butterflies and Moths Semi-evergreen, likes any soil, fragrant berries, need male and female to set fruit, good hedge plant
Physocarpus opulifolius Common ninebark 3’-8’ Arching, Multi-stemmed, Round 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports many species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars developed for compact size, leaf color
*Thuja occidentalis Eastern arborvitae Variable Variable 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 50 species of Butterflies and Moths Small cultivars: ‘Anna’s Magic Ball’ (12”-18”), ‘Hetz Midget’ (3’-4’), ‘Linesville’ (2’-3’) and many others
*Viburnum dentatum Arrowwood viburnum 3’-8’ Arching, Multi-stemmed, Upright 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 104 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars for size, shape and color. Great for naturalizing
*Viburnum opulus var. americium American cranberry-bush 8’-12’ Multi-stemmed, Arching, Rounded, Upright 6hrs full sun/ partial shade Pollinators, Small Mammals, Birds, Supports 104 species of Butterflies and Moths Many cultivars for size and shape

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